
Oct 9, 2004
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I used search function and could not find anything that could really solve my question. Remember how 9800XT was the card of choice for HL2? And that in E3 2003 they used a 9800XT to play? (it seemed like they played on all high settings and getting no slowdown) Well, I have the same system specs they had, a P4 3.2, 1 gig a ram, and a Radeon 9800XT, in CS:S with all settings maxed, AA none, Trilinear Filtering, I get like 40-50 FPS and usually drop below 30 a lot. How will HL2 perform with all settings maxed out on this system?

I mean I cant see why I would perform worse than they did at E3 2003 and I think 2004, I cant see why I only get 40-50 FPS in CS:S either, and HL2 will be a lot more graphically advanced and my FPS will probably be 20 with those settings, who else thinks this, and how the bleeping bleep should I fix this?

I mean I have no alternate programs open, and I dont know about the rest, Oh and the game doesnt support 5.1 Surround sound for SB sound cards, how do I fix all these problems ahead of time so that I can get the full HL2 experience on such a (i admit) high end system, I know that my comp should be performing better with even more of those settings higher, its so messed up.

Any tips anyone? Also who else has this low fps on high end system issue? Im not very good with computers so I need simple language, telling me to download catalyst means nothing cause I dont know what that is, where to get it or anything lol. Help would be great guys, thank you very very much if you reply.
Make sure all programs are closed... in particular... VIRUS SCANNERS (big resource hogs), and any other unnecessary background programs... this is a big one... also if you have winxp go here:


find all kinds of tweaks there... Also download all the latest drivers for your soundcard and video card (Ati. catalysits 4.10)

Also if you really want to have a "gaming" pc you should turn off some stuff in XP...

the two biggest ones are system restore and indexing service...

start>run>services.msc - system restore set to disable
start>run>services.msc - indexing services set to disable

i think these are the biggest 2 memory hogs that xp has running all the time

there is a plethora of ways to get your pc tweaked and streamlined but i don't feel like explaining them all

go to tweakxp.com, or even google "guide to setting up a gaming pc" or something like that

You have a nice system and it should be running a lot better than that.

If your not comfortable modifying services and some of these other things download XP opimizer


there are some many things you can do to get more performance if you just look for it

good luck
7hoR said:
4.10's suck
Im starting to think the same, because my framerate is a lot lower with 4.10s than it was with 4.9s.
What driver set are you using?
The ati website just gives me a control center, and I hate that thing, is there a way I can just download the drivers? Also will I be able to enable those things when Im done playing?
I just did the service thing and it only made my fps go up by 4 in the stress test, I wish my in game fps was just like the stress test. Im so frustrated with the fact that I cannot get decent fps with my system, I just said f it and put AF on 2x and AA on 2x, now my stress test results go down 10 FPS. I dont know what to do anymore, I tried IGNs tuner xp thing, that thing was a load of crap lol. Maybe I should just call customer support and see wtf is up with my system? Its also brand spankin new lol!
you dont have to have the control center, you can d/l just the 4.10 drivers. the control center puts an extra 2 processes on your computer
Can you link me to just that? Im gonna uninstall the control center now.
the CC is a load of crap. Download the Omega version of the beta 4.10's.
Lmao guys everything your saying means nothing to me, WTF is omega and where do I get it? What does it do, lmao. THanks again guys for helpin me out
It may be your internet connection.

Make a server and play some map and see the FPS you get.

I assume you have broadband, correct?

Good luck :farmer:
There could be a million things wrong... we need a lot specifics

Windows version, full computer specs\brand, etc
Its a dell, and i dont know how to give u the rest of my specs
Ill be happy to give em to you after I figure it out, I just tried the overclocking thing, i went back to default rates on rage 3d, overclocking did nothing and I went in 3 mhz incriments. dude this is messed up aint it?
You are overclocking but you have never heard of omega drivers or where you could find the ati drivers, or figure out your specs?


i would even go near overclocking until you have a through knowledge of what your doing or your gonna fry your video card.

without being more knowledgeable there's not a lot i can help you with other than having everything closed when you play the game and basic stuff like that. :angel:
Not really... that's about the fps i get in CS:S and i'm sure hl2 will run fine

just run it in 1024x768 and have AA and AF (anti-aliasing, antistropic filling) set to off

Set all graphics on max and see if it is at a playable level for you... if not set a few of them down till you hit the sweet spot.... that's what i'm gonna do.
But I should not have to do that considering how good my system is. Not to show off but i saved a lot of dough for this thing.
Then complain to dell about it... (fyi dells suck)

besides new "next generation games" are MEANT to press current hardware to the limit... so unless you have absolutely top of the line it might not be 100%

personally i would do a clean format and get rid of all that garbage they probably put on there when you got it. Start from there... then run XP optimizer and a few other tweaks... install newest ati drivers... good enough

again if you don't know how to format do a google on it and backup everything onto a cd or something. Reload windo... wait nevermind

just compain to dell and ask for a refund and send it back... then with that money, give it to a friend who knows a lot about computers and have him build one for you and make it run all nice and fast. Problem solved

But I should not have to do that considering how good my system is. Not to show off but i saved a lot of dough for this thing.

welcome to the world of PCs (and windows)... this isn't a mac
also people who buy dells generally do it because learning how to keep a computer up to high efficiency (especially playing games) take quite a bit of accumulated knowledge. Dude you got a dell!
Why don't you back up your files, do a full system restore(FDISK included), and then once you start over again, install only Steam, CS:S and your internet connection and see how it runs :naughty: