Fps issue argh


Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
Using 1024x768 resolution with 4x aa and 8x faa gives me nice visuals in cs:s. But i've notice i get fps drops to below 30 with semi-heavy firefights or just being in certain areas. Let me post my rig..
p4 3.0 ghz
1gig pc 3200 ram
x700 pro pci-e

I know you probably have "turn your settings down" on the tip of your tongue but yes, i've turned my settings down and the drops are still as bad. I get a slightly higher overall fps but the drops are still as dramatic. Even in 640x400 i can still drop to the low 30s during shootouts! I'm not sure what the problem could be, lag maybe?

I don't think any of my hardware is choking anything.. Maybe my ram's not configured right... TELL ME
psir from catchgamer's forum posted this fix. I use it and it makes everything go stable at 100 fps

use a texteditor and paste this in:

-_- psiR's Tweaks -_-

r_worldlights "1"
r_worldlightmin "1"
r_shadowmaxrendered "-1"
r_lightaverage "0"
r_renderoverlayfragment "0"
r_modellodscale "0.3"
r_drawlights "0"
r_DispUseStaticMeshes "0"
r_shadows "0"
r_shadowrendertotexture "0"
r_rootlod "2"
r_3dsky "0"
r_decals "0"
r_dispfullradius "2"
r_dynamic "0"
r_lightinterp "0"
r_rainradius "0"
r_rainsimulate "0"
r_rainsplashpercentage "0"
r_lod "5"
r_shadows "0"

mat_dxlevel "80" -> or 70 if you have a bad gfx card.
mat_antialias "0"
mat_bilinear "1"
mat_bufferprimitives "1"
mat_bumpbasis "0
mat_bumpmap "1"
mat_numtextureunits "0"
mat_fastnobump "1"
mat_filterlightmaps "1"
mat_filtertextures "1"
mat_forceaniso "0"
mat_forcedynamic "0"
mat_loadtextures "1"
mat_mipmaptextures "1"
mat_reducefillrate "1"
mat_showwatertextures "0"
mat_specular "0"
mat_trilinear "0"
mat_picmip "2"

func_break_max_pieces "3"
fog_enable "0"
fog_enable_water_fog "0"

cl_ragdoll_physics_enable "0"
cl_drawshadowtexture "0"
cl_smooth "0"
cl_pushaway_force "0"
cl_show_bloodspray "1"
cl_show_splashes "0"
cl_ejectbrass "0"
cl_show_bloodspray "1"
cl_show_splashes "0"

mp_decals "0"
muzzleflash_light "0"

violence_hgibs "1"
budget_show_history "0"
gl_clear "1"

and call it autoexec.cfg. Put it in your Steam -> SteamApps -> " e-mail" -> CS:S -> cstrike -> cfg -> folder.. then.. gogogo!
Okay, thanks. But those graphics settings bring them down to a sub-hl1 level. My pc should be able to run on the settings i have them at. I guess i'll just experiment with certain graphic settings.

Any suggestions as to what hogs a lot of graphic power during firefights would be appreciated.
What's wrong with 30FPS. Sure, you should be getter more, but at 30FPS, it's not like it going to hurt your K/D.

Nah, it drops below 30 pretty often. And going from 60 down to thirty and below in maybe a second's time can really throw off my aim.

I still can't figure out what it is. I've turned my textures, models, lighting down and i still get the same drops in fps!

I may reformat, but as i recall, i reformatted after getting my new vid card and it had the same fps issues.
Reinstall HL2. I had a problem with specular lighting causeing Source to lag like crazy. Reinstalling deleted the problem.
exmodel said:
Okay, thanks. But those graphics settings bring them down to a sub-hl1 level. My pc should be able to run on the settings i have them at. I guess i'll just experiment with certain graphic settings.

Any suggestions as to what hogs a lot of graphic power during firefights would be appreciated.

Well, just delete the ones you don't want in there. For the firefights, I guess setting muzzleflash_light "0" at least would help you a bit and if there are any settings on the smoke? Can't remember having seen them.
My system:
-3.2 p4
-2gb ram
-6800 ultra

I also had some of your problems when shooting settings high (or low for that matter) and I had drops to below 30 at inferno etc. Now I have a stable 100 fps with this one. I am going to slim it down to get beter looking models etc. , but right now I feel a bot nostalgic looking at the poor models :)
Q_onfused said:
What's wrong with 30FPS. Sure, you should be getter more, but at 30FPS, it's not like it going to hurt your K/D.

Oh it does. The higher FPS you have, the faster your aim cone shrinks - higher rate of accuracy when burst shooting.
And not only that but also your screen updates faster (Only limited by the server's packet update rate) so you see enemies faster.
deks right, and another really annoying effect of low fps is that it takes your crosshair longer to catch up with your hand movements.
Yeah.. I went through some trials today to figure out anything. Even at 640x400 all settings at low, the frame rate dropped to 25fps on dust2 in a 5 person or so conflict (with that autoexec config, the lowest fps it will go is slightly higher). That's the exact same fps i would get 1024x768.

To my knowledge this usually means that the processor speed can't keep up with the graphics card. I know this can't be the situation, the x700 isn't that fast a card and 3.0ghz is hardly a slow processor. I suspect the source engine is flawed because no other games give me these issues.

Perhaps I'll eventually reinstall but sadly i don't think that would work since i recall these problems during my first install.
dekstar said:
Oh it does. The higher FPS you have, the faster your aim cone shrinks - higher rate of accuracy when burst shooting.
And not only that but also your screen updates faster (Only limited by the server's packet update rate) so you see enemies faster.

Hmm, my 2.5k/d begs to differ.

Q_onfused said:
Hmm, my 2.5k/d begs to differ.

You're playing on the wrong servers then :p. Anyone can get 2.5k/d Against noobs :p
exmodel said:
Yeah.. I went through some trials today to figure out anything. Even at 640x400 all settings at low, the frame rate dropped to 25fps on dust2 in a 5 person or so conflict (with that autoexec config, the lowest fps it will go is slightly higher). That's the exact same fps i would get 1024x768.

To my knowledge this usually means that the processor speed can't keep up with the graphics card. I know this can't be the situation, the x700 isn't that fast a card and 3.0ghz is hardly a slow processor. I suspect the source engine is flawed because no other games give me these issues.

Perhaps I'll eventually reinstall but sadly i don't think that would work since i recall these problems during my first install.
Tried your video drivers? I had that problem on Dust2, in A, I'd go in, get 3 fps. I'd leave, have 50. I changed drivers, and it fixed. That's on my 9600XT
Yeah, i've been through pretty much every driver. New catalysts, old catalysts, old omegas, new omegas. Today i used a the program Driver Cleaner Pro to wipe out any remnats of past drivers, then reinstalled new Catalyst 5.8s, still get severe drops. I went down to 17 fps today outside on cs_office, and there really wasn't much going on.

This is extremely aggravating because for cs, i want the best fps possible, so i would gladly lower my settings, yet i get the SAME fps!

Perhaps this thread should be moved to community support.
screen refresh rate for the win, make sure its not locked
Have you tried reinstalling yet? As I said, reinstalling for me deleted all my issues with CSS and FPS/studdering.
neptuneuk said:
screen refresh rate for the win, make sure its not locked

Hmm, what do you mean by this? I feel like the refresh rate could be a problem. How do i make sure it's not locked? Mine's at 75 but was 100 before i reinstalled my drivers yesterday, haven't noticed a difference in fps or tearing oddly enough.
Reinstalling is my next step but i want to know what neptuneuk meant because i feel it could be part of the issue
WELL, i reinstalled, which took ages with a 5 cd installation. And no changes. I cannot get a consistent framerate no matter what my resolution is. I guess i'm stuck with pretty graphics and nasty drops in fps.