fps problem



okay, I am getting about 15 fps when i play css with about 20 people on the server. When i turn all my graphics down to the lowest, i still get the same frame rate. i did the video stress test with res set to 1280x1024, AA set to 8x, ansiotropic at 16x and all the other settings at max and get 88.77 fps.

why am i getting such a low frame rate ingame?
If we knew your computer specs we would have a better idea.
And I get about the same in battle with 20 peeps. I think it's your ram though, or your CPU holding you back with calculations.
It's that damn 6 at the end of your ram. It's holding you down. Get the 9 version, much more stable.
Stop messin' with him Pitz :p
super, that computer looks really decent enough to run on highest graphics for sure, so there must be something else going on. Check your processes to see if there's anything using a load of memory or cpu power when css is running (except css that is). OF course steam has its fair share of issues with this new update, but css in general is a very optimised game.
Another hint would be to see what your fps_max is set to. If it's anything below your refresh rate (usually 60) then put it up to about 100.
well, the fps_max is set to 300 and i've tried it at 100, 200, and even 400.

unfortunatly no frame rate improvment.

i get great frame rates in the stress test with every thing as maxed as i can get it, but when i'm playing the game (even on everything set to the lowest) my frame rate is still 15-30
I can give one suggestion that may or may not help. I had seriously low FPS in all steam multiplayer games until I uninstalled the Nvidia fire wall. I have an Nvidia motherboard, so I think it automaticall installed with the drivers. Make sure this is not the case for you.