I have a Dell XPS laptop:
p4 3.4 "xtreme"
1024 mb ram
mobility radeon 9800 256 mb
When I first for HL2 I was averaging 60-70 fps, rarely dropping below 40 unless there was some serious smoke spamming. All of a sudden I average 15. During firefights, spawning, using the buy menu, and pretty much anything besides standing around I get no higher than 5 fps. I've tried lowering all of my settings and am at a dead end. Does anyone know what a possible problem could be? I've ran my own servers with 1 other person/bot and I still get the low FPS rates.
p4 3.4 "xtreme"
1024 mb ram
mobility radeon 9800 256 mb
When I first for HL2 I was averaging 60-70 fps, rarely dropping below 40 unless there was some serious smoke spamming. All of a sudden I average 15. During firefights, spawning, using the buy menu, and pretty much anything besides standing around I get no higher than 5 fps. I've tried lowering all of my settings and am at a dead end. Does anyone know what a possible problem could be? I've ran my own servers with 1 other person/bot and I still get the low FPS rates.