I have problems with goddamn everything


Nov 4, 2004
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I wasnt really sure where to post this, but as this has alot to do with games, I thought this would be the place.
So. Lately I've been experiencing odd behaviour on nearly all my games. As im begininning to concider sawing the computer in half, I post this thread as a cry for help. Let us begin, with the problems in order of appearence:

a) Battlefield 2. I get weird stuttering, long load times and for the most serious problem, I get weird looking objects, like gigantic funnels of lava in the skies followed by a reboot without warning. Sounds like overheat, doesnt it? The air around the gfx card does feel warm when this happens, but alas, I have no temperature sensors in my gfx card. Motherboard, CPU, and PSU sensors all show temperatures below 45 celsius.

b) Source games with HDR. DoD:S and Lost coast seemingly randomly freeze/lock up when HDR is enabled, and it often seems to have something to do with lot of strain being put on the computer, like a quicksave in middle of combat or something. Then again, spawning 500 zombies, taking screenshots and quicksaving didnt cause the crash in Lost Coast. In DoD:S the crash often happens in beginning of a new round or map change. Previous thread from the subject, with no solution: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=94887

c) Source games with 16x AF on. Exact same crash as in b), so I suspect it does have something to do with lot of strain.

d) Counter-Strike Source. AA doesnt seem to work even if it's enabled 4x on the video options, and sometimes I get sudden fps drops from 70 to 3-4 frames per second. This continues for a while, then models or even the whole map disappears, until I disconnect from the server. What the hell? It seems to happen most often in de_inferno.

e) Call of Duty 2. First few missions went fine, until the second British mission, End of Beginning. When initializing the map, whole computer would first freeze, when flash a bright blue screen with no text however, and then reboot. This is accompanied with looping sounds.
I solved the problem then by lowering sound accelration to Basic from Control panel. This seemed to work, even if it did cause some stuttering in sound. Then, the next time I encountered this in the first American mission, Pointe du Hoc or Hac or whatever it was. In here, the crashing began going insane. First it couldnt even load the map. Then I could play it about 3-5 minutes by again lowering sound accelration. This seemed to help a little, but still I got crashes from time to time. I lowered my desktop resolution to 800x600x32, as Activision so wisely suggests, with surprisingly no help. I am still getting this problem, sometimes I can play for half an hour without crashing, sometimes not even a minute. To make matters worse, when the game has crashed a few times, It loses my saves and configs, totally. I wouldve had to start the whole game all over again without console commands.

f) Finally, as no other game works, I play Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe. Today I noticed weird stuttering and choppiness in it. Yes, in a game from ****ing 1995. This is getting out of hand.

Actually, only games I havent had problems with are FEAR and Quake 4.

What ive tried so far? Updating all drivers kabillion times, downgrading them, checking for IRQ conflicts (even though I didnt get a clear answer if I had conflicts the last time), moving my SoundBlaster Audigy 2 from one PCI slot to another, tweaking BIOS, running games with no sound, disabling intergrated sound chip and uninstalling it's drivers, disabling all SATA controllers etc... Ugh, I dont even remember what all Ive tried. Virus and spyware scans come up negative, and there's no suspicious exes or files eating my memory. Im thinking of trying to buy a new graphics card, but at the moment I dont have any money.


EDIT: Oh right, and specs once more. Athlon 64 3000+. MSI Neo2-FX motherboard, Club3d 9600XT, 1024mb of dualchannel ddr400, 20+160gb ATA hard drives, Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS. Plus Windows XP with latest updates.
New video card, defrag, clean out computer of dust, upgrade video card (If not replaced). That should fix it. Think this should be in Hardware and Software.
There's a Hardware _and_ software forum? Well damn.
9600XT and you''re expecting to use HDR? :P

Your video card is probably overheating.
Quixoticism: When it's not busy with crashing, it runs fine, without problems and with a nice fps. Why the **** not? Also, overheating usually causes instant crashes, not freezing with looping sounds.
Also, overheating is only going to happen if the cards cooler is faulty. If it cannot run in a stable way at full steam, it would be faulty.

Anyway. Sounds like a component has died on your machine to me. I would suspect its the gfx card, but its impossible to know for sure till you start swapping things out. I would start off trying the ati tool. Set it scanning for artifacts, and see if it turns anything up.
With source games, have you tried the -heapsize command? If not, then type '-heapsize 512000' in launch options of each game you play. Heapsize is a command to set the maximum ammount of ram the game can use (standard is 64mb, 512000 = 512mb)
Just tried the heapsize command on Lost Coast. No help.
Also downloaded Ati Tool and scanned for artifacts for about three minutes. No errors, it says.
Wouldnt want to do that, because I doubt it would work and it would take me days to get to the point I am right now on software and configs.
have you updated ur sound & video drivers? Do u have any spyware/virus/malware,use AVG to get rid of it...http://free.grisoft.com/doc/1

& use HijackThis to scan for spyware,malware..http://www.majorgeeks.com/download3155.html

Defrag ur HD, do u have any extra programs running in the background?
Press ctrl-alt-del & tell us what processes u av running.

After done that try playing the game swith the side panel off the case. Do u av any cooling inside the case?
lister said:
have you updated ur sound & video drivers? Do u have any spyware/virus/malware,use AVG to get rid of it...http://free.grisoft.com/doc/1

& use HijackThis to scan for spyware,malware..http://www.majorgeeks.com/download3155.html

Defrag ur HD, do u have any extra programs running in the background?
Press ctrl-alt-del & tell us what processes u av running.

After done that try playing the game swith the side panel off the case. Do u av any cooling inside the case?
He answered that all in his first post :dozey:
lister: Please use a language we can atleast somewhat understand. And for those questions that I didnt answer in the first post: yes, I have tried playing with my case open. And I have one 80mm fan in the back, blowing air inside. It's a pretty crappy case, so there's probably no decent air currents formed in there as it should. It's also damn crowded in with all the components inside, so BF2's crashing caused by overheating wouldnt be a suprise.