FPS Strategies...

The need for quick saving/loading is a sign of lazy design, it really isn't needed. When playing HL it's a far more rewarding experience to wait for the auto save points.

If you make a mistake and are half dead try and deal with it - be extra careful. Quick loading just to get all your HP/ammo/armour back is a bit lame :/

Basically, quick saving/loading takes away much of the excitement and tension, while detracting from the immersion.

//edit (There are a few articles on game design which cover this - i'll post some links if I can find them)
Originally posted by Warbie
Quick saving/loading is a sign of lazy design, it really isn't needed. When playing HL it's a far more rewarding experience to wait for the auto save points.

If you make a mistake and are half dead try and deal with it - be extra careful. Quick loading just to get all your HP/ammo/armour back is a bit lame :/

Basically, quick saving/loading takes away much of the excitement and tension, while detracting from the immersion.

(There are a few articles on game design which cover this - i'll post some links if I can find them)
Agreed. Savingpoints will increase the tension in the game and make you more cautious on every step of the way.
I'm a quicksave freak. I can live without quicksave but if they include it my quicksave button(whatever that will be) will wear out within a week or two. I quicksave like every room I pass or every few kills. However I only quicksave so if I die I can return somewhere close. If I'm exitting the game I save a regular save and leave.
On max payne i quiksaved during the mantion level where this chopper lands and 3 guys with colt commandos rush in and blast away....

i hit quiksave in mid jump with like 2% health and got nailed

took me 70 loads to actualy waste all 3 of them and get out

my last proper save would have put me back to the 2 level :eek:
Why Apocalypse89?? - that's almost as bad as cheating (almost)

It won't encourage you to try hard - nor will you improve your skill. Valve will have spent much time making sure the game is well balanced - by doing this you're ruining the good work :(

Dougy wrote:

'my last proper save would have put me back to the 2 level'

That shouldn't happen - a design fault :)
Originally posted by Dougy
On max payne i quiksaved during the mantion level where this chopper lands and 3 guys with colt commandos rush in and blast away....

i hit quiksave in mid jump with like 2% health and got nailed

took me 70 loads to actualy waste all 3 of them and get out

my last proper save would have put me back to the 2 level :eek:

I remember that point well my friend, I did the same thing, took me ages 2 kill them all :) I think i ended up using the gren launcher.

I quick save, but only for things like jumping puzzles where its instant death for a mistake. In battles where u have some hp left (over 25 methinks) I didnt bother saving.

Of course u always die after u've forgotten to save for ages.
Valve chose to put the feature there, I choose to use it. Alot.
Originally posted by Dougy
On max payne i quiksaved during the mantion level where this chopper lands and 3 guys with colt commandos rush in and blast away....

i hit quiksave in mid jump with like 2% health and got nailed

took me 70 loads to actualy waste all 3 of them and get out

my last proper save would have put me back to the 2 level :eek:

Yes that was a hard level, but not like the level with the fire. If you remember whem MP entered the building then after few seconds the fire everywhere, I remember it took me 23 loads to get out from there and I had to save 47 times. DAM that was the hardest level I ever played in a game.:p
For me its a litle of each.. Meaning it depends on the game and what part of the game im in. In HL2 I was a quicksave maniac, saving when ever I did something like getting hit by a headcrap I thought I should have evaded or used too much ammo on something, most of the game anyways not all of it. But usually I just quicksave when its a long time since the last save, I think.. OK so Ive cut through a few hard points and my health are still fine, I dont wanna spend the time to fight through all this again... F6 = quicksave *click*. I think this is the best combination of exilliration and not having to drop back too much, I hate having to beat the same guys again and again, it makes it boring.

But in HL2 I will try to skip autosaving once and for all, I hope Ill like it.

Yeah that MP level was cool, I tried alot of times with the colt and pistols too and figured out the best was to focuz jump to the left and fire a grenade at them.
i think HL really needed that kind of approach...cuz otherwise it was hard to beat the game... :) especcially at hard mode
Originally posted by Flyingdebris
the worst thing is when you accidently hit quickload instead of quicksave.

Anyone remember that black ops fight in op4, the one in the big freaking warehouse where you fought both male and female black ops and there were boxes on overhead conveyor belts near by?

i must've quickloaded/saved like 20 times for that one fight before i finally could put it behind me
I must've died something like 5345863465 times in that particular fight. I ended up quicksaving after I killed a black op.
I didnt save VERY much in Jedi knight but I definetly did b4 and after EVERY black op