fractured my wrist D:


Jan 7, 2006
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i fractured my wrist yesterday , while playing footy , its fractured in 3 places , and is in cast ... wanna sign eeett? :p
lol unlucky

Remember back in my competetion days for karate, started with the first match up, broke my wrist, was off karate for a few months. Second one a went too, first match up, shattered my ribs. I thought i would end it there lol
with .. my... mouth? feet? i cant do anything with my left hand D:
how is that even possible? i got a foot fracture and i dont know i how i can keep from jogging that long....
cant you take a joke? i'm probally not gonna write... oh well , not that bad
My Mrs' brother broke his right arm when he was young and learnt how to use his left hand for everything and he still does today, so if the worst comes to worse you'll be alright. If it were me i'd be fine, i'm left handed anyway :)

How long is it going to be with the caste on do you know?
I fractured my wrist back in February when some stupid driver cut me up coming off a roundabout on my pushbike coming off a roundabout, forcing me to swerve into the side of her Espace... had a couple of weeks of work. Wrist is fine now, shoulder is still sore. :(
You fractured your wrist while playing footy?

Does not compute.
"Playing footy", eh? That what they're calling it nowadays?

Pervert. We all know how you really fractured your wrist, and I can tell you right now that God does not approve.
I'm going to sign a giant trumpet on your arm, and there is nothing you can do about it.
hey dude.

I fractured my wrist during a bad slide tackle. bit I won the ball damit.

Fractures aint nothing. Take it form me. I've broken every limb in almost every way.
