Frag Saturday


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
OK, the idea is easy. I will basically be playing BF2 all day. Kamikazie is on now, Jimbo will be on shortly. Who wants to play a couple of rounds? I am esp. looking at Stern here. Check my Xfire for the IP.
Shame I can't play on foreign servers.
Danimal said:
Shame I can't play on foreign servers.

how come? I can, although I have high ping.

edit: I just checked ping for a server some 'hl2netters' were playing in, and it had a ping of 538 for me :|
Awrighty. That was a gg. We played on an East Coast server so the ping shouldnt have been that bad. Jimbo, Kamikazie, Evo and me. Gonna have some food now, and I'll be back later for sure.

Didn't get too many screenshots but this one was pretty cool.
ah gg today guys, had a kick ass time, loved it when we all sticked together and pwned all those noob arses :P

we have to play some more today :D

and i cant remember who THIS was but it was ****ing hilarious
Kamikazie said:
ah gg today guys, had a kick ass time, loved it when we all sticked together and pwned all those noob arses :P

we have to play some more today :D
yeah twas fun, when those other guy joined on dalian we had a full squad, was cool, did you get the screen of the 3 of us on the tank shaker on sharqi?
Yeah, good couple rounds :thumb:

Didn't do too well on Gulf, but not a fan of that map, and was a Support for most it :/
jimbo118 said:
yeah twas fun, when those other guy joined on dalian we had a full squad, was cool, did you get the screen of the 3 of us on the tank shaker on sharqi?
naw...i wanted to but some guy started to shoot me.

and on stalmate when we filled up the BH...ahh good times
15357 said:
how come? I can, although I have high ping.

edit: I just checked ping for a server some 'hl2netters' were playing in, and it had a ping of 538 for me :|

If I play on an American server I get around 3,600 ping

Anything higher than 300 is unplayable for me.
Danimal said:
If I play on an American server I get around 3,600 ping

Anything higher than 300 is unplayable for me.

American servers have about 170 ~ 250 ping for me, but most europe servers have 700+. I even saw one that had 17000. :/
i dont think that i have had the chance to play a game with you yet numbers...we should get in one sometime
how bout now? :p

Where do you live? I live on a peninsula thingy too. :E
i cant play right now :( i have to go to bed soon, been up playing a lot of rounds with Shaker, Jimbo, Evo, Direwolf, and Bryanf.

my peninsula thingy is florida...but when we do play i could hop on a west coast server, or which ever one you are on at the time
Shakermaker said:
OK, the idea is easy. I will basically be playing BF2 all day. Kamikazie is on now, Jimbo will be on shortly. Who wants to play a couple of rounds? I am esp. looking at Stern here. Check my Xfire for the IP.

doh! latest patch last night ..havent played yet ;( time around promise ...I finnaly got around to installing xfire ..havent started it up yet :E
CptStern said:
doh! latest patch last night ..havent played yet ;( time around promise ...I finnaly got around to installing xfire ..havent started it up yet :E

Cool, what's your Xfire ID? I'll add you as soon as I am online tonight. Properly online I mean. I am at work atm.