Fragmaster Leaves PHL, Thanks

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You make it sound like it's entirely our fault, which it isn't. His choice to retire was his own decision, it wasn't forced upon him by us or anyone else in the Half-Life 2 community.
he can make some good points, but most of the time he was an ass
Abom said:
You make it sound like it's entirely our fault, which it isn't. His choice to retire was his own decision, it wasn't forced upon him by us or anyone else in the Half-Life 2 community.

its not i just quoted that one part since theres so much writing

after reading the whole post well that explains a lot
That was a very good post and I do agree with him. It will be a shame to see him go however ;(

I wish Fragmaster good luck in whatever he does now :)
I always saw him as a rather pessimistic chap.
MaxiKana said:
I always saw him as a rather pessimistic chap.

I would have to agree... but, whatever he does, good luck to him
I don't have too much of an opinion on Fragmaster, he did seem overly pessimistic at times, but I do know it takes courage to admit you were a jerk, which he did.

Reading this quote makes me sad: "I do know that content has been cut from the game in an attempt to get it to ship sooner." :(

Here's hoping the "deleted scenes" will make it's way into an expansion!
I wonder where he gets his information from. No one else has even HEARD of ANYTHING beeing cut from hl2.
kelfar said:
Reading this quote makes me sad: "I do know that content has been cut from the game in an attempt to get it to ship sooner." :(

They had to cut some stuff out of Half-life too. It turned out ok, I think. :cheers:
I feel most of the problems at Valve are due to the ineptitude of one individual in particular. I'm not going to name names, but you can probably guess who I'm talking about. This person is easily the worst person I've ever met during my time within the "video game industry," and that's saying a lot, considering that this business is filled with superstar jerkwads like... well... me. I don't feel that he does his job properly, and he isn't what I'd consider to be a decent, trustworthy, or moral human being.

Who's he talking about then? Any ideas?
Whilst I'm sure there is an element of truth to his post he comes over as a tad vitriolic and bitter. Sure valve haven't exactly been top trumps on the pr or keeping folks up to date stakes .. but meh it's a computer game shit happens and if you feel this strongly about a game I think you need to take a step back and have a deep breath.

Good luck to him and may he enjoy HL2 whenever that may come out :)
Skullhair said:
They had to cut some stuff out of Half-life too. It turned out ok, I think. :cheers:

Good Point! I feel better now! :cheers:
good post, he seems like an o.k. guy.
valve on the other hand, I don't know what to think.
Frag, I'd like to apologize for being on your case last fall. Mostly I was angry not because I thought the game would come out for sure and your were Satan (like some fans), but because your confusing and angry account of why you thought so. Now that we know more about the pressures you were under, I've come to see that you were being perfectly reasonable under the circumstances. Yeah, you had a bad, sarcastic attitude a lot of the time, but there's room for a Grumpy among dwarves.

I wish you the best on whatever you do next, and whatever anyone says, you've contributed to the fan community big time. Even those that hate you have to admit that you are a character, and without you, the community would be poorer and less colorful for it.

And come on: remember that half the people you have had to deal with are like, 10. You can't seriously think getting called Hitler on internet messageboards is a rare event or a big deal!
He may have had some good points once in a while, but having good points doesn't grant you the right to act like a total asshole.
Good riddance, I won't lose any sleep over it.
IRT mrchimp:

Was wondering the same thing!
Gotta be Gabe, or Doug doesn't it?
Could care less... or more... or i don't know... :p
I'm actually surprised, that was a good post.
It is especially interesting to find out that he did in fact have some background connections and why he could not reveal them.
More than WHO it is, I wonder what his hatred was based on, especially in saying that he isn't a "decent, trustworthy, or moral human being." I doubt Valve will say much in detail on the subject, and Frag seems to have said his piece, so I don't think we're going to find out the who. The what is much more important. He seems to imply that he's had more contact with this person than just someone who's posted news about them from time to time. On the other hand, he could just be basing that on the public facts of the delay, which obviously were enough to get him very pissed off at Valve's conduct, and perhaps is being directed mostly at this one individual (still, would it be enough to say that they are not a "decent, trustworthy, or moral human being.") I get the feeling some of this might stem from more personal and business contact, particularly his involvement in the Prima guide project. But we have no way of knowing.

Likewise, I don't think we have the full story on the delay and we may never get it. I'm not sure Frag has the full story either. There may be elements that we don't know that, if we knew, would make us more forgiving of Valve and the pressures and conflicting obligations they may have been under. Or maybe we'd be even more pissed. I don't know. I've learned from frag to give people the benefit of the doubt when it's clear there are big pieces of the picture I'm missing, so I'm giving Valve the benefit of the doubt as well. We'll see.
I don't agree with fragmaster on alot of points ( alot of it is speculation imo), but i do respect that he stands up for his opinion, even when under high pressure.

I don't see why he didn't resigned the second the ink was dry (or bits encrypted) on that NDA. Someone with inside information clearly shouldn't be running a news site, for their own sanity.
i was one of those frag haters back in aug last year :) i soon found out i was wrong in sep tho :/ oh well cya m8
Ah. He had a good farewell post, doesn't seem like such a bad guy now that I know he actually had some proper information

Oh and, they've cut back on some HL2 content in an attempt to ship it sooner? I hope that's not true :|
Frag actually might be in trouble. He seems to think that the NDA no longer applies once there is a leak. That's not the case. Even if a story is leaked to the press, a person with confidentiality obligations still cannot confirm or deny it's truth. There is no "well, the cat's out of the bag clause" on confidentiality. Depends on what he signed, but I've worked for law firms and have had this explained to me many a time. Worrisome.
He seems like a smart enough guy to know what he's doing. And he didn't really give alot of specifics.
Apos said:
Frag actually might be in trouble. He seems to think that the NDA no longer applies once there is a leak. That's not the case. Even if a story is leaked to the press, a person with confidentiality obligations still cannot confirm or deny it's truth. There is no "well, the cat's out of the bag clause" on confidentiality. Depends on what he signed, but I've worked for law firms and have had this explained to me many a time. Worrisome.

Are you implying that that has something to do with him leaving PHL and the Prima guide project?
"Plus, Valve has gone over my head a couple of times and interfered (or attempted to interfere) with the content of this site, which I think is pretty sad. Forum posts of mine have been deleted on their orders and I've been forced to edit news posts because Valve didn't care for the information or opinions I was sharing. I'm sure they'll complain about this post and attempt to get it yanked, but I don't care."

I didn't know that Valve had the authority to do that...anyways, Fraggy GoodBye.
The thing im most worried about is the fact he states about how Valve claim the leak was 1/3 of the game. But he says it was pretty much all they had. I still find that difficult to believe be he apparently had background info.

Wait a sec, earlier I saw the Geiger counter on PHL and it just said Blah blah blah. Could his account been hacked and that was a test to see if it all worked? Im suspicious to be honest.
Interesting. Sad to see him go, he served his purpose of being a devil's advocate. To be honest, I agree with alot of his conclusions about Valve. This doesn't make me hate Half-Life 2, but I have noticed that Valve says one thing and does another.

I am interested to see how HL2 will turn out. It seems like more and more people are becoming disinterested in HL2 and Valve. I know I was before went down. Month later, this forum comes back and everything is great. But now I notice that people are going back to their bickering about Valve and HL2. I think there are some worrisome trends that Valve (not us) really needs to address.
I feel most of the problems at Valve are due to the ineptitude of one individual in particular. I'm not going to name names, but you can probably guess who I'm talking about. This person is easily the worst person I've ever met during my time within the "video game industry," and that's saying a lot, considering that this business is filled with superstar jerkwads like... well... me. I don't feel that he does his job properly, and he isn't what I'd consider to be a decent, trustworthy, or moral human being.

do doou doou DOUG

never meant the guy but its easy to tell thats who hes talking about. By the way I agree with alot of Fragmasters post thats not to say ive lost faith in valve and Half-Life to in the least just that I dont like that valve cant hold truth and most of the things they say
I don't think anyone will go after Fragmaster, especially if his arch nemesis ( isn't on his case anymore, who's going to support the people attacking him? It'll just be bad PR.
Apos said:
More than WHO it is, I wonder what his hatred was based on, especially in saying that he isn't a "decent, trustworthy, or moral human being." I doubt Valve will say much in detail on the subject, and Frag seems to have said his piece, so I don't think we're going to find out the who.

Quoted from Fragmaster's post:

Then I got hold of pretty conclusive evidence that Valve's Doug Lombardi had flat out told print magazines (off the record, of course) to plan on pushing their reviews of Half-Life 2 back to the Holiday issues.

In late August at ECTS, Valve's Doug Lombardi and Greg Coomer were both quoted as saying that the 9/30 release date was still happening. Lombardi told a co-worker of mine, to his face, that the game was still coming out September 30th worldwide. Some would call this marketing, but I'd call it lying.

I feel most of the problems at Valve are due to the ineptitude of one individual in particular. I'm not going to name names, but you can probably guess who I'm talking about.

Yes, I certainly can.