Fragmaster Leaves PHL, Thanks

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Darkside, I think you're right... I've been thinking about this "cut content" and while I am distressed, I think valve knows that it would be infinitely worse to release a rushed product early than a great product late.

If there's one thing they seem to understand, it's that factor. They haven't got Half-Life going strong for five years because they rushed it out. It's going strong because they got the game to be as good as it could be. I guess we just have to trust them... and that gets harder with everything i hear.
From Frag's article and the news from valve posts on a reasonable person could only draw one conclusion: Doug need to be fired. He's not done a terribly upstanding job and is probably the driving force behind stratagy for news (or lack thereof) which comes from valve. Valve definatly does not need to be transparent, very few businesses are. What Valve needs is to be honest with themselves and with fans. Honestly, if you've kept quite for a game for five years don't shoot your wad and piss off fans by revealing an unrealistic release date.

I think the most damning arguement against valve is the CS:CZ debacle. Honestly, is this the high quality product we've come to expect from valve? And why the hell would they sit on a game that's supposedly gone gold for so long just so it could go into retail competition against the likes of Unreal Tourny 2004.

Maybe pessimism is the wrong word, realist may be better.
Dude Valve didn't develop CS:CZ so you can't count that as their product. They just bought counter-strike, gave to a developer that does these kind of things (Gearbox) and tried to make money off it. Now the only thing we really have to judge Valve on is Half-Life.
Spiffae said:
If there's one thing they seem to understand, it's that factor. They haven't got Half-Life going strong for five years because they rushed it out. It's going strong because they got the game to be as good as it could be. I guess we just have to trust them... and that gets harder with everything i hear.
I don't have a quote but Gabe mentioned he was disasatisfied with HL1 and he can't play it because everytime he does he's constantly thinking "I wish we'd done that better, or added this here".

So Gabe being disatisfied equated to arguably the greatest game ever created, i think a similar thing may happen again.
Sparta, they put their name on it and yanked it away from company after company to come up with the craptacular product on sale for $40. So, yes valve does bare some responsibility especially since they controlled the release dates.
Quixote said:
Sparta, they put their name on it and yanked it away from company after company to come up with the craptacular product on sale for $40. So, yes valve does bare some responsibility especially since they controlled the release dates.

I still say that CS:CZ was delayed until they got Steam running adequately enough. Now that Steam has proven it works fairly reliably, there's no obstacle I see that will stop HL2 from being released within the next 3-4 months.

How funny would it be if Valve fired Lombardi and hired Fragmaster as their new PR guy?
jet jaguar said:
I still say that CS:CZ was delayed until they got Steam running adequately enough. Now that Steam has proven it works fairly reliably, there's no obstacle I see that will stop HL2 from being released within the next 3-4 months.

How funny would it be if Valve fired Lombardi and hired Fragmaster as their new PR guy?

That'd be hilarious, actually, I think Frag would do a VERY good job as VALVe's PR guy..
Shuzer said:
That'd be hilarious, actually, I think Frag would do a VERY good job as VALVe's PR guy..

im happy to see frag leave and in my opinion he shooda been fired a long tima go...

hope PHL it gose down the crapper!!!

best of wishes to PHL... ~XenoSpirit
lol, Trinity, you're an odd fellow.
I do think that Fragmaster would make a good PR guy for VALVe, he'd actually inform the community of what's going on
then hear an over heard conversation about a sandwiches sell by date and post news suggesting HL2 has been cancelled.
Rupert, everything he said has been true up to this point, even when an entire community was bashing him and saying how wrong he was. I always took his analysis of the news to be the most reliable of any hl2 fansite.

I don't fault him for being a jerk back when he was being lynched for crying delay before Sept. 30th. If I was posting news I knew to be true but couldn't really tell the whole story about how I got it, and the very people I was attempting to inform were screaming and hollering and attacking me at every opportunity, I would be pissy too. Infact, I think he has handeled himself fairly well through all of this.
well now he's gone, he was running a fansite and was considered important enough to be given this information, acting like a jerk because you get slated isn't the most professional thing to do in the world.

I was just making a joke though so don't take it as writ. I never really had a problem with the PHL news reporting but i do resent what PHL has become and as a part of that he should take responsibility. Bailing out is fine, it's time for him to do that but i am not going to shed a tear because their website is a shooting gallery of half wit freak boys and sychophantic cocksuckers who think forum debate involves greasing up the moderators.
Interestingly, Gabe doesn't actually deny that content has been cut.

lol. Reminds me of when Gabe said "First time I've heard about this" in response to Vivendi's accurate report that hl2 would not make it's release date, as Fragmaster recalls in his letter. Gabe cracks me up :bounce:
Pseudonym_ said:
lol. Reminds me of when Gabe said "First time I've heard about this" in response to Vivendi's accurate report that hl2 would not make it's release date, as Fragmaster recalls in his letter. Gabe cracks me up :bounce:

...I tire of you more and more from every post I read by you :sleep:
lol. Reminds me of when Pseudonym said "Most of hl2 is just a random techno track looping when you start to fight, and they call it soundscapes." Pseudonym cracks me up.

BTW Pse - if you want someone to reply to your PMs, you might want to clear your inbox.

If your going to be a puss and follow me around trying to bait me into more of your inane fanboy arguments, atleast don't misquote me.

Your behaviour shames you. You continue to follow me around and attempt to bait me into another one of your inane fanboy arguments, and it is rediculous. I don't mind this childish behaviour from Shuzer, a lowly forumite like myself, but as a moderator you should be concerned with setting an example of expected behaviour on these forums. By perpetrating these gradeschool tactics you only encourage the same fro fellows such as Shuzer, and this will only further decrease the quality of this community.

tsk tsk tsk.....

The topic which stemmed this behaviour is now dissapeared into the abyss of old threads, and yet you try and try again to use it to bait me into yet another pointless flamefest. I was forced to walk out of the thread due mainly to your behaviour and that of Shuzer and Spiffae, and the unwillingness of all of you to discuss a topic without wetting your panties and going on a rampage just because someone presents information which contridicts your beliefs. you were unable to put aside your partiality to your game and reason with others, and so I walked out of the discussion. It is a sad fact that what could have been a meaningfull discussion was degraded to what it was, but it is in the past and your inability to let it go is unfathomable.

Here is yet another thread which you and Shuzer have barged into and derailed from the topic in an attempt to stroke your ego in public by portraying me as an enemy of hl2, which as a fan of theseries I am most certainly not. I have looked the other way far too long, and this latest disgraceful display of yours has left me with no alternative but to petition the moderators of this fine forum reguarding you.

I let it go once, I let it go twice, and avoided your attempts to recreate the despicable flame fest which you and others created in the aforementioned thread, but it is clear now you will not stop, and action must be taken.
Let's keep in mind that Fragmaster launched PHL, and at that time it was the best community HL site. So he obviusly WAS a hardcore-HL and -Valve fan.
And the fact that he lost every respect for Valve shows that they have done many things wrong. His writing style is most disturbing, but it is probably the only way to wake people up. And he is undoubtedly a very intelligent person, who doesn't swallow every piece of s**t some company is giving out. He was right about many things, while more OPTIMISTIC people were waiting to laugh at him, because they knew things he didn't know, or at least they believed to know, because Valve said so.
And, let's face it, many of those who are happy to see him leave are amongst them, they felt humiliated when many things Fragmaster said turned out to be true. Judging from what some replied to this topic they are so damn optimistic that they might still hope for a Sept 30 2003 release of HL2.
If your going to be a puss and follow me around trying to bait me into more of your inane fanboy arguments, atleast don't misquote me.

Please don't flatter yourself. As you have already pointed out, I'm a moderator. That means I read all the forums as a matter of course. And I didn't misquote you - that was a direct copy and paste from one of your posts.

the unwillingness of all of you to discuss a topic without wetting your panties and going on a rampage just because someone presents information which contridicts your beliefs


Everyone was discussing it, but you refused to respond to people's rebuttals.

this latest disgraceful display of yours has left me with no alternative but to petition the moderators of this fine forum reguarding you.

Already done that on your behalf. What did they do? Oh yes, they removed your offensive signature. Well done.

I let it go once, I let it go twice, and avoided your attempts to recreate the despicable flame fest which you and others created in the aforementioned thread, but it is clear now you will not stop, and action must be taken.

Go for it.

I feel it should be unnecessary to point this out to an enlightened soul such as you, but it's painfully apparent that I have to:

This is a public forum. I am as entitled as anyone else to join in the discussion, as long as it doesn't break any of the rules. Which I haven't. Really, get over yourself.
i didn't give too shits for how correct he was its a fan site for christs sake its fine to have negativity but sucking warped joy from being correct in your scepticism just gets me down.
I thought his forum post was an interesting read. Whether his comments are sour grapes or not, it certainly gives you another opinion of Valve, who might not be so 'holier than thou' afterall.

Obviously his contributions will be missed as he was once a keen Half-Life supporter, but it looks like he's lost his way due to several reasons, and I feel he made the right decision. It's difficult to throw yourself into something you no longer care about with the same passion.

I wish him well in all his future ventures.
Quixote said:
Sparta, they put their name on it and yanked it away from company after company to come up with the craptacular product on sale for $40. So, yes valve does bare some responsibility especially since they controlled the release dates.
Actually. It was VU who held back CZ. So... not Valve.

I didn't expect anything else from Valve. They need to save their face. If I was working at Valve I obviously wouldn't say anything that could harm the company's image.
You can't ask Valve about this topic, you already know the answer. We don't know if Fragmaster had the facts, but do you think Valve would admit it? No way. I just believe Fragmaster to be trustworthy, because what he said turned out to be true, while Valve kept lying, and I don't think thats a nice attitude towards loyal fans.
Well... I just eMailed Gabe Newell and Rick Ellis... I'm not even sure if they'll reply...

I even asked Gabe for a more direct answer...

Meh. We'll see.
This is crazy. Valve missed a targeted release date - so Valve is liar and commited an act of betrayal. How many developers delayed a games because the game not ready? Every year we got games delayed especially in 3/4 quarter.
mad max said:
This is crazy. Valve missed a targeted release date - so Valve is liar and commited an act of betrayal. How many developers delayed a games because the game not ready? Every year we got games delayed especially in 3/4 quarter.

It's not the fact that they delayed it, I mean, if the product isn't ready, you have to delay it, but its they way they did it, thats what is so different from many other developers, that announce a delay in time. Plus, its the fact that Valve spokesmen said the game was still scheduled for a Sep 30th release when they alredy knew they were never making it.
Fragmaster, I salute you <salutes>

I've followed PHL since back in 1998, and it is bad news when Half Life fan #1 loses the faith.
Yeah, good luck in the future, Fragmaster.
You have my respect from now on.

EDIT: Not that you didn't had it earlier or anything, but meh...
I cant believe all the flaming against fragmaster that went on when he wouldnt back down on his "not going to make 30/9/03" statement. When he was right, the flaming got even worse.
Its not his fault he was right. Its not his fault he wanted to rub it in your faces that you were wrong. Hes a funny guy.
At least he still writes for PlanetUT... i hope...
The article was an interesting read - he has his positive/negative points. Good luck FragMaster.
"I have no idea where Fragmaster thinks he gets information." -Gabe

CrazyHarij said:
"I have no idea where Fragmaster thinks he gets information." -Gabe


He has, but he won't tell, because that wouldn't be good for Valve.
Another question regarding Doug Lombardi

Gabe: "I have no idea where Doug thinks he gets information"

Read the whole post, most of what he said is true.

Such a shame.
Holy sh*t. Already 13 pages... That guy needs to be special for you guys....
"Read the whole post, most of what he said is true.

Such a shame."

You mean the game didn't miss it's first release date :smoking:
Dudes its just a frigging game, This is getting ridiculously out of hand, Do you think if they delayed the Sims 2 anyone would give a flying toss? there are hundreds of games out there and 90% suck beyond belief, Think of all those poor people who buy rubbish games repeatedly and never bat an eyelid.

90% of half-life 2's sales market probbally wont ever realise any of this happened, there all busy playing other games and will simply buy HL2 when it pops up released (where ever they buy there games) from valves point of view, this dark corner of the community is a very tiny percentage of the sales they will make.

12'000 names are currently signed up to this forum, 500'000 seperate names log onto steam each week, and half-life 1 sold over 8 million copies, Im not frigging surprised they dont tell us anything, its no different to any other game, and it makes absaloutly no difference to anything.. think about it.

Only that game is going to give me any freedom from the fiance whilst I play the latest batch of FPS'.
lol ok maybe the sims was a bad example of a crappy but popular game, but all im saying is, theres more to life than one game that isnt out yet, why give a crap till its released, no ammount of whining will change anything at all. I'm certain worse things than this go on in the games industry, we just havnt got close enough to notice.