Fragmaster Leaves PHL, Thanks

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Kadayi Polokov said:
Always bet on black
I kid.

But, to be on topic, why is everybody making it seem like the two sites are competing? Fan sites for the same game should collaborate and communicate, not wage war in their own forums.
TheSoupNazi said:
But, to be on topic, why is everybody making it seem like the two sites are competing? Fan sites for the same game should collaborate and communicate, not wage war in their own forums.
They should make an official HL2 Webring! :D
competition is natural with humans, all it takes are a few sour grapes from either site and suddenly a fansite "war" breaks out.

Besides sometimes these competitions can be fun. As long as they don't get too dirty.
I haven't read the whole thread because I haven't got time (So Sorry if I've said anything before). But here are a few of my thoughts based on what Mr Fragmaster said:

1) Even if what he said is completely true, he still acted in an arrogant manner. He insulted everyone who disagreed with him, despite not. Even if people say that was "just a joke", I'm sorry if I try to treat news sites as a respectable medium. He could not have got away with the same things in a newspaper.

2) The fact that he laughed at the thread calling him Hitler, that thread just showed how much of the community he alienated by acting like he did.

3) Steam downloads stuff to people's harddrives? Oh. My. God. </sarcasm>

4) How much of the game development does he really know? For all we know his information about the game not being complete could mean ANYTHING. I mean, it was months before release that he decided that it HAD to be delayed. Is any game THAT complete at that time?

5) Content was cut? So what? Content is probably cut from every single game that's out. How many features have you read in previews that don't end up in the final game? The content may be "It will take too long to do this, and it won't be that important". It happens.

And so on...

The Half-Life 2 community is a lot better without him and maybe someone less opinionated and more objective will be in charge of Planet Half-Life now.
Feath said:
I haven't read the whole thread because I haven't got time (So Sorry if I've said anything before). But here are a few of my thoughts based on what Mr Fragmaster said:

1) Even if what he said is completely true, he still acted in an arrogant manner. He insulted everyone who disagreed with him, despite not. Even if people say that was "just a joke", I'm sorry if I try to treat news sites as a respectable medium. He could not have got away with the same things in a newspaper.

2) The fact that he laughed at the thread calling him Hitler, that thread just showed how much of the community he alienated by acting like he did.

3) Steam downloads stuff to people's harddrives? Oh. My. God. </sarcasm>

4) How much of the game development does he really know? For all we know his information about the game not being complete could mean ANYTHING. I mean, it was months before release that he decided that it HAD to be delayed. Is any game THAT complete at that time?

5) Content was cut? So what? Content is probably cut from every single game that's out. How many features have you read in previews that don't end up in the final game? The content may be "It will take too long to do this, and it won't be that important". It happens.

And so on...

The Half-Life 2 community is a lot better without him and maybe someone less opinionated and more objective will be in charge of Planet Half-Life now.
I completely agree, he has caused alot of problems for the community and although its his last post it has still caused alot of divisions and fighting within the community. I am now beggining to think that Fragmaster is really just trying to get people to hate Valve by using what extra information he gets, and we don't to his advantage.

Yes thank you indeed Fragmaster.
heaven forbid that he act arrogant when he is 100% sure that he's right and other people are accusing him of lying... i doubt he's trying to cause trouble just to cause trouble. whats the point? he just wants us all to not be "oh valve is the greatest no matter what because they made hl1 and that was the coolest game ever they can't do anything wrong" drones. all he's doing is presenting another and probably more factual side so that people can make their own opinions. i for one think valve is going to make the greatest game ever, but i still think its awful how they flat out lied and had no regrets. sure they make incredible games, that doesn't mean they have the best business practices.
PvtRyan said:
Ermmm multiple personalities? I thought it was you who visited Valve, or did a friend of you also go on a Valve trip?

There was one video that the press did get to see last year and we didn't. Magazines described it as an antlion guard batteling an APC and it's soldiers. Was it by any chance the video your friend saw?

That Matt Groening part is interesting, Simpsons powered by Source in the near future? That would rock :)

Nah I went there too. TBH the only details I remember from my friend's account was something involving combine guards hiding behind a huge rock on the beach. I can only assume they're hiding from an Ant Lion. So yeah, I suppose it was the same preview that you mentioned.
Meh, i appreciate he gave us some info on what happened and what we didn't know. But his last letter wrote like by an asshole & juvenile - and he admited he's an asshole.

Many people would more receptive to his opinions if he acted more properly.
Feath said:
3) Steam downloads stuff to people's harddrives? Oh. My. God. </sarcasm>
When you live in a country like Australia, that imposes monthly limits on how much you are allowed to download, a program automatically downloading hundres of megabytes worth of CRAP on to your computer automatically GENUINELY PISSES YOU OFF. We weren't even notified it was going to happen, let along given a chance to stop it.

Valve clearly have no idea how to deal with the community. That's the point he made, and he is completely right.
internet restrictions? BULL dude internet is like food... its a need of life and ppl who restict it (UN or UK) AST) are just screwed up bad... come to america where its the land of the opressed free!!! shure the goverment will bug your phone and computer and watch you shower but you arent restricted on how much TV you get to watch or megs to download... unless its TVSP or ISP related problems... if so... we just tell ower SP to take a hike and we find someone better lol!!! (ower net sucks) so gusse what? where guna get cable soon probly!@!! oh well... american goverment = good but really screwed up bad and needs some work... internet = essential need of life... it should never be restricted
SUPR said:
When you live in a country like Australia, that imposes monthly limits on how much you are allowed to download, a program automatically downloading hundres of megabytes worth of CRAP on to your computer automatically GENUINELY PISSES YOU OFF. We weren't even notified it was going to happen, let along given a chance to stop it.

Valve clearly have no idea how to deal with the community. That's the point he made, and he is completely right.

Some people obviously cannot read agreements either. >_<
I think steam downloading CS:CZ to people's comptuers without an explicit opt-in option was pretty shitty. Some people squooshed their harddrives, because, surprise, Steam doesn't properly check to see if there's even room. Other people ended up paying lots in bandwidth charges to download a game they had absolutely 0 interest in.

So no, that was not cool at all. Who cares what the agreement says they can do: it was dumb and alienated a lot of fans for no reason at all.
Apos said:
So no, that was not cool at all. Who cares what the agreement says they can do: it was dumb and alienated a lot of fans for no reason at all.

BUT, when you install a program, and there is an agreement on the site about it, you should read it. Who cares if people were alienated, they can do it. Content delievery @ its best.
Apos said:
I think steam downloading CS:CZ to people's comptuers without an explicit opt-in option was pretty shitty. Some people squooshed their harddrives, because, surprise, Steam doesn't properly check to see if there's even room. Other people ended up paying lots in bandwidth charges to download a game they had absolutely 0 interest in.

So no, that was not cool at all. Who cares what the agreement says they can do: it was dumb and alienated a lot of fans for no reason at all.

Exactly. If I don't plan on buying the game then why in the world do I want 300 megs of it on my harddrive? What really makes me mad is that I didn't even notice it until I read about it on a forum and discovered that I could free up almost a third of a gig by deleting this CS:CZ crap.
DiSTuRbEd said:
BUT, when you install a program, and there is an agreement on the site about it, you should read it. Who cares if people were alienated, they can do it. Content delievery @ its best.

So what if they can do it? And what do you mean who cares? They should damn well care what we think. We're the ones paying for this stuff. Also, just because someone can get away with something doesn't make it right.
BUT, when you install a program, and there is an agreement on the site about it, you should read it. Who cares if people were alienated, they can do it. Content delievery @ its best.

You are clueless.

Even if it wasn't an outright jerkish thing to do, it's certainly a violation of the spirit of the system. Plenty of agreements say that they will download things to your computer. But users don't expect that to mean that it will randomly download things they don't want and CRASH THEIR HARDDRIVE because of it. That's utterly moronic.
Neutrino said:
So what if they can do it? And what do you mean who cares? They should damn well care what we think. We're the ones paying for this stuff. Also, just because someone can get away with something doesn't make it right.

Not entirely true, VU still gives them loads of money.
Uhm, perhaps I imagined it.. but, when CZ preloaded there was a HUGE POP-UP AD TELLING YOU THAT IT WAS GOING TO DO SO.
but you won't b bitching when you have HL2 nestled in there so i just made a really bad point, continue.
You are clueless.

Even if it wasn't an outright jerkish thing to do, it's certainly a violation of the spirit of the system. Plenty of agreements say that they will download things to your computer. But users don't expect that to mean that it will randomly download things they don't want and CRASH THEIR HARDDRIVE because of it. That's utterly moronic.

It's utterly moronic to have a hard drive full enough that 300 megs will squish it in the first place.
Top Secret said:
It's utterly moronic to have a hard drive full enough that 300 megs will squish it in the first place.

There are some people in this site who if valve commited murder would blame the victim.
yeah, all you guys complaining about steam downloading crap to your comp... other than autopacthign, which we all know and agreed to, you can easily stop preloading, I did. they didn't hide it from you and if you didn't stop it you need to pay freakin' attention.
Shuzer said:
Uhm, perhaps I imagined it.. but, when CZ preloaded there was a HUGE POP-UP AD TELLING YOU THAT IT WAS GOING TO DO SO.

Not for me actually. I got a popup add advertising the existence of CZ, which I didn't like either. I was never told that it was downloading onto my comp.

Top Secret said:
It's utterly moronic to have a hard drive full enough that 300 megs will squish it in the first place.

Well, you know not everyone has tons of money to spend on their harddrive. So what if they have an old 4 or 5 gig harddrive that is almost full? I didn't realize that it was my repsonsibility to make sure to keep enough room for Valve to download anything they want on it. My mistake I guess.
Neutrino said:
Not for me actually. I got a popup add advertising the existence of CZ, which I didn't like either. I was never told that it was downloading onto my comp.

It was that very same pop-up that mentioned it'd preload as to be available on your system

Besides, they fixed it for the later portion of the preload, where it'd be switched off by default
Well, it's a matter of opinion I suppose, but I still highly disliked it.
It was easy for me to turn it off, but thats never enough.

If the moronic 12 year old CS players need to have a popup, ALONG WITH a window asking whether to download CZ, then so be it.

It doesnt change the fact that I still didnt put on my hard drive. OMG i had to look thru the settings. OH no.

Valve did a good job in my mind of notifying of the content download, but some people need a very direct approach, like a window asking whether to dl the game or not.

Sorry im just pissed at people in general :flame:
But why in the world is asking for a confirmation window to much to ask? It's really not that big of deal and every single company uses them besides adware and spyware. I mean come on would it really have been that hard to have a little window pop up and say, "would you like to download cs:cz, yes or no". It's not like we're asking for a lot here.
I think part of it was VALVe wanted to stress test their servers, so they made it, by default, people would DL
Well im not really happy or sad about him leaving since i never visited planethalflife anymore but i will say that hl2 feels like its come and gone and when itcomes out it will not be the great game the hype made it out to be.
It was that very same pop-up that mentioned it'd preload as to be available on your system

Yes: in tiny print, in very confusing language, with a mention of an option to avoid the download that didn't EXIST until AFTER you had already downloaded it. And the other option which wasn't mentioned, didn't work: even if you set it to never update, it still preloaded.

Which isn't even the point. The whole point of steam is that you are supposed to leave it on so it can automatically update your system. The entire preload nonsense could have gone on whether you were there to read the pop-up or not.

The fact is, it was dumb. There is no way around it. It was an invasion, and it was bad PR, and it was pointless. Valve should have apologized and moved on. Instead they said nothing about the complaints. That's just not how to run things.
TrueWeltall said:
Well im not really happy or sad about him leaving since i never visited planethalflife anymore but i will say that hl2 feels like its come and gone and when itcomes out it will not be the great game the hype made it out to be.

I agree completely. It just seems to me that with the plethora of high-quality FPS's coming out, it seems that HL2 isn't the shiznit it once was. I think the delay really hurt Valve in this regard. Here's to hoping it'll still blow me away, but after Far Cry I think there just might be a new pimp on the block in the form of Crytek.
Apos said:
You are clueless.

Even if it wasn't an outright jerkish thing to do, it's certainly a violation of the spirit of the system. Plenty of agreements say that they will download things to your computer. But users don't expect that to mean that it will randomly download things they don't want and CRASH THEIR HARDDRIVE because of it. That's utterly moronic.

Windows XP automatically downloads content updates (for the record). Seriously I find it hard to imagine that even .0001% of the entire number of steam subscribers had less than 300 MB of free hard drive left on their machines. should rename the Valve Speaks article the Valve's Lies article.... I think he was talking about Gabe and I never trusted a word that guy said anyway. I bet Gabe's weight problem is associated with his low self-esteem due to his immoral attitude... He eats because he's unhappy, He's unhappy because he lies.... (shameless fat bastard quote)

After playing Halflife, TF, and CS for years and watched Valve slowly spiral into what it is today I stopped supporting them last November 2003 and will not support them in the future. I told people exactly what was said in the scary letter but everyone still thought it was because of the theft... (Is it theft when you leave the front door open?)

I'll meet all the mods ditching Valve and the Source engine and join them happily with the Farcry devs and Epic Games. They have the technology here today and Epic Games doesn't get enough credit for their community support...

I only came here to post because it was linked in some news.... Could care less about HL2Forever... This is a nice site though and if anything this should serve as a lesson to not to sign NDA's and go mad in the process...
ImJacksAmygdala: you sir, are an idiot.

Your first two paragraphs are so moronic that it makes me sick :x
Gabe never blamed the delay on the theft. Why do people KEEP insisting that they blamed the delay on the theft? They DID NOT.
Oh well, the HL community could do without people like you, farewell :)