Fragmaster Leaves PHL, Thanks

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ImJacksAmygdala said: should rename the Valve Speaks article the Valve's Lies article.... I think he was talking about Gabe and I never trusted a word that guy said anyway. I bet Gabe's weight problem is associated with his low self-esteem due to his immoral attitude... He eats because he's unhappy, He's unhappy because he lies.... (shameless fat bastard quote)

After playing Halflife, TF, and CS for years and watched Valve slowly spiral into what it is today I stopped supporting them last November 2003 and will not support them in the future. I told people exactly what was said in the scary letter but everyone still thought it was because of the theft... (Is it theft when you leave the front door open?)

I'll meet all the mods ditching Valve and the Source engine and join them happily with the Farcry devs and Epic Games. They have the technology here today and Epic Games doesn't get enough credit for their community support...

I only came here to post because it was linked in some news.... Could care less about HL2Forever... This is a nice site though and if anything this should serve as a lesson to not to sign NDA's and go mad in the process...

[ ] Newbie
[ ] Lamer
[ ] Flamer
[ ] Pervert
[ ] Geek
[ ] Spammer
[ ] Racist
[X] Jackass
[ ] Troller
[ ] Fundamentalist
[ ] Satanist
[X] "Expert"
[ ] Wannabe
[ ] ****
[ ] Waste of Skin/Gray matter/Blood
[ ] Other: Person

You Are Being Flamed Because:

[ ] Abusing a degretory term.
[ ] You imported another debate into this post
[X] You obviously don't know anything about the topic at hand
[ ] You posted a 'Top 10' post.
[ ] You posted an idea that has been done to death.
[ ] You posted a 'Religion' post
[ ] You started a long, stupid thread
[ ] You continued spreading a long, stupid thread
[ ] Your trying to turn this mod into CS
[ ] Your post is absurdly off topic for where you posted it: There is a severe lack of cries for nerfing and there is absolutely *no* whining *at* *all*.
[X] Your lack of understanding of the fundamentals is disgusting
[ ] You posted a 'Lord of the Rings' post
[ ] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message
[X] You posted low-IQ flamebait
[ ] You posted a blatantly obvious troll
[ ] You followed up to a blatantly obvious troll
[X] You said "X rules, Y sucks" and gave no support for your lame statement
[ ] You make no sense
[X] You made a post yet failed to say anything
[ ] Your sig/alias/avatar is dreadful
[ ] Your post contained nothing but psycho-babble.
[ ] You are claiming that you know more than Newton, Ohm, Pavlov, etc.
[ ] Your awful markup made the post unreadable
[ ] You made the baseless assertion that these ideas would balance the game and had no flaws.
[ ] YoU tYpEd SoMeThInG lAmE lIkE tHiS
[ ] You say you're '"elite" liek Jeffk.', Or your spelling is so bad that no one can read it.
[ ] You didn't do anything specific, but appear to be so generally worthless that you are being flamed anyway
[ ] You made a lot of not funny and worthless topics and acted generally n00bishly

To Repent, You Must:

[X] Refrain from posting until you have a vague idea what you're doing
[ ] Stop masturbating for a week
[ ] Read every group you posted to for a week
[ ] Give up your AOL account
[ ] Bust up your modem with a hammer and eat it
[ ] Tell your Mommy to up your medication
[X] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor (monitor must be plugged in)
[X] Actually post something relevant
[ ] Read and memorize the FAQ
[ ] Print your home phone number in your ads
[ ] Be the guest of honor in alt.flame for a month

In Closing, I'd Like to Say:

[ ] Blow me
[X] Get a clue
[ ] Get a life
[X] Go away
[ ] Grow up
[X] Never post again
[ ] I pity your dog
[ ] You need to seek psychiatric help
[ ] Morons like you give ammo to pro-censorship morons
[ ] Yer momma's so fat/stupid/ugly that etc...
[X] Take your gibberish somewhere else
[ ] Go back to school and actually learn something
[ ] Learn how to post or get off the site
[ ] Go read the FAQ
[ ] All of the above

Why make flaming hard if you can just fill in a list? Ah, the blessing of technology!
this should serve as a lesson to not to sign NDA's and go mad in the process...

I'm still laughing.

No NDAs have been signed between us and Valve
MaxiKana said:
I always saw him as a rather pessimistic chap.

I think the most apropiate word would be "realistic". Don't you agree fan boy?:D. I'm sure, he would soon find a better job some where else. :)
I think the word fanboy should be put in the word filter. It's way more offensive than ****.
Im supposed to care , but its the INTERNET and he did nothing that required skill or talent.

Oh- PS mister one time ranter , far cry was a horrible horrible game.
Caminante said:
I think the most apropiate word would be "realistic". Don't you agree fan boy?:D. I'm sure, he would soon find a better job some where else. :)

You callin' me a fanboy!!?!?!?!!??!11

Meh. I hate the word "Fanboy", It's just used by people who try to stir up other peoples emotions to get them to attack other people. Im not a "Fanboy", Im an optimist. I belived HL2 would come out sept.30 last year because I trusted Gabe, and Valve. But things happend that you can't control, and everyone makes mistakes. Ofcourse im disappointed that HL2 diddn't ship last year, but what can I do about it? Flame Valve? No I won't. I trut their judgement on the matter and if they think the game wasn't ready, it most likely wasn't. So i'll just keep on waiting and speculating on when it will eventually be released.

I could continue with this post on why I think people shouldn't flame Valve, but I won't, because im too tired and you would see me as more of a "Fanboy" then.
Caminante said:
I think the most apropiate word would be "realistic". Don't you agree fan boy?:D. I'm sure, he would soon find a better job some where else. :)

The guy was a habitual quitter, who wants a quitter in their employ?
I'm actually kinda sad, how the decline of HL2 Community (mods and such, now Fragmaster)..
I don't consider Fragmaster's departure as a decline.
Me neither, I hope his leaving will mean better relations between this site and PHL.
Windows XP automatically downloads content updates (for the record).

As does Steam: as everyone agreed to as being the whole point of Steam.

But Windows does not automatically download 300 megs of a completely different Microsoft product that nobody asked for.
I always like Fragmaster as he was a straight shooter who told it like it was. He was however a bit sinical.

Here is a good example of his personality as demonstrated by this flash cartoon:

Fragmaster Flash Cartoon :D

I hope he finds a job he enjoys...
Kadayi Polokov said:
Windows XP automatically downloads content updates (for the record). Seriously I find it hard to imagine that even .0001% of the entire number of steam subscribers had less than 300 MB of free hard drive left on their machines.

Um...I don't know about you but when my windows updates it brings up a popup window and notifies me of the updates. Steam never told me anything about 300 megs of cs:cz. Plust, I don't have a lot of problem with steam autoupdating to a new version. I mean I have steam and thus I expect it to do that. But why should I want a third of a gig of data from a game I will never play?
Neutrino said:
Um...I don't know about you but when my windows updates it brings up a popup window and notifies me of the updates. Steam never told me anything about 300 megs of cs:cz. Plust, I don't have a lot of problem with steam autoupdating to a new version. I mean I have steam and thus I expect it to do that. But why should I want a third of a gig of data from a game I will never play?

Windows says it's updating, but it doesn't tell you the size of the updates, it probably installs lots of stuff that you don't ever use either. Maybe you should get your ass down to and stir up a storm there.

But it's true to say, that this phantom scenario you paint of thousands of Steam users hard drives being filled to capacity is just a(nother) lame attempt to have a dig at Valve (again). :dozey:
I don't use Steam since im on dial-up so I could be very wrong, but wasn't it still the beta version of Steam that was being used when it uploaded stuff to peoples computers? Because if it was then there really isn't much you can argue against since you probably did agree to something allowing them to do that, and also because it was a Beta version they do have the right to do some experimentation.

Besides it is disabled now isn't it? If it was just a big mistake by Valve then can't people see that Valve saw the problem, fixed the situation by having the feature turned off by default and just accept that Valve made a mistake in the past which they have now fixed?
Windows says it's updating, but it doesn't tell you the size of the updates, it probably installs lots of stuff that you don't ever use either.

Not entire products.

And actually, it does tell you the size: and it presents you with a list of exactly what it will be uploading, with a checkbox to remove things, and finally, it doesn't automatically upload anything unless you authorize it.

You are full of it. Why can't you just admit that this was a bad move for Valve, and irritated a lot of people for no good reason? Are you really such a fanboy that you won't tolerate any questioning of their almighty decisions?

For goodness sakes, I'm one of the biggest boosters of HL2 and Valve on this site. But at least I'm realistic and thoughtful about it.
I tried steam out, and I personally didn't like it. I don't think Steam was a well thought out idea (and still isn't).
Apos said:
And actually, it does tell you the size: and it presents you with a list of exactly what it will be uploading, with a checkbox to remove things, and finally, it doesn't automatically upload anything unless you authorize it.

I'm not referring to the manual windows update option. I'm referring to the automatic update (you get no information about size with those).

As regards downloading CS:CZ without notifying people, do I think it was good or bad? I think was presumptious, but I don't see it as the sensationalist horror show you're make out.

Don't like me? or what I have to say? Read my sig, take a ticket and join the back of the queue.
blahblahblah said:
I tried steam out, and I personally didn't like it. I don't think Steam was a well thought out idea (and still isn't).

Might I ask you what your reasons are? Steam is really stable, and the network capacity is more than enough for anything that's been tested lately (can't say what'll happen with HL2)..
As regards downloading CS:CZ without notifying people, do I think it was good or bad? I think was presumptious, but I don't see it as the sensationalist horror show you're make out.

Perhaps reading comprehension is not your forte. If so, so you should have notified me early on and we could have saved some time.

I said it was a mistake, an example of Valve botching things with their fans. You're the one blowing what I said out of proportion specifically so you can completely blow it off as nothing.
Shuzer said:
Might I ask you what your reasons are? Steam is really stable, and the network capacity is more than enough for anything that's been tested lately (can't say what'll happen with HL2)..

I tried it out when CS:CZ was preloading on to my computer, but here are my reasons.

- Bandwidth hog (probably due to CS:CZ)
- The overall interface isn't very intuitive
- I couldn't find a server with a low ping (I have a cable internet connection)
- I found that managing my account was a hassle
- Whenever I would hook up into a game, it would have a 25% chance of crashing.

Steam just left me with a bad taste in my mouth. I probably will come back to steam when HL2 comes back since that is the only way to download patches, etc.
blahblahblah said:
I tried it out when CS:CZ was preloading on to my computer, but here are my reasons.

- Bandwidth hog (probably due to CS:CZ)
- The overall interface isn't very intuitive
- I couldn't find a server with a low ping (I have a cable internet connection)
- I found that managing my account was a hassle
- Whenever I would hook up into a game, it would have a 25% chance of crashing.

Steam just left me with a bad taste in my mouth. I probably will come back to steam when HL2 comes back since that is the only way to download patches, etc.

I always thought the old way was unintuitive since you had to go in the game/multiplayer/servers to find servers where steam can open it like a window immediately. I'm not sure what account you're talking about either since I only signed up the first time and haven't had to look back... It also looks like you're having some bad luck with the other things. I really hope things work out for you come HL2.
Steam did have a severe crash bug for a bit, but it was fixed. Lots of games have bugs: even though Valve has been IMHO, too slow to acknowledge and explain them publically, they do fix them as promptly as anyone else.

There is no account management required.
Kadayi Polokov said:
Windows says it's updating, but it doesn't tell you the size of the updates, it probably installs lots of stuff that you don't ever use either. Maybe you should get your ass down to and stir up a storm there.

But it's true to say, that this phantom scenario you paint of thousands of Steam users hard drives being filled to capacity is just a(nother) lame attempt to have a dig at Valve (again). :dozey:

What? I never said anything about thousands of harddrives being full. At one time I said some people may not be able to afford large harddrives and thus may be close to full.

And again I'll reiterate since my point seems to be being missed. Is it that big of deal to ask them to have a confirmation window before downloading random games? From a lot of the posts here you'd think I was asking for Valve to do some horrible thing that would make them go bankrupt.

I do understand that some people just don't care about getting stuff downloaded on their comp, but why do you have such a problem with those of us that do?
Murray said:
Yep, they seriously don't seem to have any respect for the fans, not even Fragmaster. :( (Well, ex fan)

Yeah, Gabe is really going to be predisposed to giving an elaborate response to some anonymous e-mailer who has the effrontery and cheek to say they agree with ‘most’ of a bitching forum post made by some a jaded web-hack which indicts his whole company and calls one of his employees immoral and incompetent.
I would shut steam down (because my internet would slow down) and so I would have to re-logon. There wasn't any one large problem with steam, it was just a bunch of small problems that keeps me away from it.
I am site director over at PlanetGrandTheftAuto and I was in regular contact with Fragmaster for months before my website became a Planet. He was always nice and awesome and did what I needed. His frustrations about Valve are understandable. He will still run PlanetUnreal, so if you are a fan of his, he isn't going anywhere.

Personally Fragmaster has always seemed a bit to unprofessional to be running a news site.

The way he responded to people's reactions to his statements was at times less than acceptable.

And as time went on his ego seemed to get bigger and bigger and bigger. And he seemed to become more disengenious, this self effacing poor me the man was keeping me down post is beyond ridiculous and insults our intelligence.

If Fraggy handled the whole thing like an adult instead of a petulant child he would have served himslef and the commuity in a much better way.
Frag was being silly about the gaming mag things though, as far as scans. Gaming mags see things first because they have to layout and print and mail paper issues. The info still goes public for everyone at roughly the same time, paper and online. There was online content almost ASAP after the print gaming mags went into wide release. The only difference was that some subscribers get issues before everyone else, which nobody can help.
Maybe fragmaster doesn't realize that everyone (mags and sites) have tons of information that they can't disclose until a certain date. Its not discriminating....