France vs. EA

RTFMy said:
And lets just say for a moment you knew how to spell.

But some things just never happen do they?

Hes from Venezuela. Don't try cheap shots like that, you just make yourself look bad.
France is a great country.. too bad the French live there :LOL:

No seriously, the French are cool, and what is really striking is the number of beautiful people there. Maybe they just take better care of themselves than the people in northern Europe.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Hes from Venezuela. Don't try cheap shots like that, you just make yourself look bad.

ahhh man, i was sooo going to flame him, why couldnt u be lazy for once?
RTFMy said:
And lets just say for a moment you knew how to spell.

But some things just never happen do they?
oh sorry for not be you
wait...I should be happy for not be you

btw if you you didnt know that was a joke
Why are you bashing other countries? You people are the reason we americans look ignorant to the rest of the world.