Franchises that need to die, and those that will last forever

I'd like Warcraft to die, or at the very least to reset; the Continuity Snarl they've introduced is ridiculous at the least.

Final Fantasy, given that they reset the universe every game, I don't mind them continuing.
If you ask me I think the Tony Hawk games should really just die. It peaked in popularity after the first and the game play is repetitive and boring. (Not to mention the horrendous voice acting among other things.)

The Half life series will definitely last forever. Gordan Freeman is such an icon and the games were just too groundbreaking and fun to be forgotten.
i think

world of warcraft - that game is just terrible, i cant believe how many ppl play that game

Mario - that bastard, how many games has he been in, mario soccer, mario galaxy mario olympics, mario everything.

wtf with half life needing to die, no way, theres still heaps of things valve can do with it. its only had 2 games and 2 episodes.
Mario - that bastard, how many games has he been in, mario soccer, mario galaxy mario olympics, mario everything.

Seeing as mario Galaxy is the best game i've played in recent years, I disagree!
i played it i really didn't see whats so good about it, it starts to get old with the jumping on them turtle guys and all that crap.
I loved Mario Galaxy. It was really fun, and you don't even jump on turtles that much. I hope they make more, plus it's like an endless well of great sports game for the lighthearted, party-game loving.. party.
i played it i really didn't see whats so good about it, it starts to get old with the jumping on them turtle guys and all that crap.
While I'm not 100% on what that means I can assure you your negative opinion really only reflects on what a terrible person you are. That game is like acid on crack dipped in steroids with ecstasy powdered in.
maybe its just i dont like them types of games, plus after like 100 mario games, it has to get boring at some point. how many freaking stars has he collected.
Series that should DIE: Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy, I haven't played through one since FFX, I'm so sick of whiny cookie cutter orphan protagonists and their equally whiny 'atypical' princesses I could barf.
That too.

Final Fantasy is the ultimate expendable franchise. All they have to do to stop making Final Fantasy games, is to stop giving the name 'Final Fantasy' to the set of entirely unrelated, mass-production Start Menu simulators that they're selling. Except they've developed business sense and can see that, though most 'Final Fantasy' games have no right to the title, they're going to sell about 5 times as much just by using the name.

That said, the indiscriminate use of the 'Final Fantasy' title is nothing compared to the rubbish that they've put out when they've actually dared to continue any of the games. Advent Children could only have been worse if it actually was a Pedophiles' method of counting the days until Christmas.


I'd say that Sonic needs to go, but he's been dead to me ever since Sonic Isometric shat out my pocket money. Though if he takes some time out and SEGA can get Alex Kidd up and off of the Bench! Actually, no. GOD NO.

Halo can keep on moving on up as far as I'm concerned. It hasn't yet fallen from Grace enough to offend me. It never had Grace to begin with, though her presence would explain the Alien colour-scheme.

Zelda should be axed, just because I've never given it the time of day and I know it would make a lot of people unhappy.

I'm not convinced that we can have people say 'Metal Gear?!' with enough surprise to warrant the series continuing much longer, but I don't know. Anime has been finding ways for teenage boys to find advanced super robots for about 30 years now, so why tell them to stop.

One thing that definitely should stop: Singstar. You know Sony though. They'll be abandoning Singstore support for the initial PS3 version sooner or later, and moving everyone onto the wireless mic version with the Dual Shock 3 functionality that lets you get off to the sound of people's voices on their mysingstar page. Or something.
Final Fantasy
Halo (come on halo wars?)
World of Warcraft is a great game, and I consider it worthy enough to be called a Blizzard game, but I cannot say the same for Wrath of the Lich King (WoW's latest upcoming Expansion pack). Either make the expansion packs count for something or stop making them.

I can't speak for Wrath of the Lich King, but if so, that would mark the first for Blizzard. As far as I know, Blizzard's expansion packs have been top notch and they only release one expansion pack for each major game (something I respect a lot).

Frozen Throne, Brood War and Lord of Destruction are basically mandatory for each game since they really enhance the core game without disrupting the balance.
Need for Speed
It's overstayed it's welcome, and it's been far too long since there's been any real innovation.

Call of Duty
The original was a great game, the expansion pack was good. Call of Duty 2's multiplayer just blissfully ignored all the new elements United Offensive had brought to the table, and it's lack of cheat protection was just a bad joke. Call of Duty 3 was merely a console only copy and paste job of COD2, and COD4 is COD2 in kevlar with a fancy new paint job and precious few new ideas. Add the three or four unremarkable spin-offs to the tally and I'd say this is a series that should be laid to rest fairly soon. It just amazes me how quickly the series got to this point.

Medal of Honor
I'll just quote Yahtzee Croshaw here.
"The Medal of Honor series has been going on since 1999 meaning that it has officially been going on longer than the actual second World War did."
I wonder what the total number of computer & video games based on World War II is now? I bet it's in the triple digits or close to it.
I've said before that I believe that Gordon Freeman's adventures are over half way finished but the Half-Life universe will continue on in other ways, with Portal being the first example who knows what's to come?
Having said that I'm happy for Valve to continue with Gordon for longer but if they said that after Ep3 they'll work on something different and come back to him later (as I don't think Ep3 is the end for Gordon) it would be fine with me.

I think my point is that great as the stuff has been that Valve have done with Half-life 2 & the EPs, the format of the franchise suffers from problems that are a resultant of a legacy of 8 year old game play, and that they are going to find it hard to carry on with it past EP3, without running into criticisms.

Firstly the nature of the Half-life games is that you as Gordon/Barney/Shepard/Chell are a silent interloper in the activities and events that take place around you. This is all well and good, but it does limit you in terms of what you can do, and it is reliant upon clear communication to you constantly, as to what it is you need to do. You can't question any NPCs, they have to know to inform you. It makes for a very immersive game, but it also makes for a very linear/on rails experience, and there is only so much you can do as a passive observer.

Secondly, 8 years ago it was an accepted standard in FPS games that everyone could run around with 10 guns in some magical backpack and think nothing of whipping them out time and again. It was all mindless shooting and no one really thought about it that much. However a lot has changed since then and more and more FPS games are opting for the main and secondary gun approach, which adds a dynamism to the tactics of how you play, in terms of what you take & what you don't. I'm not saying that Valve should drop the present system, but it's quaintness is something that people have criticized at times, and that is only going to get stronger as the franchise continues.
Or alternatively, if Valve fold into so called 'criticisms' based solely on what everyone else in the genre is doing, they will get an equal amount of criticism to if they just plowed on with such minor things as they are.
Or alternatively, if Valve fold into so called 'criticisms' based solely on what everyone else in the genre is doing, they will get an equal amount of criticism to if they just plowed on with such minor things as they are.

It's a natural resultant of visual upscaling, the more realistic things look, the more people want them to behave/feel realistic, no different than advanced physics being introduced, motion blur, depth of field or anything else. Personally I'm in favour of reducing the gun baggage down, maybe not to the extent of one handgun/1 rifle and that's your lot but certainly down a couple of notches. I don't want Half-life 3 to be Half-life game play in a newer engine, with better models & textures.
I want HL with much better combat. It feels a decade old.

Link's Past was the best game ever out of the whole series. I personally got bored of the very much overrated Ocarina of Time.
Except they've developed business sense and can see that, though most 'Final Fantasy' games have no right to the title, they're going to sell about 5 times as much just by using the name.
Square/Enix Execs: Did we say,"Final Fantasy?" Whoops, nope. false alarm. FFXIII will be the "Final" Fantasy. The fantasy to end all fantasies therefore it'll be the best, well, uhh..."Fantasy" game yet.:LOL: I get your drift.

That said, the indiscriminate use of the 'Final Fantasy' title is nothing compared to the rubbish that they've put out when they've actually dared to continue any of the games.
Again here, FF X-2 was the biggest black-eye for the series of them all. (Shame on you Square/Enix) Even more so than Advent Children, which wasn't even a game. They've desecrated the FF name with X-2 indefinately.:p
PoeticRocker said:
I personally got bored of the very much overrated Ocarina of Time.
Agreed on this part. :D

Best game ever? Pssh. How about, a barely tolerable romp.