freakiest bad guys

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The howl that the Fast Zombies give was scary enough. But the Poison Zombies silence was just as bad. Those guys would pop out of know where and hit you with them. Even if you killed them, you still had to get rid of the two or three other Headcrabs on them. I would run away and set them on fire after a few close calls with them.

The poison Zombie in the house was where i freaked out the most. Second to that is the fast zombies in Ravenholm.
Bronzer said:
Happiness is a fast zombie either impaled on one of the preachers meathooks, or stuck to an electrified fence!

Holy crap, I didn't know that gamma could GO that high. It makes the Ravenholm level look like an overcast day in Miami.
I remember that part in Forget About Freeman where you're in the zomibe-infested building, and that FLAMING, SCREAMING FAST ZOMBIE COMES SKITTERING OUT OF A HOLE IN THE FLOOR! That was wicked-cool.

that part was pretty cool especially with the combines fight for survival against the zombies but i think its called "follow freeman" because "forget about freeman" is in half life 1.
Hercules331 said:
No one cares about your opinion sorry. But nice first post and welcome to the forums!
Harsh and baseless from someone who just came last month, pfft.

Though I will say that I HATE poison zombies, with a passion...

Happiness is a fast zombie either impaled on one of the preachers meathooks, or stuck to an electrified fence!
Good Lord what's your contrast setting on your monitor!
Javert said:
Harsh and baseless from someone who just came last month, pfft.

Though I will say that I HATE poison zombies, with a passion...

Good Lord what's your contrast setting on your monitor![/QUOTE]
Ha ha,, I just increased the brightness levels in photoshop for illustrative purposes. I'd need welders glasses to play the game this brightly lit. It does show that the Preacher just needs a few more lights from Home Depot though! :cool:
I agree with you guys

The freakiest part was in one of those Coastline building where one of the Poison Zombies came out of nowhere in the 2nd floor. It didn't even make a sound.

I wasn't scared (freaked out) that much in a long time. I was standing in the corner just shooting and shooting with a cold sweat running through my body.

After that I decided not to go to a similar empty building.

Freakiest Bad guys
#1 Poison Zombie
#2 Fast Zombie
#3 All the shiny headcrabs
I hated the fast zombies, they just scared the shit out of me!
And does anyoneknow what those weird skinny workers in the citadel when you are in that conveyor cage are??

AAND its really freaky that when you put a zombie on fire he cries GOD HELP ME!! when I heard of that I hated putting them on fire! lol
My vote goes for the fast zombies. But one subtle detail I like about killing just normal zombies is when you cap them in the noggin, the crab flies off and lands limp on the floor revealing the head and face of the poor bastard that was once just a normal Joe. Oh yeah, the whole Ravenholm experience was just psychotic!