Freakin crap

It was just for fun. We've all done something like it... Like snapping a rubberband against your skin or something.
Yea, except a rubber band ISN'T A GUN. lol :D
It was a cheap airsoft gun! It wasn't anything permanently damaging, doesn't leave a welt or something.
I cant think of any time where I intentionally caused myself pain just to see what happens.
Yeah man, pay someone else to kill your food for you, that's the American way.

"Guns don't kill people...unless they're loaded and accidentally discharged by some moron"

You mean guns dont kill people, minorities do.
lol at this whole thread especially vegeta. So Ridge, you said you shot a hole through the floor and into the room below dont live in an apartment do you? If so have you disposed of the body yet or what cause you havent mentioned anything about that..
I live in a house with my parents. Nobody was injured or killed. I was home by myself at the time.