Freaky experience.


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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Well, okay guys. I need some advice, so i'm going to post what happened first, in detail in case any of it helps.

I was taking a drive to get away from some stress, and I found myself on a nice road a ways out from the city. Beautiful green trees extended outwards all around me as I went up one hill and down into another. It looked like an emerald forest judging from the treetops alone. I figured it would be a great way to relieve stress, if only I could find a place to pull off the highway and take a stroll. Luckily it didn't take much longer, and I found a nice pulloff, and turned off the engine.

I stepped out of the car, and took a bottle of water with me. Only planning on a short walk, I didn't need much, and set off into the forest. The trees were of various sizes, some a decent size, about half the size of my torso around, but most were skinny and tall. No redwood forests to be found here in this part of Texas. There wasn't much in the means of a path to follow, seeing as most of these woodlands were probobably pretty unscathed by humans except for the nearby road. But, that didn't stop me and actually enhanced the experience giving me a little workout as I stepped over broken limbs and fallen trees, carefully stepping to avoid any shallow pits that I might twist my ankle in.

I walked and walked, careful to keep in a relatively straight line, as I didn't want to get lost. This was just supposed to be a stress reliever, and it certainly was. I made my way about two thousand feet, give or take a few hundred, and couldn't see the car anymore. Satisfied, and thoroughly tired, I turned around and began to head back. I stopped suddenly just as I heard a loud snapping sound behind me, like a branch or twig that was violently splintered. Startled, I turned to look back, and saw nothing. As a matter of fact, I don't really remember seeing anything at all on my way into the woods. There weren't any squirrels, birds or anything. Maybe they were just scared of me and chose to stay quiet, unused to the sighting of a human being.

Seeing that nothing and nobody was there, I began back towards the car. Again, I heard something, only this time it was the crunching of dried out leaves. I snapped my head backwards to look over my shoulder, and again saw nothing. Spooked, I continued on my way, quickening my pace as I stepped hastily over fallen branches and trees. It sounded like something was behind me, and I began to hear this deep, gutteral breathing. Wet and grating, the noise seemed to float to my ears from wherever it was coming from. Only I didn't know where it was coming from, as there wasn't anything to be seen between the trees.

A loud growl, inhuman sounding pierced the warm air, and that was the last straw. I took off towards the direction of my car at breakneck speed, leaping over stumps and other small obstacles. Behind me was a terrible commotion, and it became clear to me I was being chased. Turning my head back as I ran, I only managed to see a glimpse of brown or black, I wasn't sure which. It could have been both, but I was too terrifed to stop and turn around. As I came to the edge of the woods, I fumbled with my keys and quickly opened the driver seat door, throwing myself inside. Panicing and in a sweat, I started the engine and put the car in reverse, pulling out back onto the road. Looking back at the trees, I couldn't see anything, but I know there was something there and it was chasing me.

The ride home was almost eerie, and I didn't even bother to turn on the radio to break the awful silence that pervaded the interior space of my vehicle. Once I pulled back into my driveway, I began to calm down and noticed that I was drenched in my own sweat. Stepping inside, I closed the door behind me and headed to the bathroom. Setting the water temperature to a comfortable lukewarm, I stepped into the shower and began to bathe myself. I jerked with surprise as I heard the sound of the door opening.

Looking through the translucent shower curtain I could see that the door wasn't opened fully but had instead just been opened ajar. Thoroughly freaked out, I quickly finished up and rinsed off, stepping out and toweling myself off. The door certainly was open, but only slightly. I remembered that the ones leading into the bathroom from the adjacent hallway and bedroom are very poorly designed, and generally do not shut completely. WHenever the air conditioner would turn on, the pressure in the room would change and one of them would frequently open just slightly, except for the fact that before it never bothered me.

Terrified, I tried to calm myself down by watching some television. It never ceased to ease my frayed nerves on many occasions, and the comedy of my favorite shows had me roaring with laughter in no time. Hours passed, and it was getting pretty late. Feeling thirsty, I headed towards the kitchen to get a drink, but saw something in the large picture frame window that overhangs slightly out on my back porch. A blur of motion in the darkness outside gave way to the dim yellow lights of the apartment complex that stood behind my residence. The entire yard was walled off by eight foot tall wooden fences, and I lived in a cul-de-sac. Noone has ever passed through my yard, and it would be quite a feat to do so, so I had no idea who I just saw. Too freaked out, I ran back to my bedroom and crawled into bed, curling myself into a ball and swiftly fell asleep.

Waking up the morning after, I was feeling comfortable and secure like I usually do when the sensation of grogginess overwhelms me. However, I was still curious about what I saw last night, and went to check the back porch. My yard wasn't very fancy, and the back yard portion was a testament to this. In fact, you could say it was a bit trashy. Completely barren of any swings or sheds, the ground was sparsely scattere with dirt and patches of yellow-brown dried grass. It came this way when I bought it, and I figured since the neighbors couldn't see it, I didn't have to maintain it like I did out front. There was a light rain the previous morning, and the ground was still damp in some areas that were under exposed to the sun, blocked by the tall branching trees that stood near the fence to the northeast side and up along the side of the house. Something caught my eye, and I looked closer, and to my shock I saw what appeared to be dog tracks. Dog tracks, except for the fact that they were elongated and exaggerated in almost every way imiginable and rather large, about the size of my own two feet.

Okay, and so after that point nothing new happened. I am sorry for posting this in such a lengthly, drawn out story like form, but I figured it would be the best way to convey just what exactly happened to me. So I was hoping to ask what opinions you guys have about this matter? I'm honestly freaked out, and don't know what to think. I don't have the slightest ****ing clue what I could have seen both in the woods, or on my back porch.
TheAmazingRando said:
Buy a tranquilizer, shoot the creature, win the Noble prize.

Tranquilizer? I don't know what i'm dealing with here. I'd feel safer with a shotgun.
Either way if you bag it and it is a undiscovered hominid then you could win the Nobel Prize and become the envy of every anthropologist.
Nightvision + traps.

PM short recoil, he'll catch it, skin it and have it roasting before you press the send button.
Talk to animal control. Wandering around the suburbs with a weapon trying to shoot a "monster" is NOT the safest option :thumbs:
TheAmazingRando said:
Either way if you bag it and it is a undiscovered hominid then you could win the Nobel Prize and become the envy of every anthropologist.

Anthropologist? Isn't that like, study of humans or something? Though, whatever was out there that night, was obviously large. The picture window nook starts about two and a half feet off the ground, and extends to the length of the ceiling almost. The Apartment is nearby in the back yard over the fence, and the lights were coming from the second story which means whatever was blocking the light had to be at least as tall as a human.

I'm hesitant to say werewolf, but ****, what could leave dog like prints that large. I'll try to get pictures of a print later after work if the soil hasn't dried and cracked enough since then. Should still be visible.
Who would have thought posting here would get serious responses? :rolleyes: :-P
Raziaar said:
Who would have thought posting here would get serious responses? :rolleyes: :-P

I gave you a serious response... but how can you be serious in asking for RL advice on a computer game forum?!

Call the cops, animal control etc... failing that, a priest, and then you'll be fine, or dead. :)
bliink said:
I gave you a serious response... but how can you be serious in asking for RL advice on a computer game forum?!

Call the cops, animal control etc... failing that, a priest, and then you'll be fine, or dead. :)

Wasn't talking about yours... except maybe the Dynamite comment <laughs> They're comical to read, but it feels like i've been stalked home by whatever it was, though I fail to see how that's happened.

If you see on the news an article about a guy who was eviscerated and completely torn to shreds in his home or yard down in texas, think of me! offense but it sounds extremely far fetched's a nice story, pretty well written

curious: the paw print you saw said it was as big as your two feet ...that would put the animal at about the size of an elephant ...had that been the case I'm sure someone else must have seen it
For the purposes of this thread, ill assume he was telling the truth.

>>>This<<< page is quite interesting.

Is it true that a bear's sense of smell is 7 times greater than that of a bloodhound?
Indeed it is. There is perhaps no other animal with a keener sense of smell. Bears rely on their sense of smell to locate mates, detect and avoid danger in the form of other bears and humans, identify cubs, and FIND FOOD. Although the region of the brain devoted to the sense of smell is average in size, the area of nasal mucous membrane in a bear's head is one hundred times larger than in a human's. This gives a bear a sense of smell that is 7 times greater than a bloodhound's. In addition, they have an organ called a Jacobson's organ, in the roof of the mouth, that further enhances their sense of smell.
Here are some accounts of how truly well a bear can smell:

"A black bear in California was once seen to travel upwind three miles in a straight line to
reach the carcass of a dead deer."

Does anyone think that the bear could have followed him home? how far did you drive, and how many other cars would have gone the same way?

of course, the pawprints near your house could just be coincidental.
Kill on of your neighbors children, then leave his rotting carcass under one of these. If you wake up the next morning and see one of these, your probably crazy and should seek medical attention. :)
Don't worry, if it had wanted to kill you, you wouldn't be posting here now.

It just wanted to be your friend!

PM short recoil, he'll catch it, skin it and have it roasting before you press the send button.

Maybe it was Short Recoil :O
Everyone else is wrong. I don't know how to tell you this but...better take a look for yourself...Linkage
You ****ed!
I am afraid to click that link, Lost. I really am.

Oh, and Raziaar, I was going to say were-wolf but...

Nevermind ^-^
Sasquatch, noob. :O

EDIT: Or what xlostx suggested. El Chupacabra!
xLostx said:
Everyone else is wrong. I don't know how to tell you this but...better take a look for yourself...Linkage
You ****ed!

I remenber long years ago here there was many reports of chupacabras sightings ,even documentals on tv but whitout real proof execpt for the deads animal,in puerto rico hav been lots of cases and a lot of people there say that they saw it and believe it exist

and for the topic creator that was a freaky story but if you post pics we will believe you more

still who is so crazy to walk in a forest alone?
A dog? What is with the internet and these ridiculous stories.

They're so common on the internet but in real
seriously, if what your telling us is the truth to your knowledge, then you may be erm.. hows the technical term go? CRAZY
make a cast of the impression. we just did this in my criminalistics lab to get footprints. get plaster of paris (can be bought in virtually all hardware/craft stores) and mix it to slightly more viscous than water. it should be able to pour easy and not in clumps. do not pour directly into the impression, but slightly outside of it and let the plaster mixture ooze in. let it sit for a day or so (may want to cover it with a bowl or something to protect it) and have someone take a look at it. most likely case is that it was a large dog. probably not what you saw in the woods, but who knows.
CptStern said:
curious: the paw print you saw said it was as big as your two feet ...that would put the animal at about the size of an elephant

Raziaar has very small feet.

-Angry Lawyer
CptStern said:
:O ...he must fall down a lot
I don't know why, but that totally reminded me of the "My dog's got no nose" joke.
"I say, I say, I say; My dog's got no nose!"
"He must fall down a lot."
<Confused silence>
el Chi said:
I don't know why, but that totally reminded me of the "My dog's got no nose" joke.
"I say, I say, I say; My dog's got no nose!"
"He must fall down a lot."
<Confused silence>

<More confused silence>
Great story, I'd agree with stern.

Although its amazing what happens after one scary thing, you begin to imagine things, I know at least I do.


And I secound calling short recoil, hes speed dial 1 on my phone!
Uhhh... well, I'm sorry. It was actually me in the woods, good sir, I was simply going to ask you for a cigarette or some change. Then when you got so scared and ran off, I had to follow you home in which after walking through your house (who jumps a fence?) while you were in the shower and into the backyard, I discovered scraps of food in a garbage can in a shed.

Oh yeah, did I ever tell anyone that I'm half dog?
Raziaar said:
Wasn't talking about yours... except maybe the Dynamite comment <laughs> They're comical to read, but it feels like i've been stalked home by whatever it was, though I fail to see how that's happened.

If you see on the news an article about a guy who was eviscerated and completely torn to shreds in his home or yard down in texas, think of me!
Dog tracks broke your story. And your story is greatly done! Sounds like something for an english project almost. Great choice of adjectives, nice climax, and a resolution that keeps you hanging! But seriously, if this is TRUE... please go on, or like, take a pic of the dog tracks.
It was short recoil, you used his name in vain.