Freddy vs Freeman

Oct 20, 2007
Reaction score
In a small town on a tiny street called Elm Street. A Gordon Freeman visits his relative. He is exhausted and lays his head down and falls asleep.

Gordon finds himself in the middle of the house. He looks around but there is no one around. He's puzzled. He begins to walk in the dark house. He wonders how he ended up here. Then he suddenly hears a deep horse voice in front him. "Hello Dr Freeman" the shadow projected. Gordon squints and looks in the dark. A man steps out a Man who is badly burned and wears a striped shirt. He lifted his razor gloves up to his hat and tips it back. Gordon has no idea who this man is. "So this is the man who works at black mesa." The man said to Gordon. Gordon was still flabbergasted on how he was in the middle of the house. Suddenly Freddy swung his blade across Freeman's chest. Gordon fell backwards and went into his alert mode. He then ran to the front door.

He turned the knob as hard as he could but wouldn't move at all. Gordon then turned to see Freddy lifting his claw and walking toward him. His face was sinister as he got closer to Freeman. He raised his hand to swipe at Gordon but before he could Gordon punched Freddy right in the nose. Gordon then ran up the stairs as Freddy was stunned from the punch. Freddy then got shook his head and saw Gordon sprint of the stairs. He quickly ran after Gordon. He was almost at the top when Gordon threw a broom down. Freddy wasn't paying attention and didn't see it. He then violently fell on his face. Gordon kept running down the hall. He then came to a dead end. He made a fist in anger. He heard the same voice behind him. "Don't be like that" Gordon turned around and found himself in the same situation as before, Freddy then walked toward him again "Got you this time bitch" he yelled as he approached Gordon.

Gordon now had no choice but to fight back. He raised his fists. Freddy got his hand ready. Then he threw his fist right at Gordon's head. At that moment Gordon ducked, Freddy got his hand caught in the wall. Gordon then punched him in the stomach once then another time and another. Freddy kept trying to pull his glove out of the wall. Gordon then ran from Freddy. But Freddy got his hand free. Gordon then tripped on the broom and fell down the stairs. Out of the blue he felt something on his back and pinned him to the ground, "why do you wear that ridiculous tie" then he raised his and swiped Freeman across the cheek. Freeman grinded his teeth. Then he crawled to get away from Freddy but he grabbed his leg. Gordon then kept moving. He then crawled to and reached for something in a closet. Freddy cut his leg and went back and fourth. Gordon then pulled something out of the closet.

It was a crowbar. He then slammed Freddy across the face. Freddy crashed into the wall behind him. Gordon got up picked up the crowbar and walked to Freddy. Then he dug it into Freddy's head. He pulled it out and lifted Freddy up against the wall and stuck the bar through him and trapped him on the wall, Freddy just laughed as he pulled the crowbar out of his stomach. He then bashed Gordon on the head with it, Gordon fell on the floor. Freddy just stood above him and laughed as blood ran down Freeman's face. "Rather an anti climax after what you just survived" Freddy said as he went into a laugh.

Gordon then opened his blood shot eyes and pulled Freddy's legs out from under him. Freddy was astounded as Gordon picked up the crowbar and stuck it through Freddy's face. Gordon was standing on top of Freddy's oozing body and whipped blood off his thick glasses. Freddy laughed and stood back up. Gordon was horrified and ran to wherever he could. He ended up in the kitchen. Freddy pulled the crowbar out of his gashed face. And came toward Gordon with it Gordon grabbed the closest thing, a meat cleaver. Freddy laughed "This isn't a butcher shop Freeman" he yelled. Gordon ran right toward Freddy and started swinging it at him. Then he felt it hit something and saw his hand go toward the wall. Gordon started to smile as Freddy went to his knees screaming then Freddy started to give yet another laugh. Gordon then grabbed the blade harder and started striking it on his back. He then left it in his flesh as he went back to the kitchen. Freddy got back up. He slowly walked toward Gordon.

He got closer then Gordon spun around and threw a liquid onto Freddy. He was shocked and looked at the liquid. He then raised his head back up to Gordon and said "Oh ****" Gordon then threw a lit match onto Freddy. He abruptly went up in flames. He Ran around screaming in a circle. Gordon did nothing but grew a smile. Freddy than just stopped and yelled "forget about Freeman". And ran off Gordon then heard a screeching noise he covered his ears. He found himself in a bed and sun blaring in his eyes. He lifted himself up to see all the injuries still on him. Then his cousin came in the doorway "hey man time for brea...what happened tough night of equations." he chuckled. Gordon threw a snow globe at him.