Free Anarchy Online Untill 2006

downloading now, slow though. it would be great to get a guild a freeloaders going lol. is it only one server or do we choose from servers? if you choose, what servers are you guys on?
Feath said:
Erm, yeah.

Surprisingly enough, the one that you don't pay for is the free option.
I just wanted to make sure that it wasnt like a month test trial or something like that, then they start charging me after one month. Can never be too carefull.
Had it downloaded for a while says the zips are either in "unknown format" or "damaged" :rolleyes: do I get an apartment ? :|

I'm standing at the apartment doors now, but it wont let me in ;(, the doors open but it dosent let me any further ;(
Who downloaded on bittorrent and gets an error when trying to unzip the files?

Alig said:
Come on, someone must know... :dozey:

Uh, run the setup.exe

Trust me that will solve all of your problems. You tried to execute a .cab extension not a very wise idea when the .cab is split into many files. Anyway you shouldn't be fiddling with setup files just run the executable.
need hepl, its bin on the cheking directX capabilities for about 20 mins now, anyonne else have this prob?

nerver mind - fixed
erm...i tried running setup.exe and it told me to run install.exe instead...worked fine..
I am having trouble with datacab 2! I run install.exe and it reads datacab 1 fine I think but then it asks to insert the disk with datacab 2 on it. I have datacab 2 in my folder... dunno what the problem is. I've tried dling from bittorrent and simmo's mirror and both have given me this problem. Can anybody help me?
datacab2 should be in the same directory as the install.exe

when it asks you to insert the disk, just give it the folder you downloaded and it should work.
This is just what I've been waiting for - the chance to try out a MMORPG without having to purchase anything beforehand. I'm really enjoying it so far, which disturbs me when I consider how much more enjoyable WoW might possibly be. My level 13 Engineer just finished a group slog through the subway (West Athens), I purchased myself a brand new automaton before I logged off.

Interesting experience, there are some particulars that I don't like (seems too impersonal at times) which would discourage me from paying for the game, but I'm assuming they aren't ubiquitous to the genre.

kungfucheez, I think I actually saw you on newbie island.
I've got it sorted now, i was running setup.exe, then install.exe but it asked for a disk and i thought because the zips was'nt unzipped it was asking for the disk so i automatically just cancelled the installation.

I've tried it...seems complicated, and maybe addicting, which i don't need...i'm saving myself for WoW :p I don't know how to do shit though...i'll try it tommorow sometime properly and change settings blah blah to suit me. Could'nt be arsed today because i was out last night and was'nt in the mood for messing about today.
i'm on the Atlantean server, so if you need any help just give us a shout.

btw, can anyone make out what to do with nanotechnology? i can't make head nor tail of it...seems so superfluous to the game experience.
Well...I tried it out, and its alright I suppose. I suspect it was more fun back in the day. I jsut can't see myself getting into it (Which is no bad thing considering all the games I have and the amount of time I should actually spend on the computer)
Orgonomist said:
kungfucheez, I think I actually saw you on newbie island.
lol most likely, when I was on Newbie island things were still quite confusing, so it is possible.

So far ive been really addicted to this game, I even have my own little apartment :) I wonder if you can buy things for your apartment, that would be cool.
Whats a good, basic, easy to use race/class? (i know they have "easy" etc next to the class but still...).
i chose human martial artist...mainly because it's the most boring, generic class ever. you can solo all the areas and quests. i haven't once had to team up with anyone. quite annoying really.

i've heard a doctor is a good class, mainly because they can heal themselves and can outlast their opponents, much like the paladin from WoW.
Thanks :D. I'll try out a martial artist or something tommorow.

Edit/ I'm not really looking for a fun class or anything, just something to see if the game is any good or not for me..first impressions of it earlier was "looks shit" but then again, the last MMO i played that was a sci-fi FPSMMORPG i thought looked shit on first impressions...and it took me 2 years to stop playing it :O

I wish EQ1 would become free :( I've wanted to play that game for ages but i don't want to pay for it because its ancient. I need some form of fantasy colourful game to play. No WoW yet is driving me insane :p...I wish i never played the beta now because i intended to buy WoW whether i'd played it or not simply because it was made by Blizzard and had "warcraft" in its name.
Just to get back in the swing of things, I'm playing the same thing back in the old days, Clan Opifex Fixer. Goin' ok but the new-to-me UI is just nuts. Currently level 14.

Man, what happened to Tir? That place used to be hoppin' now it's just a ghost town.
Im also a Martial Artist, currently lvl 13, im also with the Omni-Tek :)
Well, that game was really weird :D i have no idea what i am doing or are supposed to do..
h00dlum said:
Well, that game was really weird :D i have no idea what i am doing or are supposed to do..
Wanna join my guild then? its the guild for people who haven't a fecking clue what we're meant to do lol :p
Oohh.. Now this is a nice offer. Shame you don't get Shadowlands, Notum Wars or Alien Invasion aswell though.. because that's where mos of the action is happening.

Been playing AO for about.. well since it came out... that makes it about three and a half year.

The game itself has a very very very steep learning curve, after three years of playing you'll still end up learning new things.
For a new player I would suggest starting as a Opifex/Solitus/Atrox Martial artist. Since that's the class that is the cheapest there is for a new person, you don't have to worry much about upgrading armor aslong as you keep your evades up there.
Neither do you have to worry about upgrading your weapons.. since well.. your fists are what you use for fighting :D
If you're interested in reading some guides and such for the game, the official forums are a great source for information.
I think free accounts can search on the forums, but not post.

Well.. enjoy the game, atleast stay untill wow comes out :p
The Dark Elf said:
Wanna join my guild then? its the guild for people who haven't a fecking clue what we're meant to do lol :p

I will join the guild of 'no fecking clue what to do'. What server are you on and my name will be Baril (nice one WoW name generator:p). I don't know how to private message ingame, or even attack so your clan sounds great :p
The Dark Elf said:
Wanna join my guild then? its the guild for people who haven't a fecking clue what we're meant to do lol :p

What is a guild, where can i find it, how do i join? :D I told you i was a n00b :bounce:
Im AcousticToad, a level 1 Engineer, fear my squeaking crap robot! What server? Hell knows, number 2 I think, I have a char on both actually. Rimor, Solitus male, thats where I am.
I'm instaling now (yes the torrent really was that slow), what servers are you guys on?
Im a beaurocrat names Oldagerocker. Naturally ;)