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Your playing with my emotions when you have a thread title as grea-... misleading as this one.
damn! and I thought I was going to get some pr0n
ROFL.. but if you really think HL2 going gold is better then pr0n.. then you should seriously get out more :p :devil:
I like porn
but is repetive cuz is the same story
<RJMC> said:
I like porn
but is repetive cuz is the same story
Yeah. In, out, in, out, shake it all about.... the hokey cockey and you turn her around, thats what its all about.
whahah of all the usseless stupid threads people can make, this one is great : :thumbs: made me laugh for 5 minutes
I'm not so sure of this. I think I need some pr0n that I can examine as a comparison :E
what? no pr0n?

*goes back into hiding with a glum face
maybe there will b a dvd special feature alyx n freemon behind the scenes voyer footage ;);) ;) hey hey i hope that happens
lol, this is one of the most stupid topics I've seen this week, maybe even more than the So its Monday. Where's the Gold Anouncemnet? topic. Thinking about Pr0n and HL2, maybe someone plans to make a HL2 Pr0n mod. Can you imagine? With realistic physics and facial expressions :p. Damn I need to go out more :p
We now need real time fluid physics!!!

(12 years old girl voice:) GROSS!!
This is a funny thread, yet perfectly describes the goodness of Half-Life 2
I think porn isn't as appealing to me since I'm taking an anti-depressant and it like killed my sex drive. It's a good thing and a bad thing. It's good because I don't feel like getting off while doing school, it's a bad thing because it's really hard to reach orgasm too :eek:

At least the meds are working though :cheers:
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can hold a candle for 5 seconds to HL2 :naughty:
Yeah, but I was really holding out for a good MP Pr0n! Maybe Co-op? :naughty: