Free electronics items - several options!

  • Thread starter Thread starter alan_20
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It's a mutant bot from the old Yahoo! chat rooms, attempting to carve out a niche in tougher chat climate.
Haha suckers....I got my free assorted electronic items on the way.
Geogaddi said:
Haha suckers....I got my free assorted electronic items on the way.
HA! >:D HA!

I'm using
free assorted electronic items!
I'm NOT using free assorted electronic items!
What happened to the day bots didn't exist, and when you wanted to advertise, you'd build up a marginally good rep first, the start slipping it in subliminally when you knew everyone reads what you say. That was fun, fun times.
It's too early ;(

Don't be a peen please.
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