Free HDR demo


Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
hey all, thought you guys might enjoy this.....its a demonstration of HDR(High Dynamic Range Lighting).

download: Here

website: Here

Thank you goes to SeiferZ for telling me about it :))

i made 2 screenshots myself...


Pretty old now, someone posted that a while back.. me probably haha naa i don't remember, but I've seen that demo before
A. What's this have to do with HL2, other than HL2 featuring HDR?
B. This is pretty old, alot of us have seen this :)
C. It's cool though, yeah
ahhhh ic ic :) sry didnt know this was posted already(/me has a very bad cold and cant really think very well right now :'{ )

still cool though :)
Anyone seen that new HL2 vid where you start up in an attic and then go onto a roof and walk around, now THAT video was awesome, the lighting effects= teH pWnz0r
this is old news, yes, but it's amazingly fun to play with if you have a 9700 pro or the like.
pretty cool. Thanks for making a re-post about it. I must have missed it the first time around, or I wasn't participating in these forums yet.

I have an MX420, it doesn't support pixel shading...fing bastards....
I'm curious, did halo use that effect for its sun?
halo just used a lens flare effect... trying to get the effect of HDR, but it's not actually HDR technology.
it has a lens flare, but it also bleeds around the edges of trees and your weapon and stuff... unless thats what you meant by "trying to get the effect."

Those screenies are pretty damn nice =D

But this means I have to get a job as soon as possible...bleh

Not very many openings...

I'm 16 btw...just so you don't think I'm some bum who spends 8 hours a day in the public library on the computer...
Death.Trap said:
I'm 16 btw...just so you don't think I'm some bum who spends 8 hours a day in the public library on the computer...

I remember, the last time I used a public library's computer.. it was DOS, the best it had was Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego on it! and a library to check what was in the library, but.. yeah

Anyhow, this HDR techdemo is cool
lol, I remember playing that game all the time at my friends house when I was like 9. Good times...
hmm yea old.. But the first time I heard of that proggy I *only* had a ti 4600... Now I have a 9800 pro and can enjoy the demo in full colors thx, cool stuff.
wow i gusse my 5200 douse suck...

3 words

Must Upgrade Now

lol i was at zero multi sampleing and small window at what 3-8 fps? shzi me = upg asap
I never saw this :( .............. why'd no one tell me !!!?!!?!?!?!

Thank you deathryuu
I cant get it to work........

I've got a GeForce 4 Ti 4200....... its weird because it says it has DirectX 9 ..... but I know its only DX8.
if its recommended by hl2 then its probly DX9 "somewhat" compatible ne ways ima check out the Gforce 4 series and the 6800ultra and mabee the R420 even thow thare drivers are !@#$
XenoSpirit said:
if its recommended by hl2 then its probly DX9 "somewhat" compatible ne ways ima check out the Gforce 4 series and the 6800ultra and mabee the R420 even thow thare drivers are !@#$

The GeForce4 (Ti) cards are DX8.1. You won't be getting DX9 on them, and they're outdated..
i am looking at the Nvidia chip (6800) it says full support for DX9.0 and shaders 3.0 so ive allreaddy got the dough from my momma haha i love mooching monney from my parents all you gota do it sweet talk them HEHE... ne wo i dint say they WHERE dx 9.0 compatable i said mabee some of the files of dx9.0 would work on it... but it is DX 8... i wana check out the 6800 vs r420 before i make a final buy but my monney is rideing Nvidia right now #1 thare chips are very nice
XenoSpirit said:
so ive allreaddy got the dough from my momma haha i love mooching monney from my parents all you gota do it sweet talk them HEHE...

The real world's gonna kick your arse..... :smoking:
not really i plan to get a job when im 17 i allso plan to go to collage so i can get a much better job eather programing A.I for games or makeing the "content" or "levels" of the games... i dont have much experiance in eather one but i do have some in worldcraft with makeing half decent office places...
i cant seem to find where them classy models are... someones direct me to them...
i have only 1333mhz but a 9800pro :D hope it doesnt require too much cpu power
how can you create the .PVI file format? I want to put some diffrent models in it.
XenoSpirit said:
not really i plan to get a job when im 17 i allso plan to go to collage so i can get a much better job eather programing A.I for games or makeing the "content" or "levels" of the games... i dont have much experiance in eather one but i do have some in worldcraft with makeing half decent office places...

I reiterate... Real World awaits.....

p.s. i give you an E for spelling

But not being a pedantic meanie, Those images from HL1 look incredible, how did they make it look so good?
It isn't much of a game, is it? It is just a little application that demonstrates one of the capabilities of DX9 hardware. Wouldn't that fit better in the "Hardware, Software, & Troubleshooting" section?
OCybrManO said:
It isn't much of a game, is it? It is just a little application that demonstrates one of the capabilities of DX9 hardware. Wouldn't that fit better in the "Hardware, Software, & Troubleshooting" section?
Use your imagination and pretend its a game :p
This'd be awesome if they threw Havoc physics in there, had it so you could effectively play marbles, just chuck them at eachother and have customizeable effects for the impact, like awesome sparks and screen blurring and shit.

Man... I really need a card that'll run this so I can stop dreaming about it.

Death.Trap said:
Anyone seen that new HL2 vid where you start up in an attic and then go onto a roof and walk around, now THAT video was awesome, the lighting effects= teH pWnz0r

What in the sam hill? Is it bink?
Bad^Hat said:
This'd be awesome if they threw Havoc physics in there, had it so you could effectively play marbles, just chuck them at eachother and have customizeable effects for the impact, like awesome sparks and screen blurring and shit.

Man... I really need a card that'll run this so I can stop dreaming about it.

What in the sam hill? Is it bink?
It's just the Source HDR video, its old.
eraser said:
What is this from?
Some guy who used to post here made a HL1 map to try mimic the HL2 E3 tech maps. He also included a lot of users avatars for you to try find aswell.. Was quite a laugh playing it. Do a search through old threads for the link, its out there somewhere.
Fenric said:
Some guy who used to post here made a HL1 map to try mimic the HL2 E3 tech maps. He also included a lot of users avatars for you to try find aswell.. Was quite a laugh playing it. Do a search through old threads for the link, its out there somewhere.

Nonono I know what that is :). I'm just saying that in the pics Varsity posted, you can clearly see that the crowbar is from HL2, yet it shows HL1. I was just wondering what it was, because to me it looks like the port of HL1 to Source that circulated around the same time as the stolen build of HL2.