Free internet in your country?


Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
I know this forum is about "Multiplayer & Steam" but this thread
in this same forum, pointed out a "problem" and led me to think about what follows.
In my country (Italy) we have free internet for dial-up and sometimes even 64k ISDN users... I mean, you don't have monthly charges for the subscription to an ISP of your choice, all you have to pay is the phone call, as long as you are using a common 56k modem...
The phone call is also a "flat-charge", I mean it has the same cost per second wherever you are calling from (from downtown or from the top of a mountain...) :)

So, my question is: in your country (specify which) do you have a similar situation?
This is a little off-topic in here, but anyway...

Here in Australia we used to have deals like that, but the service was impossible to get a connection to, and they required authentication by using a broswer plugin that had a whole stinking heap of Adaware and Spyware embedded. There were workarounds that were created *looks around innocently* but the service took a dive after about 9 months operation.

Unsaturated Cable Connections (10Mbit) are avaliable with a 20gig cap for approx $70US monthly. That connection or the 12gig cap plan for $36US are the sought after connection down here, and failing that, a decent 512/128 ADSL connection is pretty cheap.
infact.... I have myself an ADSL 640/320, and it cost me about US$ 22 /month.... and I'm pretty happy /w it.

To moderators: if you believe this thread is a little off-topic here, fell free to move it wherever you think it would be more appropriate....
Ok, I know you'll do it anyway :hmph:
I pay about $50 bucks a month for my 8mbit ADSL. I can use a 56Kb modem everywhere in sweden for free (using the same number as the ADSL) so thats good.

Since 75% or so can get it here, its not really all that good :) I was happy when i got it, but after some days, i heard that everyone with Bostream 2.5Mbit (or something along those lines) are upgraded to 10mbit for free (another ISP bought the ISP they had). And i got told today that my mate is getting 28Mbit... so here I am again... with the slowest and most expensive internet connection among my friends :(

8mbit is fine for me though, but it wouldnt hurt if they upped it alittle. Also, a question, is capped connections big in other countries? The only capped connection i know of is the 100mbit and its capped to 300GB a month.
28Mbit :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: !!!...
...and I thought my 640Kbit flies. ;(

The fastest connection you can get at home here is 10Mbit.... but is still uber expensive!!!...
But 1,2Mbit are slowly taking the place of sub-1Mbit ADSL...
Let's hope! :p