Free Katie Holmes!!!!

When I heard that she was going to embrace Scientology, I just shook my head. :| Why oh why, Katie?

Had a guy at my school who was smart as hell. 36 ACT, 1600 SAT, no shitting. His girlfriend was a scientologist, and she persuaded him to marry her and go into the scientology "seminary". What a ****ing waste.`
Glo-Boy said:
Tom Cruise rules, this website is gay.

I hope you are a girl or gay, because you are making threads about some guy you think is hawt and now this tom cruise bs. Tom is a doucher.
No, I am straight, I just happen to think Tom Cruise is awesome. Are you insecure?

EDIT: Are you talking about my Australian people thread? Just because Eric Bana and Tom Cruise both happen to rule in my book doesn't mean I am gay. I like plenty of ugly male actors, and plenty of female actors.

F-cking nerd.
people just care too much about what celebrities do.
seriously, who ****ing cares who Tom Cruise is dating?
as long as hes not beating u to a bloody pulp or raping u or someone u know, it really...shouldn't matter... i think.
Glo-Boy said:
No, I am straight, I just happen to think Tom Cruise is awesome. Are you insecure?

EDIT: Are you talking about my Australian people thread? Just because Eric Bana and Tom Cruise both happen to rule in my book doesn't mean I am gay. I like plenty of ugly male actors, and plenty of female actors.

F-cking nerd.

Ok, they rule, I misunderstood. You shouldn't listen to me, I piss people off.
what the ****.

Free Katie..I don't even know who she is..
What the hell is the deal with Scientology? I don't profess to know much about it, but isn't it a 'religion' 'invented' by a guy who writes books or some daft shit? Why the hell has Tom Cruise gone all 'Scientoligist' all of a sudden? Apparently even talkshow hosts are concerned about Katie Holmes, because Tom insists on having a member of the Scientoligist Church with her at all times... wierd ****er.
craig said:
What the hell is the deal with Scientology? I don't profess to know much about it, but isn't it a 'religion' 'invented' by a guy who writes books or some daft shit? Why the hell has Tom Cruise gone all 'Scientoligist' all of a sudden? Apparently even talkshow hosts are concerned about Katie Holmes, because Tom insists on having a member of the Scientoligist Church with her at all times... wierd ****er.
Apparently he's been a scientologist for 15 years or so. So it's not like he just decided last month or anything.
w..t...f..I Just thought scientology was a form of science..good thing Widipedia had I'm just disturbed.
he got pwnt at the premiere of wotw in london, some prankster squirted water in his face, his reaction was quite funny.
omg, he was all smiley then he went serious at this guy in london for squirting him with water.....

id understand if it was acid...

very funny tho, watched it on GMTV this morning.:D
KoreBolteR said:
omg, he was all smiley then he went serious at this guy in london for squirting him with water.....

id understand if it was acid...

very funny tho, watched it on GMTV this morning.:D
yeah it was funny

cruise:'' why would you do that? huh? why? why would you do that? you're a jerk, a jerk, you're a jerk''
jimbo118 said:
yeah it was funny

cruise:'' why would you do that? huh? why? why would you do that? you're a jerk, a jerk, you're a jerk''

lucky he didnt have a stutter.... :hmph:

w..www....wwwhy would do that huh? j..jj.jjjj.jjjerk :naughty:
Who cares? As daft as I find Scientology to be, Cruise has every right to believe in it. Hell, he seems like a good enough guy. He's not some twisted crazy sicko. What's the big deal? And if Katie Holmes wants to convert, then so be it. This "Free Katie" crap is ridiculous because this is entirely of her own actions. If she felt she was pressured into it, then I'd expect her to grow some balls (in a manner of speaking) and back out.

And I don't know about you people, but if some random dickhead came up and squirted water into my face, I wouldn't have the most pleased of reactions.