Free PHP hosting request (I only need a few megs)


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
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I'm working on the school website for some extra credit, and they're requiring that I access their servers only on school campus, yet I need to be able to work on and test some pages that use PHP from home.

I'm wondering if anybody could offer me (or point me in the direction of) about 2-10 megs of space, no domain needed, FTP access preffered, with PHP 4+ (5 I'd REALLY prefer 5, but it isn't imperative).

It's what I use. A hell of a lot of space(more than 110), great bandwidth, subdomain, instant activation.

I've had pretty good uptime and such. Even MYSQL. I know you don't need all the sapce it but it's a good host.

Although, why not download Apache and php 5? Not that hard to set up, many tutorials out there. Then you could test ur sites instantly on ur computer. I highly suggest this option.
Best bet is to download easy php*. You can then create and test the pages on your local machine, and then take them in to school when their ready.

*Easy PHP installs a web server, with PHP and a mysql database all in one install. Yes its made by french people, but its very simple.
Thats basically what I recommend.
Easy PHP installs Apache/PHP. Then you just put your files in a certain spot on ur computer. Type in localhost in the browser, and boom ur testing ur scripts.
Thats basically what I recommend.
Easy PHP installs Apache/PHP. Then you just put your files in a certain spot on ur computer. Type in localhost in the browser, and boom ur testing ur scripts.

I tried that a few years back, installing apache and PHP manually on my machine so I could test everything instantly.

Suffice to say it was a bitch to get working.

Hopefully easy php isn't so bad. Worst part was uninstalling. Will I have to hunt down a shitload of directories to uninstall apache once installed via easy PHP?
Really simple. Single installer installs everything, all the servers can be started and stopped from a central control program and its all uninstalled as one program from the Add/remove programs section of control panel. Simple.

Cole - Do you want your thunder back, or do you wanna read the post times?
get a flash drive, 4 gigs....but if its more id say keep lookin
lollerskates. We have a winner in the "didn't read the thread properly" award catagory ;)
lollerskates. We have a winner in the "didn't read the thread properly" award catagory ;)

Or the "doesn't know that PHP is a compile-on-run language" category D:
I can do that but Im at work now, so send me a pm so we can talk on IM later (icq, skype, yim).
I tried that a few years back, installing apache and PHP manually on my machine so I could test everything instantly.

Suffice to say it was a bitch to get working.

Hopefully easy php isn't so bad. Worst part was uninstalling. Will I have to hunt down a shitload of directories to uninstall apache once installed via easy PHP? - It installs Apache, PHP, MySQL, PHPMyAdmin, etc, etc, all for you. Test anything offline.

A "lite" web server is - Great little web server, but you'll have to install most things yourself.

I just took a look at that that got posted and it's better than most pay-for packages, although there are some limits, but nothing that should bother 90% of people. Get it.
Beat this you damn nerd!!

$array1 = array("a" => "green", "red", "blue", "red");
$array2 = array("b" => "green", "yellow", "red");
$result = array_diff($array1, $array2);
