Freedom of speech?

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Originally posted by Fenric1138
for crying out loud, you people complaining that you don't have anything to talk about. Do you not have lives?? Is everything you do revolving around HL2 so much that you have absolutely nothing else to talk about other than illegal things? Thats pretty sad you know.

Go, go create your little stolen files forum, I give you a week max before you all give up and come crawling back. I'll even put money on it

yes and im sure you have a life to be proud of, mr ant lion
You guy's dont seem to get it, it isnt about freedom of speech or anything else like that, it's about Legal Mumbo Jumbo. If this site started letting everyone talk about the Illegal Halflife2 Beta, then Valve would have their $1000 an hour lawyers down on the owners of this website faster then you could refresh a webpage, and most likely, it would be closed down.

Other sites have been warned about posting specific information related to the Hallife2 Beta, why would Valve make an exception in this case?

Simple: They Wouldnt.

The moderators want to be on the good side with Valve, getting information when they can and support for mods. This would be pretty much shattered if started posting specific information about the Illegal HalfLife2 Beta, despite what Valve have politely asked.

And thats why halflife2 specific's are censored.... i think. :P

Well... some mod had deleted my thread. Thats show the freedom we have here. If somebody want the link to the HL2leak forum just send me a PM.
If you think your being oppressed then just leave. Its as simple as that, don't whine all the time sheesh.

Here is something that D33 said a few days ago to explain things for you guys.

Originally posted by D33
Every day I come here and I see someone complain about is not letting the community talk about the beta. If you think that's a lot of people, you'd be correct. Yet it does not compare to the amount of people who contact us moderators and complain if we let it go.

You see we may enforce the rules but it's usually the community who creates them. The majority is what counts. However we also enforce the no beta discussion due to ethics. Ethics like not allowing people to discuss something that was obtained using methods against the law, eithics like showing Valve we do support them.

We don't force people to stay here and use our forums, even if we did what's to stop people from using these forums for normal discussion and another forum for warez discussion.

Getting back on topic, to ilh's point - A well made point I might add. It is our job to keep up with HL2 current events and post news about them. If we don't, other websites will. The difference between our news posts and some of the deleted beta threads on this board are things like spoilers, screenshots, ingame discussion, download links, people admitting to owning it, etc, etc, etc. It's this sort of thing we look for and this sort of thing we remove.
Originally posted by Dhoco X
Well... some mod had deleted my thread. Thats show the freedom we have here. If somebody want the link to the HL2leak forum just send me a PM.

And you know what? I just wrote a email to [email protected], so expect an email soon about your wicked board :)

Man...i gotta go to bed now.
*>Thread Closed<*

only joking, but:

Talking about the leak and warez is illigal, you dont want the forum to close down do you?

Same thing with the IRC channel... Now we got IRC cops everywhere.

We want to stay legal, if you dont like it then go to your warez forum. Im sure you'll like it there.

Listen to his wise words.
Look guys the simple fact is we can do it one way or the other no inbetween. There is no chance in hell without setting the forum to moderate every post before it shows up that we can trust every single user of this forum to talk properly about the beta. Don't you guys remember how much crap we had to remove from the board the first days of the leak.

Plus we ain't gonna dignify this theft by calling it a beta, or a pre-release.

It's theft of the game we've all been waiting on for more than a few years and I for one don't want any details to be spoiled before time. Now combine that with the inherent illegality of it ... well excuse us for taking a stand.

Let's face it .. the only thing any of you should know about the stolen copy is that it is there. By getting it yourselves and discussing it not only have you done something illegal , but you're spoiling the game for those of us who want the finished copy and your spoiling it for yourself by playing an unfinished version.
The difference between our news posts and some of the deleted beta threads on this board are things like spoilers, screenshots, ingame discussion, download links, people admitting to owning it, etc, etc, etc. It's this sort of thing we look for and this sort of thing we remove.

You forgot to write this:

The difference between our news posts and some of the deleted beta threads on this board are things like spoilers, screenshots, ANOTHER HL2 FORUM, ingame discussion, download links, people admitting to owning it, etc, etc, etc. It's this sort of thing we look for and this sort of thing we remove.

The people will decide if they will go or not to the forum, it is just a matter of choice ! If you don't like it, just ignore it... let the members choose what is the best for them !

If i'm not helping... there's nothing more i can do...
Originally posted by Majestic XII

Talking about the leak and warez is illigal, you dont want the forum to close down do you?

OH PLEASE. Talking about <insert subject here> is not illegal, and will never be. You can talk about anything you want. Nobody will arrest you for that.

Also, there is "freedom of speech", but it doesnt apply in here. This is "Munro's ground" and whatever Munro (or other staff) tells you to do, you do, OR YOU GET OUT. Simple as that. You can "free speech" all you want outside.

Munro has said no talking about beta, therefore you dont talk about beta in here. It really shouldnt be that hard to understand.
So, i'm waiting the e-mail and i'll answer with all pleasure. ;)

Really, i'm not afraid.
Originally posted by Reiska
OH PLEASE. Talking about <insert subject here> is not illegal, and will never be. You can talk about anything you want. Nobody will arrest you for that.

Also, there is "freedom of speech", but it doesnt apply in here. This is "Munro's ground" and whatever Munro (or other staff) tells you to do, you do, OR YOU GET OUT. Simple as that. You can "free speech" all you want outside.
I doubt you know any of the legalities involving what was stolen. If the site were to allow all discussion of the beta to happen then people could start posting links and spoilers, then Valve or Vivendi would have every right to close down the site. Its their material that was stolen and if your website begins to allow people to help spread it then im sure they have the right to close it down.
Freedom of Speech 101.

Case in Point:

In the United States it is illegal to yell "Fire!" in a movie theatre. Does anyone believe that this is infringing on freedom of speech.

I thought not.

Freedom of Speech does not cover ALL speech.
Let make this clear for all :

- Steal is illegal.
- Talk about the thing that have been stolen is NOT ILLEGAL.
Well last night someone was talking about the release date that the store in the UK told them, then minutes later the thread was closed, it had nothing to do with beta or leak discussion, so what if the store doesn't really know the release date, neither do we! And valve aint saying nothing so why can't we talk about what we DO know without our threads being closed?
I don't think there is even any point in arguing about this anymore.

People who want to talk about the beta will not be convinced to just drop the issue, and they won't be able to convince the mods to allow for discussion. This is pointless.
At the end of the day you when you click "I accept" you agreed to the rules of our forum. Now it so happens that one of the cardinal rules is no leaked version discussion.

This was done and enforced for a number of reasons some of which I detailed in my previous post.

The simple fact is this rule is in place and it will stay. You've made your point abundantly clear but until such a time when we can trust all our users 100% to disucss these things in an appropriate manner the rule will be enforced.

As for Dhoco I have no problem with other forums. I have problems with links to other forums which are for the sole purpose of discussion of a stolen game. Excuse me if I take exception to that. Thread closed.
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