

Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
For the third time since I bought it, I installed Freelancer again. And again it grips me in a weird way. It has its shortcomings like bland non-story missions and predictable AI, but still it is a beautifully made game and I love to get lost in it. The reason I started again is that I bought X2 The Threat and didn't enjoy it at all. Clunky controls and a general 'amateur' feel to it (all voices have German accents; doesn't help the immersion). Wanting to quell my thirst for some space exploring I got Freelancer out of the box and I've been playing ever since. Anyone else here fly around the Sirius System?
Yeah, I've had the same relationship with the game since it came out. Every once and while I'll install it and go jaunting throughout the galaxy.
Despite a total lack of variety in the missions (outside of the storyline ones), its still amazing to try and see just how far out into nowhere you can get by bumbling from station to station. I had to go back to one of the beginning systems once for a story mission after a prolonged session of exploring and it took me 45 minutes straight of jump gates to get back. The scope is just staggering.
Direwolf said:
I had to go back to one of the beginning systems once for a story mission after a prolonged session of exploring and it took me 45 minutes straight of jump gates to get back. The scope is just staggering.

Yeah, that's what I like about it. The player-world (or rather: player universe) is huge.

Some reviews on Gamerankings.
Heh, I've still got this on my "to buy" list.

At least it might be cheaper now ;)
Kangy said:
Heh, I've still got this on my "to buy" list.

At least it might be cheaper now ;)

It remained at full price for quite some time, but if you browse around you'll find it at round 15 $ or 10 euro's.
The thing about Freelancer is that it wasn't what it was promised to be. I found it really shallow.

X2's cutscenes are pretty amateurish, but you don't even have to play the story, I just go around building a mini empire. Trading to get enough money to afford stations, buying loads of ships that I can send away to go trade to rake in the credits.
I still have it installed on my laptop, it's a great time killer.
Finished the storyline again just before HL2 came out, now I have a kick arse ship, and tons of cash.
I hate playing it after the end of the story line because you're a mega-kill machine.

I've played it twice but I still love it, it's a great game. I keep it up there with Mafia.
Freelancer I would say is comparable to a space-ship GTA/RPG feel. You build your ship up and follow a decent story. The controls were very nice and gave you a decent dogfighting feel.

The biggest problem with the game is that the fighting and missions can become repetitive very very quickly.

I think Microsoft would do very well to make a sequel to this.. There's no doubt at all that I would play it.

The cutscenes were awesome too...
Holy crap, I recently started playing it again too. It's fun going to the alien dimension near the Cosair planet.
same here i played freelancer twice, and im the kind of gamer that plays the sp and never touches it unless it has good mp or skermish or instant acton