Freeman 14th Picture Confirmed Fake by Gabe

I'm willing to bet it's going to be something rather mundane, or a decent trailer for Portal 2.

the name "freeman" was never used before,they didnt even used gordon or pointed any indication of him except for a portrait or something like that
Are you on crack?
I don't think it is going to be half-life 3 or episode 3, however this image was posted on valves blog a couple months ago when asked questions about Team Fortress 2 on mac.


When zoomed in on the dudes arm


The comic book also exclusively underlines the words free and demand, which could be referring to the franchise's main protagonist Gordon Freeman.
I'm not saying there will be no half-life 3 at E3. But don't count on it, or you're setting yourself up for a big letdown.
time traveller?
It would be awesome if they talked about a new project or some such. Something still set in the Half Life continuity, but not Portal or Ep. 3.

Something to explain away the time lag of Gordon getting to the Arctic. It's a long helicopter ride up there you know. Supposedly.

It would be nice to ride in another characters shoes for a while. Maybe people escorting him up there. Maybe people with actual relations other than coworkers and their hot daughters. I seem to remember Gabe saying something about changing the mood of play with their next HL game. Something about the fears of having loved ones die.

Sigh, I just can't stop hoping. Kill me.
And how do we know this email allegedly from Gabe Newell is real?
digi is an admin at steampowered.

or here... :P
it could be Half-Life 3 or maybe even it could be a Half-Life MMO kinda game
This forum is part of a conspiracy created by Gabe Newell to plant hope, destroy hope, and restore some hope due to the lack of credibility of the destruction of the hope, only to have all remaining hope crushed when there is no Episode 3 at E3.

Or is it?
In the past, Valve or Newell never came openly out to debunk a fake. On the contrary, it seemed that they were willing to let rumours and fake news build the hype. Now the pressure about Ep3 must be so high that they feel the need to be more vocal, stating that the surprise is about Portal 2 and the "Freeman 14th" picture is a fake.
It is real..

damn ... as soon as I found out that there will be a surprise in Valve's presentation I was like "Damn , finally ... !" Well I still hope that Valve will show us something 'bout HL ..... . We shall see.
I can't believe I found this. This is completely true - it's not a speculation, or something fan made.

This photo was published on Steam News not a long time ago. Now, I want you to look this marvelous photo, and tell me what you see.


It is three developers from Valve Software. Yes, you seen it right. This photo is not edited in any way. There is three developers in this photo - three! Let's take a look again.


Yes, it's three! Episode Three, coming soon to Steam, and store near you!
It's a machine viewer of his insides, showing the last moments of his most recent victim.
i've said it once and i'll say it again. valve reads this forum and they just do things to screw with us and laugh at all the outragous posts by everyone. thats actually they're new job.
Did he say it wasn't? He was just saying how "they're" is wrong.
Counterstrike with portals. You read it here first.
1 word: fake
Believe what you want to believe. never has and never will doctor images. Digi and I have worked on this site for many years and we would never undermine our relationship with Valve (who also host by posting falsified images.

What does concern us is determining if other unreliable sources are producing images (such as the Freeman 14th image) so we can clarify with Valve if they are real or not. And that is what we have done.
I'm sure he's joking.
Oh good, more meat for the grinder.

Just a reminder for the uninitiated - anyone fervently believing that the surprise is Episode 3/HL3 and then posts anything other than "Well shucks, guess I was wrong." when they turn out to be ENORMOUSLY WRONG is going to get banned.

I enjoyed getting banned during the 'Russian roulette' game so I say lets play it again.

It is quite strange that Gabe just didn't state its not a Half-Life game. According to previous post on these forums, the valve developers laugh at this stuff.

It is a long shot, but now everyone is screaming for half-life 3! Episode 3 is dead, so of course it wont be episode 3. I still don't think we'll see half-life 3 til November 2011.
I love how you link to a site that then cites the same sources as we used in this news post. Is it only valid if it comes from somewhere else?
I think it's either HL3 or a fusion between Portal and Half Life.

Or maybe both. Maybe we'll get another Orange Box.