Freeman: The Legend.


Companion Cube
Jul 3, 2003
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I've foten wondered if anyone's heard of Freeman in the world of HL2? He's probably some kind of legend.

Gordon Freeman, the man who started the whole thing and plunged the world into the abyss it is now engulfed in. Some think it was an accident, and some think Freeman sabotaged it on purpose, while the conspiracy theorists believe he was manipulated by some higher power. The facts, howerver, are clear: When everything went to hell, Freeman was fingered as the prime target by the military and hunted down. But he proved quite the resourceful type, scavenging weapons and making his wya through the broken facility in the early hours of the incedent. When the military arrived he evaded them and soon after became involved in the Mesa-wide resistance of scientists and security staff who had joined forces to protect themselves. Freeman disapeared for a while, only to re-appear topside during the afternoon of the second day of the incedent (it's night-time in On A Rail) before going down to the Lambda labs. It is known that, with the help of the last remaining scientists who were holding out in Lambda, he travelled to the alien world, but it is here the facts end. All that is known is that a few hours later the Xen threat seemingly vanished, and Freeman was never seen again. Some say he defeated the aliens but died in the process, others that he got back from Xen safely and assumed a new identity in order to avoid the government. Another theory is that he simply failed and died, while the military invasion of Xen accomplished the real job. one thing is for sure: nobody has seen Freeman for many years.

Opinions? Please?
Sounds pretty good to me... we know that some scientists escaped before the nuking, along with at least one security guard (Barney Calhoun)... so maybe they spread word of Gordon's heroism? I reckon we'll just have to see...

I wonder if ABrney has an accolades? And does anyone remember Shepherd?

Oh, one thing: It looks as though the Xenian invasion never stopped. Or at least, some of the wildlife escaped...
well the organized attacks stopped, the independant monsters like bullsquids, headcrabs, and barnacles probably kept doing their thing, well up untilt he place got turned into a nuclear fireball.
So why are there Vortigaunts around, and why does City 17 appear to have Hydras in the sewers and a Headcrab infestation?
easy, more random portals opening up all over the place

also with the military out of the BMRF who's gonna stop a bunch of vorties and other critters from moving our of range of the big old nuke. If you remember in opfor, the nuke wasn't all that big, it was just a tactical nuke
so the combine i suppose have come and used propoganda to help Earth from the Xen invasion.. or are there hidden agenda's behind their arrival? are they from another planet? or another reality? like Xen.. it appears they have intelligent metal objects. that can think independantly.. like the strider. (doesnt look manned to me) and the the citadels walls expanding on there own. and if you notice when the combine gunship gets hit with a rocket in the E3 vid it lets out a groan, like it feels pain?
below a transcript from a mag

Now it's ten years later and all sorts of things have happened. But you don't know what happened to that time or even what side you're on. As you're about to find out, everyone seems to know more about you than you do
thats how i always envisioned HL2: everyone knowing who you were, possibly with mixed opinions. there will be some who think you gave us a fighting chance against the aliens and you would be like a legend, and then there will probably be some who blame you for the incident.
I think at the end of Opposing Force the G-Man says something about Black Mesa being the most embarassing part of his report. Perhaps there were experimental portals in other places, and when Freeman's experiment went wrong, the aliens came pouring out of them as well.

In PC Zone it says that when they were walking around City 17, the citizens vaguely recognised Gordon. I think everyone thought that whether he killed Nihilanth or not, he died in Xen; but the surviving scientists spread his name around, and by Half Life 2 he's a legend.
Actually I think some people may be pissed off about Gordon, 'cause nomen omen he is responsible for the whole mess (though he couldn't know that this would happen). You know, human nature and all. Though I mostly agree with the first post. :)
Guess we'll just have to see. Though, I would have thought that the portals would have closed, what with the deaths of both the Nihilanth and the Gene Worm...
Probably, but maybe they were opened long enough to cause irreversible damage and, even though those that kept the portals opened died, create gateways through which alien lifeforms would keep coming through. Then again someone DID gain control of the Xen borderworld. I'm pretty sure Gordon actually eradicated Xen race. There was a thread that stated that Xen world is actually a cell (or something). Thinking along those lines Nihilanth may have been the core of Xen or at least something very close to being a core. Life support system maybe?
Brian Damage said:
Guess we'll just have to see. Though, I would have thought that the portals would have closed, what with the deaths of both the Nihilanth and the Gene Worm...

The nuke caused a fatal chain reaction to keep the portal open forever
kaf11 said:
thats how i always envisioned HL2: everyone knowing who you were, possibly with mixed opinions. there will be some who think you gave us a fighting chance against the aliens and you would be like a legend, and then there will probably be some who blame you for the incident.
Harry potter with headcrabs!
The Test Chamber of Secrets? Stop it!

I have a mini-theory: we know that Alyx's mother died in Black Mesa. Now, what if her mother was Gina (of Decay fame)? I'm not sure what happens at the end of decay (I've forgotten since playing it - somebody tell me please) but I seem to remember it's kinda like HL1, as in you disapear pretty much. If Gina, much like Gordon, went missing after the BMRF incedent, everybody would think she was dead, right? Okay, so there's no evidence to suggest it but it would be cool, you know?
That'd be real cool, and i think i should play Decay for once, what's new in the storyline?
Decay is lots o' fun. You can probably pick up a copy of PS2 HL for 20$, and it's way worth it.

You get some info about the Xenians' motives and practices, as well as some insight into stuff that happened in HL1 and Blue Shift.
I'd call it superior than Blue Shift, but only if you have another person to play it with, since it's co-op. You can play it single-style, but it's way less fun.

In the end of Decay, it's left unclear what happens to Gina and Collette, so they could end up in a sequel. I'd like that.

Anywho, there are only six BM employees that we know escaped, for certain:
Walter, Simmons, Dr. Rosenberg, Eli, Kliener, Barney and Gordon.

The mysterious Dr. Breen guy in the latest previews might have been on the science team as well, but that's just speculation.

Still, everyone knew Gordon by name around the base, and he was named employee of the month, so lots of people recognised him. Also, the science guys were tracking Gordo with his suit, and cheering him on. So, he was a legend when BM was still standing.

Once it got nuked though, we only know of 6-7 survivors. I don't think they would be talking much about their secret projects and how the gov wanted them dead.
Plus, Gordon was MIA for around a few decades.
So, I don't think Gordon is very legendary outside of the small amount of survivors.
I still reckon a hell of a lot more than seven people escaped. And with the state the world is in during HL2 I wouldn't be surprised if the whole of Black Mesa, including Freeman, is famous.

So you think there could be some truth in my Alyx theory? It'd be nice to see her re-united with her mother...ah, bless.
Sulkdodds said:
So you think there could be some truth in my Alyx theory? It'd be nice to see her re-united with her mother...ah, bless.

Well, it's entirely possible.
The main problem is that it's based on the assumption that Alyx's mom was a character we've seen before. (Gina or Collette)

Remember, though, that we've never seen Eli before, and both Dr. Kliener & the Administrator were only mentioned in dialogue and the instructions before now.
Alyx's mom is more likely than not a character we haven't met yet.

If she is Gina or Collette, though, we also have to assume that they escaped the blast radius some time between Barney's return from Xen and the OP4 nuke.
I don't see why. I'm sure I've heard somewhere that Alyx was a very young child when Black Mesa happened. If she didn't live in Black Mesa than Eli simply escaped and joined her, while if she lived in Black Mesa it would only have to be Eli and her who escaped...since we've seen what Gina did that day and niether Eli nor Alyx were seen. So if she is Alyx's mother I would assume Alyx lived outside of BMRF.

As for Eli I'm sure it's been said that he was just one of the random black dudes that you saw in HL. Maybe the one in the lobby or the guy who tells you to get to the surface at the beginning.
freeman really is a legend. kinda like Master Chief, every1 knows who he is (if u don't know what im talking about, go play halo).

Of course, master chief was not a legend, just a well known character d:D !
Strifer said:
Probably, but maybe they were opened long enough to cause irreversible damage and, even though those that kept the portals opened died, create gateways through which alien lifeforms would keep coming through. Then again someone DID gain control of the Xen borderworld. I'm pretty sure Gordon actually eradicated Xen race. There was a thread that stated that Xen world is actually a cell (or something). Thinking along those lines Nihilanth may have been the core of Xen or at least something very close to being a core. Life support system maybe?

The Xen = Cell theory was only a theory that was, from memory, thrown up when Yours Truly pointed out that the objects seen in the distance on Xen seem to actually be taken from photographs of a certain type of colonial microorganism. After playing again recently, I'd say there also seem to be quite a few electron micrographs in there too... probably, though, just because they looked cool...

I'm pretty sure I've heard something along these lines in a preview somewhere: All cloned scientist character models from the original game will be solidified into single characters this time...

Token Black Scientists = Eli Vance.

All those Bald Scientists With Glasses = Kleiner.

Einstein-Looking Scientists with Moustaches = Who The Smeg Knows?

Anal-Looking Scientists = Ditto.

At the very least I know that the voice actor for Eli is the one who did all the black scientists from HL, and the actor for Kleiner is the one who did the bald guys...
I've just realised that most of the characters in HL1 had unofficial names (such as walter, smithers, Einstein, etc), except Barney, who was the only NPC to have an official name to be carried over to HL2. I pretty sure Kliener was called walter in HL1 (except in the letter)

Possible spoiler, highlight to reveal:
I'm pretty sure Gina from the first episode is actually Dr Judith Mossman in HL2

Just think if they bring all the NPC models from the original, and gave them proper names