Freeman's mod (was: Source Engine no limits???)

FreemanHL2 said:
There is one thing I find extremely disturbing... It took them nearly 6 years to make HL2! I mean this game rules, it has over 20 hours of gameplay, it has awesome graphics, the engine is extremely advanced, the animation is incredable. BUT why did it take them 6 years? I think this game could have been managed in just 3 years. Thats just my opinion anyway.

well it wasn't just 6 years of hl2...really

they had other maybe it was difficult..

and didn't they say they had to develop new tools to even consider making their "physics" and "animations" technologies work anyway......?
Yes, and Doom III got savaged by dissapointed gamers who expected id to make a perfect, be-all-end-all supergame to act as the community's messiah.

Who knows, maybe that extra year will allow Valve to keep everyone happy. And maybe flying hammers will fix the knackered road outside my house.
Edcrab said:
And maybe flying hammers will fix the knackered road outside my house.

Are you saying that my road didn't get mriaculouosly repaired by flying hammers? because that's what my council told me in this letter to my dad;
Ah! So you're the one who forwarded this clipping!

*sniff* That's so sweet of Gabe, after all the unnecessary jibes...

Regarding future proofing, just look at the HL engine- custom high-poly models abound, although regrettably the engine can't cope with maps made from a thousand million brushes to create an architectural masterpiece...
Does anyone but me think that FreemanHL2 is full of shit?
I mean, you brag like a 10 year old about something you can't
even prove.

PS: I am going to post screens of my MOD so far... for the critics...
And as always...
O and by the way... you are making me VERY nervous. Here i am deciding to create my first MOD for HL2, working on my own, and all of you are anticipating screens already! I've only been on it for 2 weeks...

In the end it turns out to be, hold your breath .... A MAP! ... :rolling:

Sometimes you hear a person speak, and you think
"Hmm... He seems fairly inteligent" but then you realize,
"Aha! He's full of shit!"
It would be an entire MOD if i had a MOD team. Instead I am creating ONE BIG MAP out of several different maps. So basically if you explore far enough you will have a load screen and it will load the next map. Or something similar.

O and i can't brag. I said I was an intermediate modeler, but i definetly intend to push the source engine as far as it can go.
jayte said:
Does anyone but me think that FreemanHL2 is full of shit?
I mean, you brag like a 10 year old about something you can't
even prove.

And as always...

In the end it turns out to be, hold your breath .... A MAP! ... :rolling:

Sometimes you hear a person speak, and you think
"Hmm... He seems fairly inteligent" but then you realize,
"Aha! He's full of shit!"

That's a tad mean..... the only reason why he decided to tell us more about a mod/map he's designing is because we asked about it..... and were being pains bugging him about it. Also this is a public forum so people are allowed to post whateva they want, and there's nothing wrong with him even if he does sound to you like a 10yr old. Furthermore some ppl don't base their entire lives around mod-making and only do it like Freeman said as a hobby because they've got other commitments like school/life/sport etc.... so aren't you being the one who's being stupid and shouldn't really open your mouth to criticise others, when
it is in fact you that is trying to seem

Anyway, back to the real issue of the limits of the source engine.... i made my letter in the source engine (ha! and you thought it really was gabe working for my local council...ahaahah)

[EDIT] Yes, i did make it in paint, and in like 5 secs... and i am older than you freeman......
I'm going to have to agree with jayte. What Freeman is proposing is really not an innovative idea at all. Even if it were presented well it is really nothing more than a gimmick, at least from the information he's shared so far. Not only that, but the only thing consistant about his posts is that he keeps contradicting himself.
I don't contradict myself, I'm just not very good at bewing specific when im saying shit. O an why are you beating me up man? a MOD a MAP call it what you want i don't really give a shit. I don't care if its innovative, it isn't, i don't care weather im good, im average. I want to create a MOD or a MAP for HL2 and prove SOURCE is as goo as UNREAL 3 and other engines, end of story. Everything will be reactive, there will be 3d skybox, there will be physics, there will be weather, there will be real-time light, there will be high res bump mapping.

My entire goal is to create an interactive tech demo showing of SOURCE engine features. I starts and ends there. Iwant to make it fun. PERIOD.
FreemanHL2 said:
Iwant to make it fun. PERIOD.

Oooo...lots of gamers like mosquitoes attracted to the bright and stunning light and beauty of it.....oooOOOO
Yogibbear said:
That's a tad mean..... the only reason why he decided to tell us more about a mod/map he's designing is because we asked about it..... and were being pains bugging him about it. Also this is a public forum so people are allowed to post whateva they want, and there's nothing wrong with him even if he does sound to you like a 10yr old. Furthermore some ppl don't base their entire lives around mod-making and only do it like Freeman said as a hobby because they've got other commitments like school/life/sport etc.... so aren't you being the one who's being stupid and shouldn't really open your mouth to criticise others, when
it is in fact you that is trying to seem

Anyway, back to the real issue of the limits of the source engine.... i made my letter in the source engine (ha! and you thought it really was gabe working for my local council...ahaahah)

[EDIT] Yes, i did make it in paint, and in like 5 secs... and i am older than you freeman......

Ooo, you really hurt my feeling there.
Im just so ******* tired of ppl who make them selfs look more
than they really are. Which he did, dont even try to deny it.

Its a great thing to try to make a map, as a hobby, really, most
of us have tried that.

But if it is so, plz just say so and dont go
"Im making a great mod.." and later "Its more of a benchmark".

Yes and you are right, it is a public forum. Your point?

Do I seem to be Intelligent? Well thank you.
:bounce: Its a nice compliment. :laugh:
FreemanHL2 said:
I want to create a MOD or a MAP for HL2 and prove SOURCE is as goo as UNREAL 3 and other engines, end of story.
UE3 is a next-generation engine. It'll make the current Source engine look very crude. If you've seen the UE3 screenshots/vids you'll know how well it does things (physics, normal mapping, etc).

My entire goal is to create an interactive tech demo showing of SOURCE engine features. I starts and ends there. Iwant to make it fun. PERIOD.
Ok. Good luck with it.
not really impressive screens freeman. that stuff can be done with source, right out of the box
Amazing. Anyway Crytek engine is also good.
umm those screens were just what i knocked up now to show what im doing... im not going to reveal the map... lol.

Yes Unreal 3 deos do things better than source... atleast with normal mapping. hopefully VALVe can incorperate normal mapping features into future SOURCE updates?

Anyway weather or not UNREAL 3 deos it better deosn't matter. It just automates texture mapping to make things appear as though they are infact higher poly. It also does this by bump-mapping everything. Although SOURCE cannot automate this and will not acheive an extremely impressive end result, it is still possible to create models and texture maps in source that look as good as those in UNREAL 3. Which I am intending to do.

O and if anyone here wants to actually turn this MAP into a MOD you can create a team if you want? I won't boss you around, I promise! We could just start a community MOD with lots of detail... I think it would be fun to try and push the SOURCE engine... if you wanna have a go? anyone?
Sorry Freeman, wasn't trying to beat you up or flame you, I meant it as constructive criticism. Just trying to warn you really, it is one of those things that seems like a good idea at first, but once you start doing it it becomes rather tedious. However I'm not trying to discourage you. By all means, go for it; at worst it will be a good learning experience, as Finger mentioned on the first page.

Edit: Just thought I'd mention that source does support normal mapping.
thanks man... I just model for fun and it would be good to actually do something with all that art...
HOLY SHIT! source supports normal mapping!

I will remeber this day forever!
"You are wrong. When creating models for half-life or quake 2 the max texture resolution is 256x256 pixels."

512x512 and 1024x256 textures work fine in HL without any tweaking. As for the polygon limits... well I've seen 16,000-polygon v_models. Someone did a test and was able to compile a 100,000+ polygon model.
FreemanHL2 said:
HOLY SHIT! source supports normal mapping!

I will remeber this day forever!

That's really nothing to be surprised about. Lots of games support normal mapping nowadays. Even Halo 2 does it....
Halo 1 uses it, to my knowledge that was the first game to implement normal or vector maps.
I don't really care what game supports normal mapping, as long as SOURCE deos! lol.

Probably because i am working with SOURCE and not halo2. although i can't wait to get my hands on unreal 3...