"Freeman's not done" - Lombardi

plus the news that they've gone to the Electronic Arts School of Game Development when it comes to Left 4 Dead.

Yes, I see how that comment makes sense, looking at their future games line up: Left 4 Dead: Infected at the beach, Left 4 dead: GOLD, Left 4 dead: When pets attack, Left 4 dead: Ultimate zoey collection...

Oh wait, they're still a far cry from acting like EA, drama queen are we?

Someone at the Steam Forums has a very good ear, this is what he found:

"So this video http://www.shackvideo.com/?id=14517 at 3.00 mins, a guy in the background asks Doug very sternly "When the hell are you gonna tell us about Episode Three!", and Doug laughs. Then Doug goes on to say something, but I can't quite understand what he says due to ambient noise."

Can someone make out of what Doug's reply is?

I can't tell if it's the same two people but all I can make out is:

"Just wanted to come by and say hi, haven't seen ya in a while, things going ok?"

"Yeah really good..taking a break-"

"When the hell you gonna tell us about EP3? :|"



"...something cool features"

"ah no"

"no...[can't understand but I think it's a comment about L4D2 in front of them]"

"yeah it really really does, yeah actually"

"whats weird about that is that the uh.."

I thought I'd share this as my 1st post here. A man named Dom Maiocchi asked Gabe Newell on Twitter if there was any possibility he'd learn something new about Half-Life 2: Episode 3 at E3 this year and Gabe had this to say:

"You'll learn there is nothing new, but that isn't new news, now is it?"

At least it's something. lol

Source: http://twitter.com/GabeNewell
I've had 95 hours out of it so far, so it's been great value for me, and well worth what I paid for it.
I just don't see how or why they're going to add new content to L4D when they're supplanting it entirely in a few months time.
It's a pity really, another campaign or two would have really rounded it out.

Having said that, I doubt that Valve have finished with the original L4D characters yet, and I pretty much guarantee that the original campaigns will be reworked for L4D2 (even if it's by community members)

L4D owners will feel even worse about having purchased L4D, when they could have gotten all 4 campaigns + 5 new ones if they had just waited and bought L4D2. That is, if they added the original campaigns to the "Sequel"

I did lol @ the .gif of him with the Colonel, though.
ok lets look at what we know so far :P

No Progress

Nothing new to report

Gordon Freemen Adventures is used instead of epi 3

Left 4 Dead 2

could this just = we havent started and still debating if we will do an episode or full game? very curious what valve are up2 with half life. shame there so secretive even if there nothing to show it wud be nice just know there roadmap for half life really

oh well
If Doug said "we might release something within the next 20 years", Valve would be pressured to come up with something within that minuscule time frame and fans would just be upset when they fail to do so. So its better safe than sorry when it comes to blurting out release dates...
If Doug said "we might release something within the next 20 years", Valve would be pressured to come up with something within that minuscule time frame and fans would just be upset when they fail to do so. So its better safe than sorry when it comes to blurting out release dates...

For once i actually agree with this guy. Valve always get a lot of flack for being way off their release dates and loads of fans said that Valve should keep quite instead of giving out incorrect info. I quite like the " It's done when it's done" approach then perhaps when they finally do give us a date it might be correct or a least a couple of months delay.
Isn't this pretty much like CS and CS: Source? We have two games which are effectively the same, just the newer version has more 'bells & whistles'. Some die hards will continue to play L4D and the others will move on to L4D 2.

Whilst it's disappointing there's nothing new on HL itself, I think it's understandable given the quality of some of the FPS releases due this year. HL would have some serious competition in this crowded space until Christmas. Valve look like they've chosen to keep the shackles on the info until (I reckon) November or so (in time with HL's 11 year anniversary), with a release in March/April 2010.

There might even be a teaser trailer in L4D2...
CS has a several years to develop a large group of die hard fans. L4D has less than a year to develop a fan base, which kills L4D.
CS has a several years to develop a large group of die hard fans. L4D has less than a year to develop a fan base, which kills L4D.

Exactly! Well said. :thumbs:
Games that are very good, (for example Half Life), promise a sequel, and in a couple years it gains fans but is not released, people would die for more Half Life action. Later when it is released many people are happy with it. (If it is good of course).

However with L4D the game was better than average, in fact really good, but just one year later another one appears, the magic with it disappears.