FreeNation Foundation


Nov 5, 2005
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Alot of you may be aware of

This lot are separate, and have formed a more organized goal.

These people wish to buy and island or acquisition of land to form a country. And it's not as far fetched as one might think. There are a lot of Islands on the private market available, and with some switched on people on their forums some pretty smart discussion is ongoing.


They currently have their sights on Ile de Caille off Grenada in the Caribbean as of now. Not very big, not even a mile in width.


Even if this ain't your interest, it's very interesting watching people with many different view discussing the plans to take an island and create a system that will help them live on an island independently. From talks from trade, law, politics, defence etc it goes without saying it's good reading.
This is all very interesting. I'm curious as to how it would turn out.
Lol, the name rhymes. Rhyming FTW amirite?
Heh, this is doomed to utter failure.

A fun mental exercise, but there's no way.
You can't "buy" soveriegnty. Nobody's selling.

And even if you found a legal loophole (as has happened before), no other country would respect you or deal with you. You would then probably be annexed with humiliating ease by a nearby third-world country (as has also happened before).
Interesting, but I would rather build a man-made island.

sarcastinator: If its only one mile in diameter than I don't think any third world countries would care enough to annex it. Theres no benefit to doing so, in my opinion. If I somehow managed to get an island like the one FreeNation wants then I'd just build a port and build up my income through catching fish and slowly expand on the islands size.

edit 2: You don't really need to buy an island as you would just need to find an undiscovered one. Islands are always popping up so it's not that crazy of a thought.