Friendly Fire mod


Jul 12, 2003
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Managed to turn on friendly fire, but i'm looking for ideas on where to look to change the behavior of the "friendly" npc's once fired upon. It was so rewarding pinning the resistance people to the wall that first time.... **sigh**
Yeah actually I really need to change the friendly AI to enemy since
I'm working on a level series that depends on you being attacked by humans instead of just combine. If you figure out how to switch teh AI please drop me a line - [email protected]
Ok, well i've got it

To make them attack you flat out is really simple.

The way i have it set up now they will attack you only once fired upon by you (physics included), accidental or not. Its now a matter of fine tuning their tollerence/boiling point.

There is a function that's called FriendlyAttack(I forgot proper name).

Might be useful.

Haven't tried it myself though.
I have all the npc_citizen behavior working up to snuff, if you accumilate a certain amount of damage on them, they will start to attack you, as will any other citizens who see you shoot them.

If you are in combat, the tolerence for hitting them is much higher as they may have been in the crossfire.

Vortigaunts are next, currently you can shoot and kill them, i just need to program their behavior the same as i did with the citizens, should be pretty straight-forward.

Lastly, I hope to let you to do the same with the vital npc characters, and then have a fade to black and "poor judgement" message. But thats a project for tomorrow.
