

May 24, 2004
Reaction score
What is it? is it having a laugh..? is it trust?
I dont know anymore. Although what im about to describe may seem incredibly trivial, it isnt the actually even that has pissed me off, but what it means.

I came home for the weekend this weekend from university, to see my friends. Well, the two that are in town at the moment. Now, one has been my friend for years and years, we've spent countless afternoons together playing Unreal, Goldeneye and Perfect Dark - later moving onto Counterstrike and Generals lans.
This weekend we all went down the pub, and went back to his house.

Now, i cant buy half-life2 through steam as i do not have the right credit card - he does. We previously agreed on msn that he'd put it on his card and i'd pay him the money. well, we went back to his and he refused, i didnt have the cash on me to pay for it, and he wouldnt take a cheque because he said it takes 3-5 days to clear, true but he has got the money then. He said that i might go to the bank when i got home and cancel any cheques and basicly nick the 35 quid off him.

This really pissed me off, why after knowing him for so many years am i not trusted? I dont understand it... It seems so hostile as if i've only known him five minutes when it really has been years and years, he should know i wouldnt not give him the money.

Now i have to run down to the shops for my hl2 and give Vivendi money because my 'friend' doesn't trust me whatsoever. Maybe im going over the top but i dont know what to think about our friendship anymore, surely it's about trust and sharing? :frown:
Something I learned the hard way many, many times. Don't mix friendship with money. If it's urgent, sure, but otherwise stay away!
i guess thats his philosophy, i ordered the game online and should get it on day of release, its just annoying i cant get the best deal out there. Hopefully i can upgrade to get hl:s later.
I'd say friendship is trust, and having stuff in common and being able to have a laugh, being there for each other, but mostly trust, without that its not as much fun.

You can't ever ask someone to trust you, you gotta earn it.. It's more fun that way anyways.
i guess after 'borrowing' his 10m network cable and forgetting i only borrowed it, and tacking it to the wall, wasn't the best of ideas. but i have paid him back for it. ;-/
Trust, openess, sticking by them no matter how bad they **** up. That seems to be the jist of all of my friendships (and vice versa :P), even though I tend to fall way short 90% of the time (see the third).
The quality or condition of being friends.
A friendly relationship: formed many new friendships over the summer.
Friendliness; good will: a policy of friendship toward other nations.

Oh, you mean you didn't just want a lazy definition?