From Batman to Solid Snake?

I can think of a lot worse actors to portray Solid Snake. Thank god Ben Affleck isn't avail. For a second there I thought you were gonna say Micheal Keaton or Val Kilmer.
If they did a MGS they'd need to make it computer animated using the voice actors of the game. Basically just a long in-game movie lol.
The Equilibrium guy? Sure, why not.
The only person who can play Solid Snake is Kurt Russel, although he is an old man. Damn, if someone would just make him younger for the role. Christian Bale might make a good Liquid Snake with his British accent.
1.Why cristian bale, the guy that does solids voice in the game looks cooler and more like solid snake. Here he is David Hayter

2. why, oh why. At least tell me it is going to be directed by Hideo Kojima, please for gods freaking sake don't let this be a total butchering of the mg stroy like mgs tts was.
I'd love to see them get David Hayter in there. Hell, he could even help write it (he did the screenplays for the XMen movies).
And you've got to see him do the voice some time...its really bizarre seeing a normal person talk like that.
Factoid: Snake sometimes uses the name "Iroquois Plisken" as an alias. Kurt Russel's character in the Escape From New York series is "Snake Plisken".
Icarusintel said:
David Hayter IS Solid Snake, no substitutes


The man has the look, the talent (atleast voice talent) and can write the damn thing, perfect match
Pressure said:
If they did a MGS they'd need to make it computer animated using the voice actors of the game. Basically just a long in-game movie lol.
that's actually a very good point, each cinema's already practically a movie
Icarusintel said:
that's actually a very good point, each cinema's already practically a movie

I'd definitely watch it. Some of the cut scenes in the game are pretty intense. They're really beautiful and cinematic.
bales a good actor,he was great in 'american psycho',didnt know there was a mgs movie,hopefully it wont bomb like final fantasy even though that was good imo
he dont look like snake

but if is going to be a MGS movie,Hideo Kojima MUST be the director
Ack...we'll see how it works out...but I'd like to see David Hayter do the part instead. The voice is key and I don't think Bale will be able to pull it off..but we'll see I guess.
Bu the main thing is thta Hideo must direct it, no compromises on that, and it must atleast be a AA movie, so no budget under 100 million.
Judging from what they said he said it seems like 100% bullshite. Also film titles are never really kept very secretive because thats the first thing they release along with the director and actor list.