From Black Mesa to City 17?

Samon... you do realize you misspeled 'Kleiner' twice. :|

Correction... Thrice.
iMMuNiTy said:
Samon... you do realize you misspeled 'Kleiner' twice. :|

Correction... Thrice.
Don't be an ass-hat.
Sam2k said:
Mossman / Alyx / Kleiner weren't in BM (not sure about Kleiner)

Mossman was in BM, cause isn't she angry at you because she was the one who orginally should do the experiment at the start of HL, then Gordon got to do it instead. Maybe I'm wrong though, I don't remember where I got this information from...

Or is this just BS (bullshit)?
that gman/resistance teory makes sense,I didnt notice that but if you think about it it hav some sense,especially for the parts where breen say that and alyx say to dont listen to them,cuz seriously if they didnt know about they will go "wtf are you talking about?"
also that the vortigaunts where talking about something like "the freeman will come blablabla" like if they know that freeman was coming

this hav really open up my eyes,what if eli of someone of they hav been lying to freeman to convince him?
how breen know about that?

dam I hope to see answers
Gordon got teleported in by the G-man.

The other characters were there, probably to do with resisting the base of combine operations and Dr. Breen. The G-man simply lead Gordon to them, to help them.
Yeah....from what it says in Raising the Bar the RC caused the portal storms and random Xen aliens just pop up all over the continent. This making North/South America inhabitable onlt because the Xen aliens can't fly.
No one expected Gordon coming he just happened to get put in the same room as Barney, why else would Dr. Kleiner say "Great Scot Gordon Freeman." other then the fact that he didn’t expect it. Barney also seems to have a reasonable amount of shock.
UltimaApocalyspe said:
Yeah....from what it says in Raising the Bar the RC caused the portal storms and random Xen aliens just pop up all over the continent. This making North/South America inhabitable onlt because the Xen aliens can't fly.

Antlions can.

And how would their inhabitance have anything thing to do with flying?

EDIT: Ah, I see, 'twas a typo :thumbs:
Solver said:
Interesingly, while there are Russian words appearing in several places throughout City 17 and surroundings, some are wrongly spelled (probably intentionally by Valve).

someone mentioned it was greek rather than russian.

also it's called black mesa east, so it's not located in mexico anymore i guess. that's why you can go all the way from c17 to bme.
UltimaApocalyspe said:
Yeah....from what it says in Raising the Bar the RC caused the portal storms and random Xen aliens just pop up all over the continent. This making North/South America inhabitable onlt because the Xen aliens can't fly.
Boid, Aflock, Stukabat...
ríomhaire said:
They knew Gordon was coming also and why did Gordon arrive later then everyone else and where from?
Play HL1.
I made it to Xen and then couldn't get down/through those flying POS that kept shooting at me.... I have it installed, I should start playing it again..... wonder if I kept my backuped games......
Yeah but then you have to did the Xen aliens get to Europe? Plus the citadels appear in the already formed cities which were established to keep the aliens out. So they must have somehow gotten to Europe. Portal Storms possibly?
The Xenians came through the portal storms, and those spread throughout the planet. The Combine, however, had targeted, tunnelling teleporation that allowed them to beam directly into cities.

-Angry Lawyer
UltimaApocalyspe said:
Oh you speak Vortigauntese? Loktar Ogar Galla Hillabha. =)
Just a few examples of flying Xen creatures.
Note: manta was not included as I counld not find the model
I dont think that only flying creatures could get over the ocean. Land ones could probably swim or just run under the ocean, and get lucky to hit europe. And theres the constant teleporting of the aliens.
ríomhaire said:
Just a few examples of flying Xen creatures.
Note: manta was not included as I counld not find the model

Well a couple of those weren't included in the game, and can you really see a controller flying accross the Atlantic Ocean?
I'm pretty sure that the Portal Storms occured worldwide. The presence of Antlions near City 17(which is in Eastern Europe) seems to indicate this.