From CS:S to BF2

john3571000 said:
Counterstrike was without a doubt the most frustrating game I have ever owned - random headshots, crazy netcode, lagging hitboxes, insane recoil, stupid level design
then you go to BF2 and you get frustrated playing on foot and you simply do something different - grab a jet or a buggy and mix things up
in CSS it's risk violently assaulting your computer or quitting...


CSS is like an IRC chat channel, except there's a little minigame inbetween breaks.

The minigame is random, stupid, and is skill less (in that the game decides whether or not you do good this round, random HS and nades FTL), but the hear of the game is its viral cult following that can be seen in every "death" channel.
john3571000 said:
Counterstrike was without a doubt the most frustrating game I have ever owned - random headshots, crazy netcode, lagging hitboxes, insane recoil, stupid level design
then you go to BF2 and you get frustrated playing on foot and you simply do something different - grab a jet or a buggy and mix things up
in CSS it's risk violently assaulting your computer or quitting...

As stupid as it sounds, I remember getting so pissed off on dust2 (I think) that I nearly burst out into tears and started blurting out explecitives. CS:S is good when you play good, but it is bad when you play bad.

(BTW, owned my mate from school on 1.6 today, 9 - 0 woot!)

Does anyone know any good BF2 servers? I'm based in the UK.
PsychoFreak said:
As stupid as it sounds, I remember getting so pissed off on dust2 (I think) that I nearly burst out into tears and started blurting out explecitives. CS:S is good when you play good, but it is bad when you play bad.

(BTW, owned my mate from school on 1.6 today, 9 - 0 woot!)

Does anyone know any good BF2 servers? I'm based in the UK.


I've gotten pissed before but never quite to that extent. Nowadays I'm always listening to music while I play so I'm always in a 'chilled' mood, it helps me stay relaxed since after all, games are meant to be fun. :)

Try =256= clan, there's a couple regulars (Unfocused and... Evo?) here that are from that clan and they're overall a bunch of awesome people. Highly recommended from both UK and US standpoint.

Most definately the 256 server, its in the UK. I play there all of the time and I'm in the US. Just great guys on there and always fair.
xombine said:
Most definately the 256 server, its in the UK. I play there all of the time and I'm in the US. Just great guys on there and always fair.

Recently I joined some random Wake 24/7 server to fly for a round or two. As soon as I got to the jet I got blasted by an AT rocket. Then I witnessed some more tking for the jet. That reminded my why is it so good to play on a server with active admins.

You get tk'ed on purpose on the -=256=- server and report it - tk'er gets kicked. :)

You're welcome to join; IP:

And thanks for the good words :).
I had a play on your server today, and found it very enjoyable! :D

BTw, I added you to xfire so please accept.