From Max 7 to a Source Usable File?

Oct 22, 2004
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How can you take a file in 3ds max and make it so it can be used in a HL2 mod? Any tutorials around? Thanks.
Well i use max 5 will it be possible later on when the exportes will come out? cause if not i am ****ed i dont use any other modeling program :p
ofcourse you will be ..... they will release exporters for all leading modeling programs.
tho i sugest u upgrade to max 7
this is possible, so long as the file is for maps or you dont care about the animation quality. HL1 SMD exporter works for compiling into HL2 models, so you can get a HL1 SMD exporter for max 7 and it will work, however, with only 1 bone per vertex (No Blending, an old SMD version feature), rather than the 3 bones per vertex (3 links) that HL2 supports. You can find this exporter however, here.

Hope this helps :)
yeah, itll be possible when the tools come out, definitely with Max7 and im pretty sure with Max6 ( cause that was the latest version when they started making it :p ). not too sure about 5 though.
All MAX 6 plugins will work with MAX 7. There is not a difference, I was fortunate enough to talk with a Discreet 3ds Max dev at a conference a couple weeks ago. He assured me of this, and acknowledge how plugins were not always universal on previous releases of 3ds Max. I have tried the Far Cry plugins for Max 6 in Max 7 and they work just fine.