From the plan to the hammer


Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
I have got a plan from my house. Everthing is in centimeter. What is the right factor to multiply with. I mean that everything looks wright.


Centimeters to inches: cm x 0.39

Inches to centimeters: in x 2.54

I think thats what your asking, right?
I tried to build my house into hammer using precise measurements, but it seems that the player in source is fat :(

All the heights were fine but the player couldn't fit through the doors....
my condo is 1.4 scale from my measurements in my map below, but still small. i would try 1.5 or 1.55 scale factor. and know that doors never translate well in direct measurements. you'll have to manually tweakthe door size to make it look good and let players through.
I think (hope) he was talking to, or about, 1Luc1
Thanks for your constructional remark. I thought this forum would be here for help and not make other people down.

well, i already tried this factor but it dídn't work well. thanks so.

poseyjmac said:
my condo is 1.4 scale from my measurements in my map below, but still small. i would try 1.5 or 1.55 scale factor. and know that doors never translate well in direct measurements. you'll have to manually tweakthe door size to make it look good and let players through.

with which unit do you multiply your factor, cm or m..

1Luc1 said:
Thanks for your constructional remark. I thought this forum would be here for help and not make other people down.

well, i already tried this factor but it dídn't work well. thanks so.


Ah, stop being so defensive - i like newbies - its always good to see someone starting out :P

Make sure you post your map, i'm looking forward to seeing it :D
Doors are meant to be 112x56 units, so yes, that's quite a bit larger than the avarage door.
YES wright i have done now one room with your factor and it works fine thanks