ftp server from home?


Jul 21, 2004
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i have 2 computer, 1 main 1 storage both on a cable connection with a lynksys router, wired.

i want the storage computer to have a FTP downlod thing

i want it to be password protected so no one can see the files unless they log in first.

i dont know what to do, can someone help?
There's a number of things you have to do. I haven't got much time to explain everything but I'll try and point you in the right direction.

You'll need to install "Internet Information Services" if you want to use the default Windows FTP server. Go to "Add/Remove" programs and then "Windows components". It'll be in there if your version of Windows supports it. You'll need to have Windows 2000/XP Pro or Server 2003. Home may do it too but I don't know. Onced installed go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools. An option should be in there now, it'll have some like "ISS" in the name or something. You'll have to find a tutorial on how to set it up, it's a pain to do. Just Google "set up ftp server". All the password stuff along with everything else (root directory, user accounts) is set-up here. You may also have to create user accounts for this too.

You'll then have to configure router to forward the correct ports to your computer. Refer to your routers manual on how to set port forwarding for it. It'll be for incoming services.

Overall its a bitch to do (especially the password). I set-up a FTP server this way from home with password protection. There's probably some software that does it for you out there somewhere.

Sorry for he briefness, hope this helps.