Ftp server troubles...


Jul 22, 2003
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So I'm all excited, my ISP gave me a static IP for my new dsl service, and I'm all set to try it out. I figure I'll set up a small ftp server for myself (so I can access some files on my comp from other comps) and so I can allow a friend or two to grab a file directly from me.

I went and grabbed Cerberus, a free for private use FTP server app, and set myself all up. I enabled the standard windows xp firewall and enabled access to port 21 (ftp) from the firewall options.

I can access my ftp server fine from my comp. I enter the ftp addy and it's all perfect. My friends, however, report that they can't connect at all. I try to view my ftp site trhough another computer (I attempted to translate a file on my ftp server with google translation service) But I can't access it through that either.

The upshot is that nobody can access my ftp server except my computer (which is a rather useless setup, the whole point it to access it from elsewhere.) I've made sure all the permissions are set and stuff. There's no password required, etc.

What can I do, what can I test, how can I get it to work? Thanks!
And can someone please tell me how you use my shaw webspace?
Arg it's pissing me off. I don't have a router, and I've turned my firewall off. What is the problem. Maybe I'll call my ISP to see if they're blocking ports from there.
Post the log the FTP clients trying to connect to the PC are getting.

Also. When you set up an FTP usually you have to set a root folder, otherwise people tend to have problems connecting... I presume you've done this?
I did set up a root folder. As for any logs, I'll do what I can but as far as I know they can't connect at all. It's as if the ftp url was invalid.