fuel from coal


Aug 6, 2004
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i think that would be quite stupid. the cost of the process plus pollutant sequestration is just not practical.

why don't the idiots up there realize that nuclear power is the only true solution for the energy crisis in the near future. a lot more should be invested into energy storage technology (like super capacitators or batteries of some sort).

the ecological imprint of nuclear power is unimaginably small compared to any organic based energy form.
I completely agree. Put all funding into researching a way to store nuclear waste safely and we're set.
I completely agree. Put all funding into researching a way to store nuclear waste safely and we're set.

I entirely agree. Placing some nuclear waste in sealed barrels 100m below the surface in a concrete bunker is the least dangerous thing in the energy industry. Not to mention the technology for recycling spent nuclear fuel, that would rid us of high radioactive waste.

If somebody even thinks of mentioning Chernobyl i'm going to tie them up naked in a cage full of hungy squirrels.

If some of the funding that the oil companies operate with, would go into research of nuclear fusion we'd be short of making our very own artificial sun, in earths orbit.

The cost of the ITER project is 7 billion EU. That amount of money the oil companies probably spend in a week for company dinners or something.

It's just too funny and sad that we keep f****** around with coal, oil, useless solar energy, hydro and wind power. When the solution is few years away.
Vacuum energy for the win. :D

In all seriousness, coal isn't gonna last too far beyond. Solar is the way forward. Think about it, more of the suns energy hits the Earth everydaythan we consume in a year.The only problem is harnessing it, which we cna't do yet. Once we have those nanotech panels that scientists are experimenting on, we'll be set.
Vacuum energy for the win. :D

In all seriousness, coal isn't gonna last too far beyond. Solar is the way forward. Think about it, more of the suns energy hits the Earth everydaythan we consume in a year.The only problem is harnessing it, which we cna't do yet. Once we have those nanotech panels that scientists are experimenting on, we'll be set.

The coal supplies are much more abundant thats for sure.

Solar panels are useless. Unless we'd build them in the suns orbit. It's way more efficient to harness the radiant heat from a nuclear reaction (fusion reactors) that the light radiation emited especially so far away and on such a small surface.
solar, hydro, and wind are not useless.

ok not entirely, i agree. they help to smooth the peaks. as for the main constant supply...yes they are pretty much useless for the growing energy demand.
ok not entirely, i agree. they help to smooth the peaks. as for the main constant supply...yes they are pretty much useless for the growing energy demand.

as of right now, on a large scale, yes, I agree. however on small scale they work nicely
as of right now, on a large scale, yes, I agree. however on small scale they work nicely

like i said. they are essential for covering the energy peaks in the daily consumption graph. just small amounts. for our growing standard they are useless.
Jverne is incorrect if the current nuclear technology is not improved. He is correct when the current nuclear technology is improved.

Other debaters are correct about renewable energy when the energy potential is improved by new technology and techniques. Other debaters are incorrect about renewable energy (as the main source) when the energy potential is not improved by new technology and techniques.

I liek stopping debates in their tracks
Solar panels are useless.

At the moment. Thats because they are heavy, cumbersome and expensive, plus they only absorb 1 of the 7 coulours of the spectrum given off by the sun. But scientists are working on light, small and cheap ones built by nanotech that absorb a lot more energy - more than we need.

Having said that, Fusion will still be a better source of power.
We could fire the barrels of nuclear waste into the sun, which would keep us safe from radiation AND make the sun last longer so we can use solar energy for longer :D
I propose giving Stiggy the $10 billion for research into firing barrels into the sun.
We could fire the barrels of nuclear waste into the sun, which would keep us safe from radiation AND make the sun last longer so we can use solar energy for longer :D

actually, that's a not a very idiotic idea. it would be feasible when rocket technology becomes far more reliable and efficient. thing is that until then we'll probably have fusion which produces a lot less waste.

but i'm a conservationist when it comes to maintaining mass and energy balances of earth. i'm not too keen of exporting materials from earth.
Here's an idea. Bend Stigmata over stick a couple barrels up his ass. Point ass towards sun and feed him beans. Just a idea I'm just a old WV coal miner But i don't think coal is the answer to gasoline problems corn is.
We could fire the barrels of nuclear waste into the sun, which would keep us safe from radiation AND make the sun last longer so we can use solar energy for longer :D

What a fantastic idea, lets strap 100,000 barrels of nuclear waste to a rocket and shoot it off into space. Can't see any way this won't work great. Just ask Wil E. Coyote.
What a fantastic idea, lets strap 100,000 barrels of nuclear waste to a rocket and shoot it off into space. Can't see any way this won't work great. Just ask Wil E. Coyote.

Wile Coyote agrees! Let's go!

I say what's the point in wasting all the time and resources in creating mechanisims to deal with nuclear waste safely, when there are possible clean alternatives that have no dangerous waste bi-products in the first place.

I'm with Atomic Piggy, Vacuum energy ftw.

[YOUTUBE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6EnDBjCjBw [/YOUTUBE]
I say what's the point in wasting all the time and resources in creating mechanisims to deal with nuclear waste safely, when there are possible clean alternatives that have no dangerous waste bi-products in the first place.

I'm with Atomic Piggy, Vacuum energy ftw.

[YOUTUBE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6EnDBjCjBw [/YOUTUBE]

god no, no!!

i was afraid of that. you're the technological spin-off of Numbers.

just for laughs clarky, would you mind showing me the simplest possible design for the vacuum harnessing contraption. in particular how it's built, if it's not too much work i might give it a try in making one.
please, the simplest possible. i don't want to spend too much time on it.
Nuclear energy is not the solution. Solar power is not the solution.

What we need is nuclear, solar, hydro, wind, ALL working in unison at the same time for any of them to be truely effective.
god no, no!!

i was afraid of that. you're the technological spin-off of Numbers.

Oh god, grow up.

I listen to these people because there is obviously something to it, and if you can't see that then don't try mocking or patronising me for doing so. Use your intelligence and iquire about it yourself if you want to rubbish it. In my opinion fission reactions will always be dangerous and expensive and the material for them isn't exactley abundant, fusion experiments on large scales are hurrendously expensive and can't even be sustained yet for even a mere 10 seconds.
If there is even a glimmer that there is something to vacuum energy, which there appears to be, then I will always passionately support research into it.

So you don't need me to tell you, just go watch the British documentary it runs on water, or take notice of Steorn, or Keep an eye on Searle. To be perfectley honest I'm moderately skeptical myself, but it doesn't take a scientist to see that there is something to it.
Exactly. Vacuum energy is clean and limitless. Some estimate around 2020 the first time we try to mine it.
Oh god, grow up.

I listen to these people because there is obviously something to it, and if you can't see that then don't try mocking or patronising me for doing so. Use your intelligence and iquire about it yourself if you want to rubbish it. In my opinion fission reactions will always be dangerous and expensive and the material for them isn't exactley abundant, fusion experiments on large scales are hurrendously expensive and can't even be sustained yet for even a mere 10 seconds.
If there is even a glimmer that there is something to vacuum energy, which there appears to be, then I will always passionately support research into it.

So you don't need me to tell you, just go watch the British documentary it runs on water, or take notice of Steorn, or Keep an eye on Searle. To be perfectley honest I'm moderately skeptical myself, but it doesn't take a scientist to see that there is something to it.

emm...no...you are the expert (or so you pretend) show me. fusion is in its early years, give it some time.

yes you need to be a scientists to see that there is something. i'm quite sure most of that stuff you show is fake or a scam.
Nuclear energy is not the solution. Solar power is not the solution.

What we need is nuclear, solar, hydro, wind, ALL working in unison at the same time for any of them to be truely effective.

But that's not exactly practical. Think of the cost it would take to build such a contraption. :O
The claim of Steorn is currently being validated, should know by the end of the year if they're full of it or not.

Easiest way for that is to cut off the companies' electricity, they should be fine :p
The claim of Steorn is currently being validated, should know by the end of the year if they're full of it or not.

Easiest way for that is to cut off the companies' electricity, they should be fine :p

guess who will be in the commite.

Beginning in January 2007, a panel of 22 scientists chosen by Steorn began the process of validation of Steorn's technology, branded "Orbo".


Surely if we put solar panels and Wind turbines on every house and business we could produce enough power for everyone. When we can't, pick up the slack with Nuclear or Coal. If we reduce the need for power from these stations they could run on existing fuel supply's for much longer and the trees could handle their gas's. The reason alternative energy is going nowhere is because their trying to supply 100% of our power, I don't believe they need to.
As for Coal sourced fuel, why the hell would we do that?
god no, no!!

i was afraid of that. you're the technological spin-off of Numbers.

just for laughs clarky, would you mind showing me the simplest possible design for the vacuum harnessing contraption. in particular how it's built, if it's not too much work i might give it a try in making one.
please, the simplest possible. i don't want to spend too much time on it.

I'll be sure to send you the instructions the moment you tell me how i get my hands on one of those homemade fusion reactors.
I'll be sure to send you the instructions the moment you tell me how i get my hands on one of those homemade fusion reactors.

o yeah, no problem. they should be somewhere here on my desk underneath these papers.

it's really nothing special, just a few gigawatts of fusion power.

here's a pic of my reactor. you can see me there adjusting the power coils.


here are the plans:
just make sure you regulate the hydrogen inflow inclination, otherwise it wont keep the reaction continuous.

Cheers, been messing around with that for a few hours but i just cant keep that plasma up and running, could you lend me a hand here?
Right, tried that but i think it somehow vaporized somewhere around the 10 million degrees.