Fugitive Studios(Opposing Shephard) is hiring

Apparently some people get so attached to their own ideas they take helpful advice as criticism.

I've pretty much given up on trying to give this mod any recommendations or advice since they seem to think I'm just insulting em. May as well just cut out the middle man.
Yes, it is a shame. I mean, he posted the story and people merely posted what they though. Becoming attached is no help at all when you are trying to take your project somewhere, you'll be blinded by the glaring crapness of it.

It pains me, really it does, to see people say things about the mod just because of hot. Yes, hot does have a temper (as he even told me so once) and sometimes acts rather rash. Yes, he has insulted people (even though I didn't say whatever hot said, I'd like to say sorry to you, Samon, Gonzo, and Angry Lawyer (as well as any others I might not know about). I'm not the only member that'd like to repair our mod's reputation, but it seems, at the moment, I'm the only one doing anything about it (at least, on these forums; haven't checked any others).

hot might not particularly like criticism, but, believe it or not, I do. As Kal has said many times, it's the only way for a mod to get better. So, please: post as much criticism as you'd like (just try to say it in a helpful way please :) ). Even if the other team members don't, at least I'll take your critique to heart and see what comes of it.
For the first time in a long time, I've gone without bitching about the mod, because it finally has people who are willing to put at least some effort into it, even though I think certain parts are intrinsically flawed. I'm just bitching about Hotnumbers, because its fun to bitch about him.

I'll reiterate:


I have no sham.

-Angry Lawyer
Well, your story sucked last time it was posted - so I hope its changed :)
Not to mention the fact that he stole material directy from RTB...
well i didnt realalise hot had done these things to you. please continue.

p.s i was only remarking on how malicious you were beeing to him. but it turns out is is justified.
crackhead said:
i think with good management a big team can work. as you can see from traps even a small team can fail with bad managment.

how have we failed? were still in the process of concept work and level design?
our modeler has finished the player model that was assigned to him and now hes workin one a different assignment were still looking for team members :S and its not called traps anymore its called espionage: source.:hmph:
All i think the large number are saying is the Hot didn't act in a good manner for an ambassador of a Mod, he made it seem worse.

Also most of the people who want to play a Half Lfie Universe Mod want something that will either stay true to the main and key plot points, or will make a plotline that fits inside the universe while justifiying it's existance.
Yes, Hot does tend to take some critism to heart. I'm also trying to increase our reputation on some other forums. Alot of what I've seen has been harsh after harsh comments on Hot and Opposing Shephard. But I think I can see where it all comes from...his leadership. I'm not saying that he's a horrible leader or anything, I've been with Opposing Shephard since the beginning, when my modification, C.H.A.O.S, and Opposing Shephard worked together. The only problem is he doesn't seem to be fond of critics. Although, in a way, you can't blame him completely. As some comments like "Your mod sucks" isn't the most constructive critism, and he seems to take it as most comments such as "Your story sucks, you should change it." As "Your mod sucks man, give up!" Not as "Hey, you should improve your story."

I'm the PR Manager for Opposing Shephard, and right now I think it's my duty, and Operative lm's, to improve the community's rating of it.
on the other hand you did gain a website designer, an animator and a level designer from this post did you not? also instead of trying to win back peoples opinions you are just trying to make excuses. as mush as i think jason is a great guy he doesnt seemed to be liked very much on these forums so i suggest operativelm if hes still the leader or general leet makes the help wanted posts from now on.
I'm not here to make excuses for my teammates, they can explain themselves. I'm just saying you can't blame him completely. It's a shame he's made a bad impression on Half Life 2 forums. I post help topics from now on I believe. I am trying to win back peoples opinion, I'm just trying to show both sides of the story, that's all.
Samon said:
Well, your story sucked last time it was posted - so I hope its changed :)

yes it has, it nothing the way i wrote it :thumbs:

SixThree said:
Not to mention the fact that he stole material directy from RTB...
it no where to be seen now, if you want to know
If you want your mod to get a 'good reputation' stop posting banners using graphics from other games and stop saying everthing's a 'really early WIP', we wanna see good work, not the work you started 20 minutes ago.

Also, stop trying to 'tease' us and release something when you've got something to show us.
Hollywood said:
As some comments like "Your mod sucks" isn't the most constructive critism, and he seems to take it as most comments such as "Your story sucks, you should change it." As "Your mod sucks man, give up!" Not as "Hey, you should improve your story."

Being blunt with Hot was the clearly the only way it was going to get into his head. Constructive criticism had to take a step back, since what was written was horrendous, I hate to say it.

Now here we are, aware of Opposing Shepard and its position within the mod community. Its disliked, its members frowned upon - no credibility to its name.

You don't want your mod to be recieved as meh, and you are trying to change it. Sad thing is, you aren't doing it very well at all. If you want to change the way people percieve Opposing Shepard then you need to buck up your ideas.
Your unprofessional work, your poor 'WIPS' and dodgy banners need to go. You need to get some professionals in on it, people who know what they are doing - because I'm sure did you do that, OS could indeed have a bright future. But thats all dependant on how willing and eager you are to strive for that.

Listen to the goddam community.
on the other hand you could all change your names and anounce that the mod has been taken over by a team of elite proffessional modders. :d
It's a shame what people have come to think of Opposing Shephard. But I think Samon is right. Things aren't quite going well with how things are right now.
hahaha i just noticed your the public relations manager. why was jason making the posts?
becasue he was just made Public Relations Manager, no simpler than that
:LOL: Maybe he is...

I was wondering why you didn't seem to wan't me to create help topics crackhead, now I know.