Fun fun fun for everyone


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
So, I was just granted 100% read write access to the server hosting my school's website.

Now what?
Be subtle about it, change images of the school's website ever so slightly. Perhaps a little animation in them, or a pedobear somewhere in the background.
Almost like PvtRyan, but upload the photos up here for photoshop contests. Funniest ones get uploaded to the site.
Be subtle about it, change images of the school's website ever so slightly. Perhaps a little animation in them, or a pedobear somewhere in the background.
Making small, subtle changes that last months > making huge changes that last hours.

Go through and rewrite every instance of the word "organism" as "orgasm", add some semi-hidden images, invisibly-hyperlink single words or characters to inappropriate sites, etc.

[edit] Make sure there's no way for your changes to get tracked. Make all your changes via a library computer or something.
Start subtle. Then escalate. It worked for hetairia...?

Well link to your school webbie plz
Why is the guy holding/fondling it... :x

If you look in his other hand... he has a baggy. He's going to save it's ejaculate. Perhaps to flavor up a soup... or perhaps for something scientific related like impregnating a female whale.
Did you get granted this or did you actually hack into the site? Either way, Stigmata knows best. I suppose even if it is just minor changes, someone will notice them eventually, then they'll start trying to track it. Maybe you could wait a bit between changes. Oh, and don't forget our linky BTW.