Fun Glitch!


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
Well, when I was playing commander, I was in the commander screen...well, the map ended while I was IN commander screen. Map changed, and this is the lovely result.



Guessing you were able to drive while gun at the same time? Can't really tell in the screenies...
Well the glitch is his view distance, there's no fog. That looks awesome Pitz, to actually see the map like that. Any performance hit from it rendering all that?
If you posted this on the tbf2 forums people would go apeshit and call you a hacker :laugh:
Haha, that's why I didn't post it there.

And no, I didn't notice any difference...apparently it still renders everything the same..I think the fog is just silly anyway. Makes the map look crappy IMHO, looks so much better.

You people don't play Mashturd enough to realize that yes, there is NO fog...makes sniping people across the map easier, they are like "OMG WHERE IS HE!?" hehe
Yeah sometimes I'll see Mashtuur without any fog and I'll think it looks so much better and more like a city like that...same for Karkand...
I wish they didn't have the fog. Ruins the atmosphere in most the maps. Mashtuur looks ace like that, Pitz.
I wish they didn't have the fog. Ruins the atmosphere in most the maps. Mashtuur looks ace like that, Pitz.

So now all I have to do, before Karkand or Mashturd, be the commander and have the commander screen open before the map changes..VIOLA!
Lol@those who didn't figure out what the glitch was... and are/were BF2 players ;)

But...but...I haven't played BF2 in a long ass time...

/cries in shame
All the maps are f-ugly imo anyway :P
Well, I agree on Wake Island ;)

My new monitor makes it looks sexy as the way it was intended.