Fun MP Ideas

Jul 1, 2003
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Here's my idea for a GTA MP. I posted this exact thing before in a thread talking about GTA:SA...but I decided to bring it back for opinions and to see what you guys have in mind for MP games (preferably somewhat innovative :)).

Police vs. Gang

Gang - The gang does as much dmg and cause as much trouble as they can before they die or before a certain time limit is reached. They have access to any weapons given they choose weapons with a limited number of points to spend (better weapons would cost more points...thus you would have less ammo and such). You could arm yourself with more armor...or maybe pool together for an armored vehicle for the team.

Police - You have access to basic equipment and cop cars at first. You can respawn when you die as many times as necessary. It could be based loosely off the wanted star system in the regular game where you get better equipment and resources to work with as the gang does more damage to the city/citizens/law enforcement. You can check your map for alerts as to where damage is being done. This way you can track down the gang while they are on their rampage. The more dmg..the easier if would be to find the gang on your map (could be like a radius of a few blocks if they're just killing a few people every so often...but if they're blowing tons of stuff would narrow down to their actual location)

Once the gang is killed...their point value is totaled. Sides are switched and the cops play as the gang and so on.

I think it could be fun with 4v4 or something. fun would that be? You and 3 other guys in an armored humvee running away from a couple of cop cars, one with a guy in the passenger's seat trying to take out your tires. A guy in a helicopter above you with a spotlight on your humvee that would maybe partially blind you and your gunners or something and the other cop car with just the driver is trying to sideswipe you to spin you out. Your 3 buddies are shooting at the cop cars trying to kill them or take out their tires.

There could be a commander position as well that could dispatch some other police forces such as roadblocks, spike strips, somehow resupply the police team with ammo and such, let the police team know where alerts are going off, etc.
Dalamari said:
GTA:SA is too big for 4v4

Oops. I edited the part out where I mentioned that when you make the game you'd choose a map (one of the 3 cities of SA). I think 4v4 would be fine in one of the cities.
Hmmm, even still a 4 man police force isn't much

Maybe 10 cops and 5 gang members, or 20 cops, and maybe the cops can get reports of where the crime is going on like 3 mins after it happens so the gang has time to pull it off, also there would be NPC's walking around so that the cops don't just hunt for gang members, it will take time to find them.
Dalamari said:
Hmmm, even still a 4 man police force isn't much

Maybe 10 cops and 5 gang members, or 20 cops, and maybe the cops can get reports of where the crime is going on like 3 mins after it happens so the gang has time to pull it off, also there would be NPC's walking around so that the cops don't just hunt for gang members, it will take time to find them.

That would work too. I think the instant reports would give the cops a better chance of finding the gang before they move on though and it would make for faster gameplay. It could be lots of fun with more people too. That way the chases/battles would be more complex and exciting.