Friendly, can't wait for day to see Half-Life 2 game on shopping place shelf? Do you have dream of Gordon game? Do you want to know everything that is knowable, and then some? Maybe play it game? Today?
Well, now made possible! Just following simple tips, and you be the envy person of your all your friendlies.
1. Climb tree outsiding VaLvish offices. Make peer in window. If someone ask what doing you are, tell them Mister. Newell ask you to trim trees. When they attempting go ask Mister. Newell, about the guy in tree, run away.
2. Get job at VaLve, preferring janitor. When clearing up during night hour, feel freely to make cleaning around computation terminals.
3. Discover out sort of fast food people at Valve likingly eat, and get job as delivery boy for that restaurant. When deliveration food to VaLve, make insisting that only Mister. Gabe can make paying for it. While receptionist adminsitrator looking for Newel, sneakably past the receptionist desk.
4. Ring doorbell at VaLve, hide in some bushels. When Mister Newel come answer door, sneakingly get past him.
5. Make Pretending that you were Mister. (real) gordon freedman's lawier. (Due to fact that in real life accordingly to Google.com that is real life mr. freeman in real life.) Demanding to see Mister. Newel in regarding upcoming name plagarism lawsuitations you are launch against VaLve on behalf side of Mister. (real) Freedman. When you getting in to see Newel, insistingly make that you be allowed to play Half-Live 2 game, to see if there is anything inside game that infringingly on old man real freeman in particulary.
6. Place reallooking doll baby inside basket on front step of VaLvish office. Ring doorbell + run away. Basket will be taken inside by Buttler possibly. Inside doll's head is a miniatur videorecordation camera. You are guarantidly to get some footage of Half-Live 2 game, before VaLve figure out going on what is.
7. Seal self in large bright decoratedly cardboardlike box, preferingly with airhole. Get friend mail you to Mister Newell at VaLvish office. Gabe open box, thinkis it is birthday present. Before you become thrown in jailed, be assureed to take manylots of pictures of the Valvish workplacement.
8. Send letter to the staff VaLvish offices, telling that strippers will be appearance in VaLvish parking during the Wednesday at 2:30 of time. When everyone going out of side to see strippers, sneakingly go inside, and lock doors behind of you. The jokes will be on VaLve crews: there will be no strippers in appearance that were supposedly promised!
9. Pretending to be squeegee person. when Newel mister pull up to VaLvish parking, clean his windshield of car. Do crappy job. When Newel Mister get mad at you, get into scuffles with him and steal the belonging wallet from him. Should there to be some good Half-Live 2 game stuff inside of it.
10. Start picket line of radial feminist out of side of VaLvish office who are outragous at sexism in Half-Live serie game. Attempting Avoiding scene, and bad publicitys, Mister. Gabe invite you inside to see for yourselves that Missis Alyx is strong female character, and whorages in game are strongly role models for women.