Fun with Grenades

Aug 14, 2003
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In the barricade video, when Gordon hucks a grenade at the two combines, large chunks of the debris they were using for cover fly pretty far (Almost the width of two houses).

If an enemy were hit by these, would it die?

If so, the grenades may become my new favorite weapon.
Toss one beside a wooden fence and launch the planks at the Combines on the other side. :cool:
Originally posted by Mechagodzilla
If an enemy were hit by these, would it die?

Well, it's physically modelled so I see no reason why enemies won't take damage. It's just the same as throwing the debris with the Manipulator.

Physics is fun.
If I were in the war against the combine, instead of throwing a grenade at the enemy I'd throw one of those little pumpkins. And when they pick it up and start to realize how stupid war is, I'd throw a real grenade at them.
Re: Re: Fun with Grenades

Originally posted by Feath
Physics is fun.

I have a teacher that says Physics is Phun. And I want to kill people when I hear that.

But flying debris that kills people is fun =P
Yes. Did you know that the crowbar attack(you probably know, but some don't) is a solid object flying through the air that will hit just like it would in real life. Say you swing it from the side (doubt the swings are controlable though) it would hit the side you swung it from and do damage, from that side. Err, I didn't really explain it well enough. Instead of like HL1 and almost every other game, where the crowbar is just an animated object that LOOKS like it is hitting and doing damage, the crowbar really WILL be flying through the air and hitting and doing damage...

Well anyway, I would grab a rocket launcher (assuming I had enough ammo or even the gun itself handy) and launch it at walls and whatnot just to get debris flying at enemies. The debris will physically do damage, kill, crush, all taht good stuff.
Physics the class and physics in a game are two totally different subjects. Not to mention I'm taking physics this year, anyone know if it's a hard course or not?
I can already see my Honors Physics teacher snagging an LCD projector, a new Dell machine, and some lessons on mapping and modeling to use this in class...
Originally posted by guinny
Physics the class and physics in a game are two totally different subjects. Not to mention I'm taking physics this year, anyone know if it's a hard course or not?

Not really. You wouldn't be able to code physics in a game without a basic knowlege of regular physics.

That was one of the most pointeless an yet humorous posts.
as soon as i get a frag grenade im going to try to throw it at a combines head and try to see if he takes any dmg before it explodes.
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
as soon as i get a frag grenade im going to try to throw it at a combines head and try to see if he takes any dmg before it explodes.

You did in hl1, I once got a grenade right in a scientists ass and it gibbed him.
Physics is sort of hard, yet i got a C, so it can't be that hard. Thats an A level in physics BTW.
The physics model used in the real game is actually very close to what'll you'll learn when you do basic static and ballistic physics.
aww man, i could have taken physics this year, but no, i ad to go with chem AP. It's gonna be hard as shit....
Yup, AP Chem, doing that this year as well. Goddamn, it is gonna suck. I specifically asked NOT to go into hard classes, and look at what I get!
some mods will prolly have the ability to pick stuff up from the ground and throw at your enemies.. would be pretty cool
I wonder if you can pick up a live enemy with the manipulater and hurl him into a wall or another enemy :P
Ok, I bet the chunks would kill them, because anything you throw (that is big enough) with the manipulator can kill enemies.
Originally posted by Gordon'sFreeman
I wonder if you can pick up a live enemy with the manipulater and hurl him into a wall or another enemy :P

Nope, you can't pick up enemies. Gabe has said.
Man I really can't wait to rip that radiator from the wall and smack it into a combine soldier's face. A great feeling that must give :) Too bad you can't pick up living stuff (it's true, gabe said it, 't was a design decision, not a technical limitation), but hey, the manipulator is still going to be a great weapon. Hope the limit of what you can pick up isn't going to be too low. Picking up cars would be a tad too much, but I hope decent sized rocks or something the size and weight of a safe is possible.
It would be cool if you could rip the engine out of the one of those cars and use that with the manipulator. Them suckers are heavy!

Also i'd like to be able to push over a book case onto an enemy, or maybe a refrigerator. LOL that would be funny.
In theory the mass and size of materials are two separate values determined by the definition of that material. If so, you could have a 'dark matter' effect - a pebble sized object that weighs a huge amount. Conversly, you could tone the mass of all objects down to create a classic low-grav environment.
I wonder what the death reason will be in multiplayer.

eediot killed fictiouswill with debris

FictiousWill was killed by debris


i.e debris = chair, and u throw a chair at someone and he dies

FictiousWill was killed by chair


eediot killed FictiousWill with chair

Re: Re: Re: Fun with Grenades

Originally posted by Impute
I have a teacher that says Physics is Phun. And I want to kill people when I hear that.

But flying debris that kills people is fun =P

Oh, wow, this is really weird....the physics teacher at my school also says physics is phun.

Edit: I just read some of the posts at the top of this page...I'm taking AP Chem too.....actually the only reason I'm taking it is cause I don't want to take the "phun physics" class, and there's nothing else left since I took AP bio last year.....ugh...........
I can see it now....

source engine now being used to teach highschool seniors...
Is it possible to catch a grenade from the air with the manipulator?
that would be cool..:P
The flying debris thing would be so damn cool. imagine firing a rocket at a wall and the explosion lets large chunks of metal and wood go flying through the air. :cool:
My physics teacher had a sticker that said Physics is Fun! I loved that class! :D
Being that the word physics is in reference to multiple subjects as in laws, and even when used as a singular includes the s. Wouldn't it be grammatically correct for the word 'are' to take precedent being that it wold better encompass both the singular and plural so it would be Phyics are fun? not is fun?
physics (class) is fun. now leave out the class and you've got what gabe said.
Originally posted by Aethaecyn
Being that the word physics is in reference to multiple subjects as in laws, and even when used as a singular includes the s. Wouldn't it be grammatically correct for the word 'are' to take precedent being that it wold better encompass both the singular and plural so it would be Phyics are fun? not is fun?

Not when the word physics is being used in refrence to a course subject. It applies identically to such phrases as "english is fun" or "statistics is boring"

Now if I were commenting about statistics in general, i.e. I believe individual studies of data and their represenations and manipulations thereof are boring, I would state "statistics are boring."

Therefore I think I stand for the majority when I state that "virtual objects and their simulated physical interactions with other virtual objects are very interesting."

or if you wish:
"virtual objects and their simulated physical interaction with other virtual objects is very interesting."

I see I have gone nowhere and wasted 20 seconds of my life. Apologies all round, especially to those for whom my post was the latest reply to this thread.
I have a teacher that says Physics is Phun. And I want to kill people when I hear that. But flying debris that kills people is fun =P

The flying debris thing would be so damn cool. imagine firing a rocket at a wall and the explosion lets large chunks of metal and wood go flying through the air.

People, people, calm down, I know you think I am cool, however I don't go around killing people no matter how much you want me to. I am no killer. :cool: