

Nov 21, 2003
Reaction score
Is there any reason why the only func_ entities I have are func_ladderendpoint and func_usableladder. I don't have the func_buyzone or anything else. I have the cstrike fgd selected. I was under the impression that that was what determined your available entities.
Anable said:
Is there any reason why the only func_ entities I have are func_ladderendpoint and func_usableladder. I don't have the func_buyzone or anything else. I have the cstrike fgd selected. I was under the impression that that was what determined your available entities.
There is indeed a reason :). You've not made the distinction between point-based entities (those created with the entity tool) and brush-based entities (those applied or "tied" to a brush).

To create a func_buyzone, draw a brush to cover the area you want to use for the buyzone, and set its texture to "nodraw". Then either right-click it in one of the 2D viewports and "Tie [it] to Entity", or just hit ctrl-T. Choose func_buyzone and set it to CT or T.
Ok, I see how that works. Unfortunately I still don't have a "func_buyzone" option. I see func_brush, func_button, and then func_clip_vphysics.

What's crazy is if I load up de_cbble I see the buyzone they've tied to their trigger brush, but if I moved to world and then tie to entity again, the func_buyzone class (along with several others) no longer appear.

Nevermind, I'm retarded. I forgot I had been messing with the fgds and I only had the base and not the cstrike put in. Works great now. Thanks!