func_brush vs. func_detail


Nov 11, 2003
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whats the difference between the two? don't they both just not get compiled as brushes?
they both don't cut into the BSP, but func_brush is much more flexible than func_detail, as you've probably seen.

func_detail is the only brush-based entity that will block ragdolls. func_brush should only be used if you need to take advantage of the features it offers.
So pillars, lose bricks, rubble, arches, stairs and all that stuff should be detail then?
a good general rule is, every static brush thats NOT blocking visibility should be func_detail.

sometimes even small walls in a building by doors and windows should be func_detail and let an area portal seal it up.
NoisyMonk said:
So pillars, lose bricks, rubble, arches, stairs and all that stuff should be detail then?
Yeah if it isn't already another entity (prop, physics, etc), Otherwise VIS will divide up the air using every side of every brush as a flat plane, slicing through the air and dicing it into tiny bits. Each one must calculate if it can see into each next tiny piece. That's why vis takes hours.
the hell.. after I changed all my arches and stuff from func_brushes to func_detailed, they cut up all the bsp..? I thought they weren't supposed to?
NoisyMonk--they can't. I find that doing a CTRL+T for entity when IGNORE GROUPS button is on can abort the creation of entities(special form of group). Maybe they aren't really entities anymore.

ENtities can't divide the bsp except for Hint, AreaPortals and probably Occluders (i think that's all the special cases). My guess..either you are looking at things wrong or you converted them to plain world brushes.

I've got hundreds of the things in my map--they don't break the BSP leaves.
Then I must be misunderstanding these pics...

Showing that it is a func_detail...

Showing that its cut.. (highlighted in red)

Showing that a func_brush looks much different...
Okay, I can't exaplain this fully cause it is dipping to low into rendering for me and so far the info HL2 gave out on wireframe mode is next to nothing. But that image proves that it isn't cutting. Those triangular cuts can't be made by BSP division.

Wireframe has 4 modes-only a few tutorials realize this.
0 - off
1 - brownish-pink triangle mode
2 - green triangle mode
3 - brownish-pink BSP polygon mode

I have no clue if there is any diff between 1&2. They look identical except for color. Maybe for maps where that color was too prominent to be seen.

It is mode 3 that shows you clearly how the BSP is cutting up your map. There you clearly see how the edges of a world brush break a perpendicular face.

BSP deals in polygons. If you create a cylinder, the FACE of the cylinder is one polygon. BSP is cool with that. Your video card is not.

Video cards only deal in trangles. So every textured/lit face the BBSP has must be broken into further triangles. Now here's where the logic fails me. I see simple rectangles being broken into 2,3,5,10 triangles. I don't understand why. The logic seems to walk around the perimeter of a polygon(wiremode 3) and at any EXTERNAL edge change it breaks it into another trangle internally. I have no idea why that would be necessary.

Also I don't know who is in charge of triangulating the faces--HL2, DirectX, the video driver. I've seen what you've seen and I believe the triangulation variance occurs according to the ORDER the polygons get handed to the rendering stream. Which by the way is probably dictated somewhat by the order in the BSP which is affeted by the BRUSH # in Hammer. Some old HL1 errors could be got around by cut-and-paste a trouble brush out then right back to where it was. It would put it in a later position in the VMF file and it would change the orders fo calculation. I'm betting if you cut and paste that world brush roof section out then right back in you may revert to the previous pattern of breaking.

Lastly, it is important to remmber, for BSP the edges of a polygon will cut any face it lays against. Think of the edge like one of those lazer-line leveling things you see on TV now. When a brush edge lays up against another face the edge makes a split across the entire face. The Arch pieces aboe would not split the face above the door.